One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of April 9

April 14, 2004

– 10 Years Ago

Governor Judy Martz presented Malta and Phillips County with the Montana Tourism Community of the Year Award during the Governor’s Conference on tourism in Billings April 6. The award recognizes the efforts of the community in promoting and developing tourism in the area. Accepting on behalf of the Malta Chamber of Commerce were Dave Miller, Board Member of Missouri River Country tourism council and Ann Boothe, director of PhillCo and the Chamber of Commerce.

Started on a shoestring budget of a few donations, the Dinosaur Field Station in Malta gave tours to 1,750 paying customers last summer while it was open for business. But faced with operational costs that run between $800 and $1,000 a month, the non-profit 501C corporation that operates the field station is turning to the public for help. The Dinosaur Field Station will host a radio-thon on KMMR Radio Friday, April 16, from 6 a.m. to noon. The goal? To raise $25,000, which would allow the field station to continue attracting tourists to Malta, expand its operation year round instead of just the summer months and give it some matching fund to go in search of potential grants.

April 12, 1989

– 25 Years Ago

Roger Britton, superintendent of Whitewater schools for the past nine years, has returned the contract extended to him for the 1989-1990 school year unsigned. According to outgoing Whitewater Board of Trustees Chairman Jean Green, the superintendent had indicated that he will leave his post at the end of his current contract.

“Get-Involved-Before-Your-Kids-Do” is the topic of a drug and alcohol abuse outreach program slated for April 18 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium at Malta High School.

March 26, 1964 – Around 50 Years Ago

Postmaster J. W. Campbell reminded residents of Malta that an effective date of April 1 has been set for new domestic parcel post rate increases, approved recently by the Interstate Commerce Commission and averaging about 13.1 percent, is expected to yield about $75.4 million annually. Catalog rates will be increased approximately 13 percent will produce added revenue of about $2.4 million if 1962 volume is maintained. The higher rates do not affect air parcel post or international parcel post.

April 6, 1939

– 75 Years Ago

Phillips County residents having taken stock of their individual and collective losses, are busy repairing the damage sustained in the worst Milk River flood since 1899. The river is still carrying more than its normal flow has returned to its channel, leaving fields and roads bare but far from dry. In some districts travel on county roads is still impossible. One life was lost in this county when Abe Schroeder, Coburg school teacher was drowned in Peoples creek west of Dodson while attempting to reach the railroad right of way.

April 9, 1914

– 100 Years Ago

At the city election Monday very little interest was taken with the exception of the referendum relative to Sunday closing and that was carried by a vote of almost two to one. Philip Caselberg was elected mayor to succeed himself and H. G. Robinson and Max Sklowe were elected aldermen.

The funniest of all dialect Comedy dramas, “Ole Olson in Spiritland” will appear at the Eagles hall Saturday night. The play is the latest and most up-to-date version of the Swedish dialect comedy and presents ‘Ole’ amid new surroundings.


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