One Nation, Under God

Play Ball!

Tribute to my favorite Women

My mother was smart because even though she never got a daughter through childbirth, she taught us, to wash dishes, how to do laundry and how to cook, things many people don’t teach their sons.

I can honestly say that in the great scheme of things, I’m not a total slob (though, my work desk gets piled... The struggle is real.)

I can do laundry enough that I can save my pregnant wife from the task every now and then.

Some people may give me grief for knowing how to do all those chores, however I found that my wife really loves when I cook and it doesn’t matter what I cook it just matters that I’m in the kitchen trying.

I found out one of Susan’s favorite things in the world are my quesadillas. The recipe is simple, but she loves it.

My mom was right. I’m not saying I’m Bobby Flay or could run a five star restaurant but because I can cook my wife loves me just a little more.

Besides, if mom didn’t have to worry about dishes after work, it made her day.

I really do appreciate my mother because she never gave up on me. She was one of the most loyal, hardworking woman I ever have known. When looking for a wife I thought of those same qualities and my wife Susan has both of them.

Though my wife is not a mother yet, we are both celebrating this Sunday as her first Mother’s Day. I have no doubt that like my mother my wife Susan will be the very best mom that our kid could ask for.

This is apparent because of the way I see her interact with kids, more specifically her nephews and nieces.

No matter how overwhelming, I have never seen her snap at any of the children, rather she keeps a cool head.

She keeps our unborn child first in every situation and I can tell that she wants nothing more than to hold the baby, when he or she comes.

My mother will soon make an appearance in Malta, Mont., and we’re hoping that by then her first blood grand-baby will be born.

Another awesome thing about mom, is that after she retired from Lucent Technologies (Alcatel-Lucent), she picked up a hobby, no a talent. Knitting.

It seems she has acquired this talent at the speed of light, knitting our unborn child everything from baby booties to hats to a dread hat big enough for my head. (If not, she will bring extra yarn.)

This next part gets sentimental, which is something young men should never be..

On behalf of every man in our family, I want to thank my mom for everything she has done and continues to do...

Thank you for loving my wife as your only daughter-in-law, thus far.

If I have daughters, I only hope that they are as hard-working, God-fearing and loving as you.

If most of the women in America were like you, the country could stand forever.

To my wife,

I’m glad that this year will be your first as a mother. As you are a loving wife, I know that you will be an equally great mother.

I look forward to being the father of our children and hope that you can forgive me for times that I will be in the wrong.

You are my favorite thing since cheese flavored snacks, cinnamon rolls, key lime pie and Mountain Dew.

Happy Mother’s Day Phillips County.


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