One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for February 4, 2015

Triangle Communications put on a internet/computer workshop at the city hall that was quite well attended. It was led by Anne Boothe and Scott Strobel.

Polly Solberg and Dora Henry visited Gladys Thackeray at the Sweet Nursing Home in Chinook on Monday and had lunch with Marilyn Henry and two of Polly’s cousins in Havre while doing some shopping.

Polly Solberg went to Fairfield on Thursday to visit her brother Bert Windels and extended family. She also visited Sid and Merrimae Solberg and extended family at Sand Coulee for a few days, returning home on Sunday evening.

There was a large crowd attending the spaghetti supper put on by Triangle Communications for the public at the Dodson School on Thursday evening. It was a thank you from Triangle and the public would like to return with a “Thank You” for the supper and things given away.

After several days of much milder weather, snow and cold returned on Saturday. Hopefully it will warm up again soon. Many people have been falling as they cannot see the ice under the snow.

Happy Birthday to Dean Kienenberger.

You know your children are growing up when they stop asking where they came from and refuse to tell you where they’re going.

Have a Happy Day and remember, Valentine’s day is coming. Also Lent is creeping up----early this year.


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