One Nation, Under God

Phillips County 2014 crop tours a success

Over 50 producers attended four crop plot tours the week of August 4. This is certainly a good showing as crops like peas and winter wheat were ripe and many producers were in the field harvesting.

The Loring crop tour is planted by the MSU Havre Research Center and Peggy Lamb. Her data recorded 9.46 inches of moisture in 2013 and the variety plot averaged 60 bushels per acre for the 20 varieties of spring wheat.

In 2014 the Malta radio station, KMMR had recorded 6.53 inches of precipitation from March through July. However, early growing conditions were cold and plants struggled with the freezing conditions.

The spring crops have recovered well with the scattered precipitation pattern the county has received. Sawfly damage was evident at two of the crop plots. Solid stem varieties are still the best defense against sawfly damage.

The tours also discussed the trapping of orange blossom wheat midge. The midge has caused extensive crop damage in western Montana, North Dakota and parts of Canada. Local collections were small and mainly point to the fact that the midge is present in our environment.

Our environment is windier and dryer than some of the areas mentioned. More information will need to be forthcoming to provide better management decisions.

The Extension office expressed their appreciation for the crop plot tour meal sponsors of First Security Bank, Milk River Cooperative, First Security Bank and Saco Dehy Inc. as well as the producers who host the crop lots.


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