One Nation, Under God
One common question I always get is, “Where did you go to school?”
The most common predetermined answer by readers is journalism school.
I hate to break hearts, but I didn’t go to journalism school yet…
The truth is until I landed a job here at the PCN, I didn’t like reading, let alone writing. In fact, there was nothing that made me more nervous than when my professors at Saint Louis Christian would say, we would have a 15 page dissertation or 30 page write up on a few scriptures. It was enough to make your head explode.
I went to a very, very small bible college north of Saint Louis, called Saint Louis Christian College.
How small was this university? Bet you couldn’t guess on the first try… How about 200 day time students plus less than 100 night time.
The funny thing is that even though I spent my first 17 years in Chicago, with most of my schools having more than 1,000 kids, I enjoyed my small college comprised of mostly students from towns even smaller or around the same size as Malta.
You know how in Phillips County, some people leave the cars unlocked and running? You couldn’t do that as one of my friends did in St. Louis.
One Morning this poor, young lady left her car running outside of the cafeteria for three minutes… It was three minutes too late, because someone stole it, and left it somewhere in the city until it was eventually found... Not in the same condition she left it.
One of my fondest- most annoying moments was when my personal drum set was stolen right from the chapel.
The nice thing was that the school held a fundraiser for me and I eventually bought another set of drums, which still live in my hometown.
One thing, you may or may not know about me is that I have played drums for around twelve years, even on a professional level.
This person, you have come to know as a writer was in a Christian rock band for a few years. Here’s the twist, I have lived with Austalians in Florida for three years of my life…. Weird, huh?
I’ll hit that note another day.
Back to college.
It was there at SLCC, I found out I loved attending basketball games.
Though they had more rough seasons than good, often time we felt it was the game that took us away from all the hours of studying and burning the candle at both ends, or however the saying goes.
That’s one thing I really appreciate about this small town, is that it takes sports, seriously. From Whitewater to Dodson to Saco to Malta all schools really appreciate their sports programs and they all have some quality athletes.
Sporting events are the one thing I will miss most about the school year being over. I long to hear prep bands play the National Anthem and “The Final Countdown,”
I will miss clutch performances by our teams and even the blowouts and losses Because losing makes them want to play better next game.
I like sports and I don’t care who knows.
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