One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News for the Week of November 19, 2014

What a bad surprise to wake up to snow – three inches – and cold temperatures here in Whitewater. It has been so nice, but in Montana, wait five minutes and it can change.

Sympathy to family of Ernie Olson.

Get well wishes to George Eklund of Malta. He and Shirley have been friends of mine for ages.

Patty Young and Mrs. Ereaux wen to Big Sandy. They said the roads were already icy and snow covered. Drive carefully everyone.

Bruce Hill, Jesse Simonson, Wesley Koss and others went to a hunting camp at Little Rockies Christian Camp. Hope you guys didn’t freeze.

Linda Berg and family, from Canada, went to Billings for appointments. They returned before the storm. Good.

Basketball practice is starting and will involve players from across Montanal. Good luck athletes.

The other day it looked like a convoy going by as there were Hellies, a “Giddy-up and Go,” Truck, Ezzie’s Wholesale, Kolzak Deisel and Anderson Trucking. Also, huge loads of hay on other trucks.

There are still hunters here. Dale Green and his boss of Machine Co., and other friends up from Minnesota were in the North 40. I told them to be careful with guns.

Renee Koss, UPS driver, stopped at the North 40 last week on her way to Harb, south of Malta.

Larry Wilcott has a bobcat machine. I think he will shovel snow with it.

Reminder: Taxes are due on November 30!

There was a Vetern’s Day program at school on November 11. Fred Allery, a World War II Veteran, attended.

Da Harry Austin Sr. was in World War I. That was the “war to end all wars” (yeah, right.) We all pray for peace.

There was Turkey Bingo at school on November 18 as well as supper.

I play Bingo. Does anyone play checkers or Chinese checkers? I was the “checker champion” of the Whitewater Checker Tournament in 1952. What a title, huh?

Thanksgiving is coming. Be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving.


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