One Nation, Under God
Senior Dinner Meals
Thursday, July 24th - Sweet & Sour Chicken
Friday, July 25th - Turkey & Biscuits
Tuesday, July 29th - Spaghetti
Grace Fellowship Church
Grace Fellowship Church has changed to the Summer Church Schedule. Please note: 10 a.m. Church Service only. 346 S. 3rd St. E. 654-5282.
Sports Physicals at PC
Family Health Clinic
Due to the clinic being so busy, and the need for our student athletes to have sports physicals, we are going to offer three evening clinics, like we have done in the past. These clinics will be specifically for sports physicals. No scouts or other physicals will be done.
The evening clinics will be from 6-8:30 on the following dates: Tuesday July 22nd; Monday July 28th, and Thursday August 14th.
Please remind your athlete to wear loose clothing and bring their eye glasses or contact lenses. Also, do not wait until the last minute to get these done as it may result in not having your physical in time for sports practices. If you have any questions, please call the clinic.
Key Club Story Time
7.23 The last Key Club Story time is Wednesday, July 23, 2014. The regular Phillips County Library will start on Wednesday, September 10
Malta Trails
7.26 Saturday July 26 -9:00 AM - Whitcom Hike - the hike will start from Camp Creek road at Buff’s Picnic Area to Whitcom House! This is a level 5!! It is 4 miles up and 4 miles back. Wear good hiking shoes, bring hat, sunscreen, water and wieners!
4-H Horse Show
7-26. The Phillips County 4-H Horse show will be held this Saturday, July 26 at the Malta Pavilion. Youth will begin demonstration what they have learned throughout the year beginning at 9:00 a.m. We have nine youth that will be participating in showmanship, horsemanship, green horse, English and ranch classes. Youth will also compete in the Ranch Horse trail classes followed up by the presentation of awards. Please join us this Saturday and see what the youth have accomplished.
Malta Trails
7.27 Sunday - July 27 - 10:00 AM - 3 Mile Camp Creek Hike - Meet at Buff’s Day Picnic Area - Level 5. Very scenic and super starter hike too!
Library Ice Cream Party
7-29. Ice Cream Sundae Party for the end of the Summer Reading Program will be on Tuesday, July 29 at 2 p.m. in the Library Basement.
Malta Irrigation Office
8-1. The Malta Irrigation District office will be closed August 1, 2014. Questions please call(406) 654-1440.
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