One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for September 17, 2014

Terri and Wink Cole went to Pocatello, Idaho to visit daughter Patti and Thom Vaughn and family for a few days. Daughter Kelly and two daughters drove over for one day’s visit. They also had lunch with John and Debbie Hunt and Tyson Hunt’s family while there. They stopped to visit daughters Mary and Melinda’s families in Helena going and coming back and stayed overnight each time. Dora Henry’s daughter Cheryl of Laurel picked her up on Friday, going to Great Falls where she visited Sarah, Delaney and Harper Lautenschlager. Teresa Leys and Kieth Wilson picked her up to go to Choteau where she attended grandson Aaron’s BBQ rehearsal supper at Bill and Aggie Ley’s farm. On Saturday they all attended the wedding of Aaron Leys and Tiffani Macy at a Guest Ranch out of Choteau. Also attending were Dora’s children, Steve and Judy Henry of Laurel, Bill and Marilyn Henry of Havre, Art and Sandy Henry of Havre, Teresa Leys of Belgrade, Cheryl Henry of Laurel, Linda Vulk of East Helena and Bud and Karen Cribley of Alaska. Roger was the only sibling not attending. Grand chil-dren and great grand children present were Jim, Sarah, Delaney and Harper Lautenschlager of Great Falls, Kelly Leys of Belgrade, Shannon, PeeWee and Leilani Avery of Gainsville,VA., Mark, Patti and Lily Solberg of Williston, Keelan, Kristi, Kieth and Kortni Wilson of Whitehall, and Sok , Heather and Juniper Khanna of Seattle. Polly Solberg and Jim and Dolores Shettle were among those attending the Historical Program in Malta on Sunday. Dean and Carol Kienenberger went to North Dakota for the birthday celebration of a 93 year old cousin of Dean’s. Dora Henry attended a Phillips County COA meeting in Malta on Wednesday. Harvest is still going slowly as there have been very few days it has gotten dry enough and then it showers again. Birthday greetings to Barbara Trembley, Alice Dolphay and Patti Wilke, and Bonnie Lankford. All children are born with a hearing problem. They can hear everyone’s mother but their own.


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