One Nation, Under God

Yesterday's Phillips County News Memories for week of August 6, 2014

August 6, 1914

100 years ago

Headline: Saves mileage by fishing

Sherrif P. J. Nacey and Hal Fagan made a flying trip into northern Sheridan County Saturday after one Ed Gibson who was wanted for passing worthless checks on several of the local merchants.

Gibson has written a number of worthless checks while on a visit here some time ago but did not have any money in the Flaxville Bank, on which they were drawn. Sheriff Nacey caught him just as he was about to board the train, with probable intentions of going to Canada. He was brought back to Glasgow and is now awaiting a hearing in the justice court. Gibson wired relatives in the east for money with which to make the checks good. – Glasgow Courier.

Giveaway: great premium offer at Laramy’s. with every cash purchase of $5 in our grocery department, we will give absolutely free twelve assorted pieces of genuine imported Japanese ware while the supplies last, supply limited, see that on exhibition at our store.

Local news: the big dance given by the Altar Society of the Catholic Church will be held at the dancing pavilion next Saturday night. A good time is promised to all who attend. Lemonade, ice cream and cake will be served from six o’clock p.m. until after the dance is over.

August 3, 1939

75 years ago

Headline: Front Street Landmark being Raised

Sub headline: several businesses to move new location

An old landmark on Front Street is being torn down to make way for a one story brick and tile building. The new building is being constructed for John Survant and will house a Safeway store.

The raising of the building had necessitated the moving of the Quality Cleaners and the Pioneer Barber Shop to new locations.

The old frame building, which is being wrecked on Front Street, was built 38 years ago by the Hamm Brewing Company and was purchased by Frank Lampman, who was the proprietor of the Green Front Saloon until prohibition days. Upon Lampman’s death the ownership of the property passed to his sister, Mrs. Alice Best.

Dodson: the swimming hole is an active spot these hot afternoons. Many who have never tried swimming before are enjoying the spot.

August 6, 1964


Headline: County horses win share of races purses at Fair

County racehorse owners made a good showing both Saturday and Sunday afternoons at the Phillips County Fair with Vic Nordlund Sr.’s Smart Boxer, the Simanton horses, Ev’s Boy, Ralston Bar, Lucky View, and Ted’s Lady and J. Appelhams’ molly winning.

Louise Doll, Malta’s entry in the Glasgow Centennial Queen Contest, rode in three of the five races Saturday afternoon. She rode Ev’s Boy who took the third race Saturday afternoon, Garberg’s Grandy, second place winner in the third race Sunday afternoon and Appelham’s Molly in the fourth race.

Headline: Smoke bombing at fair under investigation

Sheriff’s officers have questioned a number of suspects and are continuing an investigation into the deliberate setting of a smoke bomb near the grandstands at the County Fair Grounds in Dodson last Saturday evening during the stage show.

The smoke filled the grandstand and many persons were forced to leave. Performances on the stage endeavored to continue the night show but the entire fair grounds was in a state of confusion for about half an hour. Stock at the barns went wild for a time, according to Sheriff Norman Nybo, but no animals broke loose.

August 9, 1989


Headline: Malta to play host to state Jaycee Convention

Between 100 and 150 Montana Jaycees will invade Malta this weekend as Malta and the Malta Jaycess will be host to Summer All State Convention: “Welcome to Wagons and Tumbleweeds.”

According to local chairman Tom Deady, the festivities begin at the GN Boiler Room with a dance starting at 9 p.m.

Headline: Fair receipts up; weather ideal has crowd smiling

Ideal weather highlighted the 74th Annual Phillips County fair as temperatures that had been at the century mark plummeted into the 70s and 80s for the three day event.

But the fair was also a financial success as revenues exceeded past years, according to 30-year Fair Secretary Marion Waters.

Grandstand ticket receipts totaled $10,856 which was up about $2,000 over the $8,947 taken in last year and slightly ahead of the $10,129 taken in 1987.

The biggest grandstand crowd showed up as usual on Sunday evening for the demolition derby sponsored by the Malta Athletic Club. A total of 1,096 persons witnessed the show.

According to Waters, there were $2,960.50 paid out in premiums in the open class for a total of 2,499 exhibits, The exhibits included 1,005 school exhibits, 415 culinary exhibits, 184 flowers, 425 grain and vegetable, 11 horses, nine livestock and 450 needlework.

August 4, 2004


Headline: Montana’s Santa honored by international group

Malta’s very of Santa Clause was the recipient of a special honor this month by an international organization known as Santas across the Globe.

The editors of an international magazine, written for the group’s members in the US, Canada and Australia, selected John Degel to be the first member in a newly initiated Member of the Month feature in the Kringle Chronicle.

Headline: City Okays small raise for fire chief

The Malta City Council approved a small pay raise for the fire chief at the last meeting.

The council voted unanimously to raise the salary of volunteer fire chief to $160 a month. The salary had been $130 a month for many years.


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