One Nation, Under God

I could get by with fewer firearms, but I am always looking for more

The headline caught my eye: “14 guns seized from murder suspect’s home.”

The story was about the weapons, and cache of ammunition found in the home of a man charged with killing three young Muslims in North Carolina recently.

I won’t say how many weapons I own, but the number is close to that. I’m hoping that’s the only similarity we share. I’d hate to hear the guy is also a 62-year-old Cubs fan who likes to hunt and fish and listen to Tom Petty.

It makes sense to report on the number of firearms someone owns when they’re charged in three shooting deaths. However, it also infers that the suspect is a “gun nut,” and anyone with that many weapons is sooner or later going to shoot somebody.

I think the shooter was simply a nut that cracked over the loss of a parking space.

From September through December, I carry a loaded weapon more days than not. And I don’t have it slung on my back. It’s in my hands ready to raise and fire in an instant.

I’m always a bit relieved when I get back to the truck, unload the gun and pack it away, having not shot myself, my hunting buddies or my dogs. Carrying a firearm is a tremendous responsibility.

I don’t hunt with every weapon I own. A few are antiques that hang on the wall. A handful of others are firearms I’ve had since I was a kid that I keep for sentimental reasons. I do have rifles for big game hunting and a couple of .22s for plinking. I also have shotguns in all flavors -- single shot, over-under, pump and semi-auto.

I have a few handguns, too, revolvers and semiautomatics.

My cache of ammo is another matter. Can you ever really have enough?

I could get by with far fewer firearms than I have, but instead, I’m always looking for more. I like to buy, sell and trade. I always have. It’s not out of fear that I collect weapons. I like the way they look and feel. I appreciate how they work and how they sound.

Imelda Marcos didn’t collect shoes because her feet were cold. She simply liked shoes.

I hope my gun collection remains just that and never becomes evidence. I’d prefer the headline read: “14 firearms, cache of ammo, found in responsible gun owner’s home, no injuries reported.”

Parker Heinlein is at [email protected]


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