One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of December 31, 2014

100 years ago

December 31, 1914

Headline: On Cash Basis

Mr. Brandon informs us that commencing the first of the year that the Clanton & Brandon grocery store will be run on a strictly cash basis, and that no goods will be sold any other way. He gives as his reason for going on the cash basis that he is the loser every year to a large extent on bad accounts, and further off, he can get the cash he can give the people of Malta better service and better prices with no loss. This is a step taken by many of the stores in the older states and it has worked no hardship on any one where it has been practiced and should not here.

Headline: Odd Fellows Elect Officers

At the meeting of the local Odd Fellows last night the following officers were elected for the ensuing term:

R.E. Scheppleman, N.G.

John Survant, V.G.

Alexander Elliott, Treas.

Goe. Chambers, Sec'y

Wm. Tressler, Dist. Deputy

Peter Goertz, Trustee

John Harding, Trustee

James Wilson, Trustee

75 years ago

December 27, 1939

Headline: 30,000 Persons Visited Pool in 1939

Eight times as many persons visited the American Legion Health plunge in Phillips County in 1939 as in 1933, when development of a natural hot water well was undertaken by the Phillips County Post of the American Legion, according to figures compiled for the past year.

At least 30,000 people rented cabins or apartments, swam in the pools or visited the resort during the past year, records indicate. This is an increase of about 10 percent over 1938 and double that of 1937.

Outdoor swimming remains one of the principal sports in Phillips County every month in the year. Cabins and apartments, obtained at winter rates, are much in demand, according to Manager William Jaynes, who adds that the number of winter visitors exceeds that of previous years.

25 years ago

December 27, 1989

Headline: $212,335 in scrip helps Malta businesses

As the 1989 Christmas shopping season draws to a close, it may well turn out to be one of the most successful for our merchants in a long time.

According to Jim Sandsness, first vice president of First State Bank, which loaned out $121,775 in interest-free Christmas Scrip, it had to help the local economy.

At First Security Bank, $90,560 in Christmas Scrip was loaned out over the season, according to Gary Howell, senior vice president.

Headline: It's a small world

It's a small world sometimes.

Malta resident, John Richardson has an extra interest in news of the U.S. military effort in Panama since he has a grandson serving there.

Richardson told the PCN Tuesday that his son, Jerry, who lives in Washington state, put a tape into his VCR just the other day to tape the news on CNN concerning Panama so that his son, Bret, (Richardson's grandson) who is serving there, could watch it when he returns home.

Two minutes into the newscast, the camera scanned a group of soldiers on a grassy knoll then zeroes in on a close up of a soldier's face who turned out to be none other than Richardson's grandson, Bret.

10 years ago

December 29, 2004

Headline: Christmas Scrip loan total makes 2% rebound

The Christmas Scrip program in Phillips County rebounded a bit in 2004-showing a two-percent increase over the last year, according to Don Nevrivy, who coordinates the annual program for the Malta Area Chamber of Commerce.

This year a total of $308,109 was loaned out to shoppers ...during the two and a half months Christmas Scrip is offered.

Last year's total was $300,939, Nevrivy said.

The total was about $317,000 in 2002 and about $326,000 in 2001.


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