One Nation, Under God

Malta School Board approves purchase of new intercom for elementary school

During Wednesday night’s Malta School Board meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the purchase of a new intercom system to be installed at the elementary school. The motion to approve is contingent on the wiring currently in place at the school bieng adequate.

The new intercom will cost $8,005.50 and Malta Elementary School Principal Theodore Schye said the new system will be very comparable to the current intercom system. At the October Malta School Board meeting, it was reported that the current intercom system at the elementary school is on the fritz following a lightning strike near the school.

The Board of Trustees also approved an amendment to hire two aides at the elementary school.

Malta Elementary School Report

During the Malta Elementary School portion of Wednesday night’s meeting, Principal Schye told the Board of Trustees that the school’s current enrollment stands at 225 students. Schye said the recent parent teacher conferences held at the elementary school were very well attended citing 96-percent of parents showed up for the primary school conferences and 86-percent for the intermediate.

“100-percent of the first grade parents attended the conferences,” Schye added. “It was really nice to have everyone there.”

Principal Schye said the route for the train trips that students attend each year has changed from years past. The route used to go east to west, leaving Glasgow and heading into Malta. Schye said this year the route will be from the west to the east, departing from Havre and heading into Malta. He said the reason for the change is due to delays the train is often affected by. He added that last year, the first grade didn’t get to take the train trip, so this year both first and second grade classes will be participating in the event.

Schye said the elementary school hosted a Veteran’s Day Assembly and about 50 visitors were on hand.

Malta School’s Superintendent also informed the Board of Trustess that there is work being done at the High School and Middle School to upgrade the wireless network in the building.

Malta Middle School Report

During the Malta Middle School portion of Wednesday night’s meeting, Principal Shawn Bleth stated that the second Northeastern Arts Network concert – featuring Presidio Brass – was well attended and the students enjoyed it.

“They started with the theme to Star Wars and it took off from there,” said Bleth. “They were very talented and it was a good time.”

Bleth said the school held a Veteran’s Day assembly featuring the American Legion last Friday.

The middle school boys’ basketball season is underway and Malta will be hosting a tournament on Saturday, December 6. On Thursday, December 11, the middle school band and choir concert will he held. Bleth said the boys have 20 boys out for the team this year, higher than previously expected. Bleth added that the fifth and sixth grade basketball program currently has 23 boys on the teams. Because of the number of children playing, fifth graders will rotate practicing on the sixth grade squad throughout the season.

Bleth said the school year is already 33-percent complete and the school’s first trimester is over. He said paper copies of report cards can be expected to show up this week. Bleth concluded by telling the Board of Trustees that Malta Middle School’s enrollment is currently at 107 students. Of those 107 students (32 in the sixth grade, 40 in the seventh and 35 in the eighth), 49 are currently taking part in the Builders Club – sort of like the high school’s Key Club.

“As of right now, that is our largest extracurricular organization for the middle school,” Bleth said.

The Builder’s Club President is Raina Mortenson, Vice President is Ben Costin, Secretary is Chloe Hunter, Treasurer is Anna Wright, Sixth Grade Representatives are Kylie Hunter and Erica Smith and the Builders Club advisor is Mrs. Brewer.

Some of the projects the Builder’s Club will be working on this year include Babysitting at Headstart, Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Toys for Tots and the Headstart Easter Egg Hunt.

“It’s a good organization,” added Bleth. “Mrs. Brewer does a nice job with that.”

Malta High School Report

During the Malta High School portion of Wednesday Night’s meeting, Principal Scott King told the Board of Trustees that the parent teacher conferences attendance was up by about 10-percent from last year.

Principal King said that on Monday, December 1, Mrs. Schye is hosting a financial aid workshop on Junior/Senior Parent Night and that application fees will be waived on that night.

Concerning Malta High School activities, King said that wrestling and girls’ basketball practice will start on November 20 with boys’ basketball practice slated to begin on November 24. The Fall Musical, entitled Beauty and the Beast…Really?, will be held on November 24 and 25 (the second night in conjunction with the Dinner Theater.)

“That will really be the first time that our Culinary Arts Classes put a dinner together,” King said. “Watch the (PCN) or call the high school if you are interested in more information.”

Principal King concluded his presentation by informing the board that the high school’s Christmas Concert will be held on Thursday, December 18.

The next Malta School Board Meeting is to be held on Wednesday, December 10 at 7 p.m.


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