One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News for the Week of October 22, 2014

Belated “Happy Thanksgiving” to Teresa, my daughter and family, in Canada and also to all our Canadian neighbors. Linda Berg went to Canada to spend the holiday there.

Get well wishes to our Whitewater residents who are Margie Olson, Cherie LaBrie, Elaine Erickson and Linda Berg, and anyone else I missed.

Whitewater Lutheran Church has a new sign with its name. They did a good job putting it up. Sunday School starts on October 26, 2014.

Whitewater Baptist meets at the Lutheran Church at 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening and at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday. Whitewater Baptists meet in Loring Hall at 2:00 p.m. the last Sunday of the month. Everyone welcome.

Good luck to Luke Lawless who plays football with Malta Mustangs; also to anyone I missed. The Saco Whitewater, Junior Varsity teams had a basketball tournament here last weekend.

Helen Depuydt, Sally Austin and I (Helen) went to the funeral for Leona Keinetz last week. She was a real gardener and a Pioneer.

I have been calling and writing letters to get the gas turned on in my furnace here in Whitewater. Do you know, to get MDU in Malta or Whitewater you call Bismarck, North Dakota.

Many from Whitewater community attended the Big Flat Electric Company dinner and meeting in Malta. Alan Wasson of Loring is president. Many won prizes and meat bundles were won by Sally Austin, Linda Berg, Dunbars and Andersons. I won beef last year and this year I won a speaker phone. There were many other prizes given away, too.

Here is a question for my sister Janet Brown who gets the Phillips County News in Billings. Did you get your luggage yet? Janet rode the bus from Billings to Helena to visit her daughter, Kelly. When last I talked to Janet, she was sitting in front of the bus station to make sure she got her suitcase. Hope so.

Our sympathy to Lou Bessel as she blew out a tire and did not have a cell phone. She had to spend the night in her car. Glad you are okay, Lou.

The FedX comes out every day, mostly to Mr. Cummings, for the school. UPS also comes out and the Schwan’s truck. We have all conveniences of the city even here in the peaceful country!


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