One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for March 4, 2015

Congratulations to the Dodson girls for making it to divisional in the basketball tournament. On Senior night several Star quilts made by Melissa and Jackson Henry were given away, besides other quilts and blankets and other things by other parents were given to proud recipients. You did good girls!

Polly Solberg has been a busy gal, going to Ismay on Feb 16 to visit son Nathan, Libby and Devon. On the way there she stopped in Glendive to visit Elaine (Solberg) Brophy and Jason and Karen (Solberg) Allery. Coming home she stopped in Miles City at the home of Patty (Olson) Hubbell. This week she went to Havre and visited Gladys Thackeray, Betty Munson, Sandi Gebert and Jan McElory.

Carol Kienenberger went to Great Falls on Sunday.

The City Hall has new windows and looks pretty nice after the vandalism it sustained earlier.

Jessie Wilkes and Cody Olson were here to show off their new son, Nichademus Glen, to great grandparents Don and Connie Wilkes, and other family. They visited Edward and Polly Solberg on Sunday before going back to Fort Benton.

Winter has proved it is not quite over with another blast of cold and a slight covering of snow. Spring is coming though, don’t forget to set your clocks ahead this Saturday night as Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday.

The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes the home happy and life lovely. Have a good day!


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