One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
December 10, 2014
Headline: Phillips County
This may be premature, but a fair understanding makes friends and keeps them.
Now that county division is the issue, we should settle the question intelligently and with malice toward none. According to wealth and population, we have a legal right for a new county, conceded to all concerned. We are, so to speak, like a child becoming of age and respectfully ask Mother Valley and Papa Blaine for our share.
But some object, saying it will increase our taxes. I think it is better to pay five dollars and have something than to pay four dollar and have nothing, and no set of officers can possibly be picked that can do justice to everybody in a county as large are Blaine and Valley County at present...
I hope Mama Valley and Papa Blaine have a good supply of slippers and rice to sling as us on the second of February.
75 years ago
December 7, 1939
Headline: Feed Reserves loss in Fire, Prairie blaze damage estimated at $25,000
A check-up of damage sustained by farmers and ranchers in the Black Coulee and south Bowdoin communities in last week's prairie fire reveals an extensive loss in feed reserves, including approximately 50 sections of grass, 100 tons of hay, 50 miles of fence and a number of buildings.
To total loss, estimates of 8-cents per acre, fences at $75 per mile and hay at $5 per ton and barns and sheds amounts to approximately $25,000, it is figured.
Headline: Mrs. Peck named President of County M.E.A. Unit
A Phillips County unit of the Montana Education Association was organized in Malta on Saturday, December 9. Wm. B. Black of Dodson, the out-going president, presided at the meeting. Mrs. Stella M. Peck was elected president for the enduing year; P.M. Scott of Loring, vice president, and Wm. B. Black, secretary.
Editor's note: There are no 1964 editions of the PCN at the Phillips County Library. If you have any copies of the paper from 1964, please contact Mark at [email protected].
25 years ago
December 6, 1989
Headline: Bomb threat draws warning from sheriff about penalty
A bomb threat at a local grocery store turned out to be a hoax, but the Phillips County Sheriff is warning that whoever was responsible for it could be in serious trouble.
On Sunday afternoon, the dispatcher for the Sheriff's Office received a call from Rigg's Grocery stating that they had received a bomb threat phone call. As a precaution, sheriff's deputies evacuated the store and later searched it but found no bomb nor any explosive device.
Sheriff Mike Camp noted that Montana law states, in part, that a person commits the offense of intimidation if he knowingly communicates a threat or a false report of a pending fire, explosion or disaster which would endanger life or property.
Headline: What does Christmas mean to me?
Christmas is when Jesus was born. I think Christmas is a special time. Christmas is a time to give but it's fun to receive too. Christmas time makes me want to love everyone. I wish it could be Christmas all year long because it brings joy and happiness.
Taleena Young
Malta, Grade 3.
10 years ago
December 8, 2004
Headline: Brainbusters defeat Judith Gap
Six Malta High School students defeated Judith Gap in KULR 8 TV's Brainbuster Quiz show in Billings this past Saturday.
Team members were Scott Amestoy, team captain, Matthew Bolland, William Pinnock, Kristen Engebreston and alternatives Katie Smith and Matthew Brady.
Headline: Five Malta speech, drama students place at recent meet
Five members of the Malta High School speech and drama team managed to place at the Chester/Blue Sky Meet held Saturday.
Anneave Uphaus had the highest finish with a second in serious oral interpretation. Michelle and Nichole Stannebein teamed for a fifth place performance in classic duo. Cassie Killsnight placed seventh in humorous oral interpretation and Greg Solberg placed seventh in humorous solo. Jo McGinty placed seventh in expository for the second time this year.
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