One Nation, Under God

Washington reader has problems with PCN printing

Dear Editor,

Welcome to my former home town! Awesome place to grow up and visit. Although my visits will probably now be few and far between, having lost my mother, Evelyn Hendrickson, a year ago. That leaves my cousin, Joan Christofferson, as the only one left in Malta who had the Hendrickson name. And there were so many of us when I was a kid.

I am an out-of-state subscriber to the PCN and have been since I moved to Spokane, WA. the fall after graduation from MHS in 1963. I grew up on a farm 22 miles southeast of Malta where my grandparents homesteaded, the home now occupied by Charles Johnson (his grandparents homesteaded on the next property east of us way back when).

Just thought I’d give you your local history lesson for the day.

What I am writing about is the quality of the print in the PCN - not like it used to be. If I remember right, I think the Glasgow Courier prints the paper for you. Some months to a year ago the print quality started to deteriorate, at times being so light it’s very hard to read. I don’t know if Glasgow thinks it’s all right to give Malta an inferior print job, but I sure don’t think it is. I suppose some people would tell me that my eyesight is “getting older”. But.....I don’t have problems reading other newspapers, just this one. I am hoping you will look into this one of these days after you get better settled in.

Former Resident,

Gail (Hendrickson) Baldridge


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