One Nation, Under God
There are just some sayings I don’t quite understand.
For instance “The pen is mightier than the sword. “
I get the meaning behind it. I know that communication is better than direct force or violence.
But if you took the statement literally, it would be a no-brainer. If I were in a war in which I needed a weapon, my collection of Pilot G-2 pens would be the last weapons I would reach for.
If you haven’t tried the G-2 yet, you haven’t lived. I have a few stashed away, including a pink one, just so I don’t take it from my desk and lose it. (It sounds like a lame excuse but it works.)
Another cliche phrase, “The early bird gets the worm.” I get the meaning, but sometimes the early bird doesn’t get the worm. There have been many times when I have gotten up before 4:30 to hit the lake, ocean, etc... to go fishing. Honestly, while it is pretty awesome to see the sunrise, I’ve gotten skunked more than once in those ungodly hours. I guess the fish like sleeping in, because they don’t seem to bite whatever bait I’m using until mid-morning.
Time doesn’t “heal all wounds.” To this day, I do not like a show called “The Office,” it stems from a time that I travelled to Lincoln Christian College to visit my three best friends growing up and all they wanted to do was stay inside and watch the aforementioned show. Then events happened that weekend that changed the dynamic of our brotherhood forever.
Still to this day, that show reminds me of that sad time. It’s almost like when you attach a song to a person you have liked or had a memory with. Some classics can be ruined.
“Be yourself.” Sometimes being yourself isn’t a good idea. I found out the hard way.
In college, I went to a concert the school hosted in which Dave Barnes was the talent. He’s a Grammy nominated acoustic artist that plays sappy love songs.
I don’t like that kind of music. I didn’t mean to, but while at the concert I showed my disdain for the music.
I’m sure I ruined the experience for a few people. I definitely should not have been “myself” in that instance.
“There’s a light at the end of the tunnel.” Sometimes, sadly, people do go down dark paths that they don’t get out of.
While I’m proud to say, I have always said no to drugs minus caffeine, I know many people that have been addicted to things be it narcotics, food, alcohol and other things that never made it out of their stronghold.
Though I may look like a Rastafarian, I have never smoked pot nor endorse it. Even when life did “suck” and it did sometimes, I can say I was strong enough to want to stay in reality.
I believe that there are better ways out of the pain and issues millions of people are running from.
“I’m not addicted,” Famous last words. 521,600 blunts later...
Some go into the path of drugs expecting there to be a way out, but never find it. It’s always about the next high.
Don’t be mistaken some never make it to that “light at the end of the tunnel.”
Do yourself and your family a favor, fight for them. Don’t leave them with the impression that my daddy is a drunk or stoner. Your legacy is all you leave behind. Make it yours, not a plant’s.
“You only live once.” Or do you?
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