One Nation, Under God
Senior Dinner Meals
Thursday, January 1st - Happy New Year - no meals served
Friday, January 2nd - Stuffed Cabbage
Tuesday, January 6th - Meat Loaf
If you have a January birthday - let us know when you sign in for dinner. You could be January’s winner of a 10 meal dinner ticket.
Phillips County Museum
Winter Closure
The Phillips County Museum will be closed January through March.
Malta City Office
1-1. City of Malta office, shop and landfill will be closed January 1, 2015 for New Year’s Day
Good News Club
1-4. The Good News Club; Ray Harms (406)301-2440, Greg Skiff (406)654-7505, and Rev. Steven Heppner (406)390-0012 is sponsoring “Not My Kid, what every parent should know” produced by the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, will be shown at Ray J’s on January 4, 6:00 p.m. Please RSVP, as seating is limited to 30 people, by January 2 for ribs, fry bread, three pepper salad, lemon aide or ice tea, free will donation.
Malta Dirt Daubers
1-5. Malta Dirt Daubers will hold a noon, brown bag luncheon meeting at the Phillips County Museum on Monday, January 5. Extension agent Shelly Mills will give a program on attracting bees to our gardens. Public welcome to the no host lunch and meeting.
Malta Kiwanis Meeting
1-6. Malta Kiwanis will meet on Tuesday, January 6 at 6 p.m. at Westside Cafe. We need to plan for the MHS speech meet and also for concessions at an upcoming basketball game. Please come!
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