One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of August 20, 2014

August 20, 1914

100 years ago

Local news: the lovers of duck shooting have but eleven more days to wait before they can get out and bag a few of the feathered tribe.

Also: The county commissioners of Blaine County were down here the first of the week attending to business matters and talking a little about our new proposed county.

Also: we were informed that Malta in the near future will have another picture show. Wallace Coburn is making arrangements to start the second one in the building recently vacated by the Northern Montana Distributing Company as soon as it can be put in condition.

Also: If a doctor makes a mistake he buries it; if a merchant makes a mistake, he never tells it; but if an editor makes a mistake he puts it on a large sheet of paper for the world to look at and all the cranks in the county have something to wag their jaws about for a month.

Also: Some good runs were made last week to Great Falls by Maltaites in their cars. Ed Pierson made the return trip in less than ten hours in his Buick car and Jim Moore made the run from Great Falls to Dodson in 91/2 hours with a Ford.

August 17, 1939

75- years ago

Headline: Lightning bolts damage church, other bolt stuns players on softball field.

Lightning bolts during the severe electrical storm at Malta Monday struck the Lutheran Church causing some damage and also struck near the softball field stunning several players and necessitating cancelation of the game.

The bolt struck the church on the tower and followed the metal cornices about halfway down and evidently jumped across to a metal pipe that was being used as an outdoor lighting fixture. The bolt tore a large piece of siding from the tower and broke a piece off from the cement doorstep but did not set fire to the building although the fire department was called.

Rev. Thos. T. Boe who was standing in the backyard was knocked down.

Another bolt struck near the softball field throwing several of the softball players to the ground. The bolt struck the ground showering dirt on spectators and players and seemed to follow a line of cars, causing some discomfort to the occupants.

On sale at Safeway: Salmon or halibut, 17-cents per pound.

August 20, 1964

50 years ago

Headline: Will play in Shrine Game…

For the first time in the history of Shrine Football in the state, Malta will have two men on the lineup for next Saturday, August 22, at Great Falls. Dennis Skinner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Skinner, and Don Molloy, son of Dr. and Mrs. D.T. Molloy, will be on the East team lineup. Both men graduated last spring. They are both three-year lettermen in football, basketball and track and both were honor roll students. They both plan to enroll at Montana State University this fall.

Former MHS football stars who played in recent shrines games include Joe Nicholson, Dan Fewer and John Row.

Headline: Shot while trying to escape Cuba!

Russell Hoffman, manager of the Bowdoin Wildlife Refuge, told this week of an interesting band return they have received at the refuge. The band was from a Blue Winged Teal banded in 1956 at Bowdoin and the bird was killed last fall in Cuba. We don’t know how many hunters there are in Castroland, but perhaps the bird was shot trying to escape.

August 23, 1989,

25 years ago

Headline: Saco band member home from trip to Europe

Chris Pippen, a member of the Montana Centennial Band, returned recently from a trip overseas. He departed with the band from Great Falls and after a delay of four hours, the flight arrived in Paris where they sated for five days. When asked what he liked best, Chris said he liked it all, it was all green, but guessed he liked Switzerland best. And he had a good time!

Chris is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pippen and will be a junior in Saco High School this fall.

Headline: Plan now to attend the homemakers school September 13

Area residents are to enjoy SPECIAL from HOMEMAKERS SCHOOLS 1989. Becky Brown, Homemakers School home economist, invites everyone to the event featuring cooking demonstrations and home management ideas.

August 18, 2004


Headline: Street lighting rate up fraction of a cent

The street light assessment Malta property owners pay will increase a fraction of a cent in the current fiscal year.

The Malta City Council last week approved a rate increase of .006550 cents per square foot of property. The old rate was .0064 cents.

Northwestern Energy recently informed the city that electrical rates for street lighting will increase 1.5 percent this current year.

The new assessment will raise $80,305 to pay electrical rates.

See you there: Albertsons will hold the 4th annual Community Picnic on August 25 at Malta’s City Park.

Headline: Cash winning songstress

Tricia Hammond won first place and received a $1,000 prize at the Great Northern Fair in Havre on August 11. The daughter of Mike and Debbie Hammond of Whitewater, Tricia beat out Rebecca Blitz of Big Sandy and Michelle Hanson of Havre.


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