One Nation, Under God
Dear Editor,
This is a Letter to the Editor written 12-6-89 by my mother, Mae B. LaFond, in heart felt support of her stance on pro-life. I wish to share her letter because I strongly fell the same.
Darlene C. (LaFond) Froman
Good Education Programs needed to support right to life
Yes, we are all pro-choices. “We choose for ourselves.” We are also a “caring society.” We pass drunk driving laws, drug laws, seat belt laws, hunting laws and endless numbers of laws to protect all our people. We have educational programs to help ourselves to say no to drugs, not to drive when intoxicated, etc, etc. It’s all good.
A newly born, unclothed baby is found in a garbage can or in a wastepaper basket, abandoned by its mother, we gasp in horror and cannot understand what kind of a mother could do such a thing to her baby! A mother-to-be has her baby aborted! Does the same number of people gasp in horror? If not, why not? The expectant mother has committed the same acts as the first mother. Life has a soul in both cases!
It costs money to pass laws and it costs money for educational programs to protect both born and unborn babies. Never was money spent for a better case. People make and have made us a great nation. Do you suppose President Lincoln’s mother knew he would be a great man when she was pregnant, or Louis Pasteur’s or Dr. Spock? We have to be grateful that they were given the right to be born and people like them; also people like you and me. Once conceived everyone should certainly have the right to life by law and good educational programs are needed in that direction. Society must hold on their caring and respect for their life and other people’s life.
What could be more terrible than to have to stand before God some day and you know he knows you deliberately destroyed your baby or helped some one destroy a baby?
Mae LaFond
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