One Nation, Under God
May 12, 2004
10 Years ago
*Debby and John Hunt retire from the Dodson School District. John is leaving the school after 22 years of service and Debby is leaving after 18 years of service. During his 22 years, John saw his cross country team win the state title and Deb was the assistant cook at the school for seven of her 11 years.
*Joshua Roberts graduated with honors from Air Force Base Training at Lackland Air Force Base. Robert was honored as the second most-fit airman out of 700 graduates. He is the son of John and Janice Roberts of Malta.
*The Malta Irrigation District cordially invites you to attend our open house at the Dodoson dam to celebrate the completion of the rehabilitation of the rubber gates and new control system. Lunch will be served.
On sale: Mexican Won Tons 6 for $3.49 – includes sour cream – Biscuits and Gravy, $1.99 at Packy’s.
Card of Thanks: I want to congratulate Ward Van Wichen upon his election to the Malta School Board. I also want to thank those for voted me. He is a good man and has a beautiful family. Ned Mangis.
May 17, 1989
25 years ago
Headline: Dodson Officer elected.
Student body officers at Dodson High School for the 1989-90 school year will be Wendy Goertz, secratry, Jennifer Anderson, president, and Paul Mortenson, vice president.
Headline: Jennifer Obie and Lora Simonson. Four year old goes after state record with goldleye.
Vance “Bubba” Kielb was fishing with his father, west of Malta, in the irrigation canal, when he grew tired of casting his white “Mr. Twister”. His father told him to tip his hook with a minnow cast out his line and let it set…he hurriedly pulled in a fish, which was later weighed at 2 pounds and 14.46 ounces, bigger than the previous sate record which was caught in nelson reservoir in 1977.
*Malta High golfer Linda Lett claimed first place in the Junior varsity golf tournament in Plentywood on May 12.
May 14, 1964
50 years ago
Headline: Mrs. Rolly Kaufman Heads County Goldwater Club.
Mrs. Rolly Kaufman was this week named chairman of the Phillips County Goldwater for President Club. Mrs. Kaufman has named the following persons as member of the committee: William Armington, Mrs. Harry Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Potter and Mrs. Henry Nesbit.
*Senator Goldwater will appear on KOOK-TV May 26 at 11:40 p.m. and Mrs. Kaufman urges all county residents to tune in.
Price Check: U.S. Good Rump Roasts are 59-cents per pound and Choice, juicy Oranges are $1 at Buttery’s this week.
Lost and Found: Anyone knowing the whereabouts of a large aluminum kettle from the Masonic Hall please call 102W.
This week at the Villa: The Amazing, The Hilarious, Peter Sellers in I like Money – In Color. Sponsors, “Cash Night.”
May 18, 1939
75 years ago
Headline: Eight Rainbow Girls Graduating this year honored at banquet
The annual banquet for members of the Order of the Rainbow for Girls, who are graduating from Malta High School, was served last night at a local café, hosts being members of the chapter advisory board.
Table decorations were attractive with bouquets of lilacs and lilies of the valley forming the centerpiece for the long table. Small rainbows were used for place cards and nutcups were pots of gold.
Eight girls were honored and presented beautiful corsages by their mother advisor, Mrs. Wilford Bell. The graduates are Bonnie Pewonka, Ellen Armington, Audrey Janes, Genevieve Wekander, Dorothy Prey, Dorothy Alsaker, Jean Claire Livdahl and Kathleen Kirkaldie.
Headline: Hopper Bait is available at elevator.
Mixed grasshopper bait is available at the St. Anthony elevator in Malta, according to County Agent H.M. Oefstos. Only a limited amount is on hand until mixing operation can get started, however, the supply is sufficient to allow each farmer in the infested area about enough for one week’s poisoning operations…to get the best results, grasshopper bait should be spread at a rate of 20 pounds of wet bait per acre.
Price check: Ivory soap, medium bars, 3 for 19-cents and two pounds of coffee for 45-cents at Ed’s Food Store.
May 14, 1914
100 years ago
Price check: Subscription to the newspaper is $2 per year.
*Surveyor Conant resigned his job as county surveyor to accept a job of a like nature for the county at an increase of five dollars per day, or a total of $12 for each day he works. We (county commissioners) know of a number of people who have resigned positions, but in most cases it was because their pay stopped, and not because their commissioners wished to increase it.
*Work has commenced on the new houses for Lyman Barnes and R.M. Tafton in the news edition of Malta. They will be of cement and when completed will be two of the nicest places in the city. Contractor Talbot is doing the work.
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