One Nation, Under God

Dodson Summer School lots of work and play

Dodson Summer School program ran June 2 -26, 2014. During this time four teachers – Deserae KillEagle, Wendy Hopkins, Samaria Kirby and Kathleen Hughes created a program which included math, reading, science and computer support programs. The program was not all work and no play however, as weekly activities took place. In week one the students created constellations and stories to share with visiting elders who shared a little about life when they were kids. The second week included a trip to Bowdoin Reserve and the natural habitats around Dodson, week three activities were delayed due to the weather and the program ended on week four with a trip to the Dinosaur and Phillips County Museums, as well as a swimming trip to the Malta pool.

Practice, fun, and a little adventure were part of everyday. Not just for the students, but also for the teachers. It is in this spirit that Dodson will kick off the 2014-15 school year.


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