One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of December 3, 2014

100 years ago

Dec 3, 1914

Headline: Phillips County Mass Meeting.

Owing to the fact that it will be necessary to elect a complete set of county officers for the proposed new Phillips County, the election for which has been set for the second day of February, 1915, and, owing to the further fact there are no party organization existing in the proposed county, it is thought best to call a mass meeting of all the qualified electors residing within boundaries of the proposed new county for the purpose of ascertaining the names of the various persons desiring the nominations for office and determining. Therefore, notice is hereby given that there will be a mass meeting of the qualified electors residing within the proposed Phillips County, held in the Bison Theater Building in the Town of Malta, Valley County, Montana on Saturday, the 12th Day of December, 1914, at one o’clock p.m. for the purpose above outlined.

At the Movies: This week playing at the Orpheum is Mary Pickford in The Eagle’s Mate, a drama of splendid emotion and heroic action. Tickets are 15 and 25 cents.

75 Years ago

November 30, 1939

Headline: Course in Home Economics will open in Malta

The Malta High School will again sponsor adult education in home economics in cooperation with the state department of vocational education, providing there are enough wishing to the additional training to make the project worthwhile, according to J.H. Lesselyoung, superintendent.

Mr. Lesselyoung points out that adult education in home economics is not one of the many training courses offered under some of the emergency legislation but is available to schools that have the facilities for sponsoring the program through the regular appropriation from the federal government under the Smith-Hughes Act of several years ago.

Any woman over 18 is eligible and the only necessary expense in taking the course is a registration fee of $1.

Headline: West End 4-H Livestock Club is recognized.

Twenty-five boys and girls and their parents held a meeting Friday night, Dec 1, at the South Wagner community schoolhouse for the purpose of organizing 4-H Clubs.

The West End 4-H Livestock Club was re-organized with ten members, five of the boys carrying their third year project. One new member, Amos Plouffe joined and he will carry both the first and second year projects. The boys have Holstein heifers.

The following officers were elected: Dick Meyer, leader; Mrs. Fred Korsbeck, assistant leader; Amos Plouffe, President; Donald Green, Vice President; Gilbert Doop, secretary-treasurer; Bob Meyer, song and yell leader; Jack Korsbeck, reporter and Herman Green, recreational leader. Other members are Adam Green, Carl Green, Reuben Kuntz and Howard Meyer.

Editor’s Note: There are no issues of the Phillips County News available for December of 1964.

25 Years ago

November 29, 1989

Headline: Lefse is family business for Fladlands

A former Malta native and her family would like to become the next Betty Crocker with a Norwegian flair.

Barbara (Holma) Fladland has hopes of turning her grandmother’s lefse recipe into a prosperous family business.

“I started making lefse when I was 12-years-old,” she told the PCN. The recipie she uses was handed down to her by her grandmother Clara (Ulness) McNamara who got it from her mother. In honor of her grandmother, who still lives in Malta, Mrs. Fladland has used Mrs. McNamara’s maiden name on her product – Ulness Lefse.

The label for the new product wa drawn by Mrs. Fladland’s 10-year-old nephew Matt Holman, of Malta.

10 Years Ago

December 1, 2004

Headline: Ambulance Service crews respond to 182 emergencies

The Phillips County Ambulance Service held their annual meeting recently in the conference room at the hospital.

From October 2003 to September 2004 ambulance personnel underwent 162.5 hours of training, logged 11,018.5 hours of on-call service and responded to 182 emergency calls, according to Lori Abrahamson, Ambulance Service Coordinator.


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