One Nation, Under God
Get well wishes to Randy Stensvick, recovering from an accident, Connie Scheffelmear and to Cherie LaBrie.
Sympathy to me, as the Department of Education and Treasury confiscated my Social Security Check to pay for a college loan 40 years ago that I didn’t know I owned. That’s a lesson for students, pay off your loans.
The North 40 had a family Halloween party as did the Youth Ranch.
My sister, Janet Brown of Billings, has spent a week with me. Gale and Challise (my daughter and granddaughter) visited us. They had been busy making Indian tacos for ballgames at Saco School, where they live.
The whole town of Whitewater was a boomtown this weekend as cowboys and cowgirls were loading cattle to ship from stockyards. There were many cattle trucks sent out. There have also ben many hunters out here. Also, there were junior varsity games at school so there were lots of people around town. The North 40 was open all day and was very busy.
My thanks to Anita Wisher for my ride to town. Also, thanks to Curt R. for the Thanksgiving dinner from the Catholic Church in Malta.
Hope you remembered to change you clocks. It is “spring forward and fall back.” It always confuses me anyway.
Many thanks to Abrahmsons for giving me a box of music books which once belonged to Albert Flansaa. I used to play piano, and he played violin, guitar and fiddle. Albert was so talented in music. Also, thanks to Pat Anderson for bringing it out from town. If anyone wants some old sheet music, give me a call. Also, if you have any news, give me a call. My number is 674-5576.
Have a good week.
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