One Nation, Under God
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Apparently the month of January is National Bath Safety Month. Bath safety encompasses many things including making sure your tub is slip proof, making sure you keep a close eye on your children in the tub to prevent drowning and even making sure the water temperature isn’t too hot. When I think about bath safety, it takes me back to my disdain for communal showers. I was the type that always wore flip-flops in the dorms. I would sanitize everything in the bathroom before I used it. I don’t car...
I’m not typically a fan of games people play on Facebook. No, I will never play a game of Candy Crush or Words with Friends, but I have to say, one application has gotten a hold of me and probably won’t let go anytime soon.... Trivia Crack. I stumbled upon the game while looking for an application that would help me with my memory. I figured I was a fan of trivia, so I thought I would give it a try... I didn’t know it was so popular until I was challenged to a game by an old college frien...
It has finally happened! My beloved Bears have fired their 2014 coaching staff after a subpar season... And their General Manager. Maybe the owners of the team will make it their New Year’s resolution to actually give a poop about who is running the team. God bless them for it. I have a love hate relationship with resolutions. In 2010, I have pledged not to drink pop, minus club sodaor ginger beer for ten years. That ban is scheduled to be lifted on the year 2020. But looking back to when I w...
For this weeks grapevine segment of the PCN, I asked a few people what their most memorable Christmas gift was. I thought about this loaded question, and have decided to answer it for myself. Sure I could say the year that my parents got me my first bike without training wheels. That was a great gift. There was also that time my parents gave me a Nintendo 64 gaming system with a few games including Mario World 64. While there was nothing greater than playing as Mario in his 3D world, that...
We the people of the United States of America reflect on what we are thankful for on Thanksgiving Day. The next day, Black Friday, is a crazy day fast becoming a holiday. This is the day that if you go shopping, you put your life in your hands. Maybe this is why the last couple of years Walmart has started their Black Friday deals on Thursday Night. For people’s safety. The United Kingdom apparently just had Black Friday hit their area for the first time.... Following American trends.... CNN f...
Originally I was going to complain about the state of our nation featuring politics, immorality and maybe even a mention of the weather. Then I thought to my self maybe I should focus on giving thanks. Like most Americans Thanksgiving makes the top three on my favorite holidays. When I think of Thanksgiving Day, I have a few fond memories. The three F’s. A hot fireplace, football and our course, food. I say this at the risk of sounding like a pyromaniac. I’m not, but for some reason there is...
My wife and I were watching Chicago PD the other night, only a day or so after making it back home to Chicago Midway through the show, we noticed that there was a little guest in our house that doesn’t pay room and board. No, not PJ... This guest (a mouse) was caught on top of our curtain rod, scaling the curtains in an attempt to watch Detective Voight fight crime with us. It would have been nice to grab that little turd and break it in half with my bare hands, but we found out how fast they ca...
Anyone that knows me, knows I love my Chicago Bears... After Sunday’s “embearassing” 55-14 loss to Green Bay I am convinced that the team has no heart, our coaching staff needs to be canned or the team is tanking this season on purpose for next year’s draft. I only believe two of the aforementioned in my heart. It’s rough sledding for Chicago, who at one time had one of the most feared defenses in the league. Apparently the Packers admitted the next day to knowing the Bears defensive signals....
I don’t know if it’s because I was born two months earlier than I should have been... When it comes to eating... I can put it down. My mom and dad used to think I had an iron gut... That brings me to my continuation story from last week. While living in California, I took the Knucklehead challenge upon hearing that there was a Knucklehead Hot Dog Diner in Roseville. This behemoth meal consisted of multiple hot dogs (a eight pack maybe??), buns and corn chips, smothered in french fries, che...
I can be a knucklehead sometimes…. I wouldn’t advise anyone with a newborn to make an 18 hour trip anywhere. But my wife Susan and I did last weekend as we traveled to my hometown for my one-week vacation. To my son’s credit, he did really well considering, he strongly hates his car seat in the first place. What made the trip a little more stressful, was the fact that we only stopped to gas up, change the baby or walk off our tiredness in various Walmart locations in North Dakota and Minne...
Pretty big game for the Mustangs tonight, as they face Wolf Point in a game that could mean the playoffs for either team. I’m kind of bummed that I will not be at the game, but it is for good reason. Our darling son has yet to meet his paternal grandfather and uncles. So in an attempt to kill a few birds with one stone... (meaning taking a vacation and seeing the aforementioned), my wife and I are taking a treacherous 18 hour trip to Chicagoland, more specifically a southwest suburb called Bolin...
I’ve never been one to read signs well, this unfortunately carried over into fatherhood I’ve noticed. Our three month old baby cries and cries and cries often. I had the honor and privelege of babysitting him last Friday.. He cried and cried and cried. Diaper? Check. Bottle? Check. Get him to crib for a nap? Negative. He was really clingy this day in particular and wouldn’t let daddy put him down for anything, until ultimately he was too tired to resist. Then thankfully mom came home early...
Every Monday night it is a struggle to crank out news, whilst a show that I watch weekly comes on. A couple of months ago it was 24. The last couple of weeks it has been Gotham, a show that is a portrayal of Bruce Wayne growing up without his parents that were killed in a robbery. For those who don’t know (spoiler alert) Wayne ultimately becomes the caped crusader affectionately named Batman. After the first two episodes, I have got to say, I didn’t expect the show to be so dark, but I love the...
I am allergic to everything. My life long dream has always been to own a dog that is mine. Not my brother’s. Not my mom’s. Not my band’s. Mine and only mine. I stumbled upon some puppies the other day and everything was going alright, of course until the puppy started yelping for me to put it down. I of course obliged the dog’s demand, because I didn’t want to be a jerk. But good guys do not always win, I found out, because that sweet little pup-pup hurt me more than it will ever know. I g...
I dislike America’s deep infatuation with social media. You might call me bitter because I remember there was a time that only college students were allowed into Facebook. Then it got kind of lame when high school kids were let in. Then it got super lame when everyone and there mom was updating their statuses. The original intent of the site was great but today it is a Mecca for airing dirty laundry, talking about politics and pushing agendas that not even ten years ago was considered immoral a... Full story
What really makes a social gathering, a sport? The biggest thing up for debate seems to be cheer leading. But I’ve found that there are many topics up for debate. For instance, it came to my attention that many students don’t think of golf as a sport. Others don’t even see track and field as a sport. While many people have made valid points for both sides, I believe that both of the aforementioned are indeed sports. Take cheer leading for example. Many of the choreographed movements require skil... Full story
Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I’m not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don’t get in a fight. Ohhhh, back to school. Back to school. Back to school. Well, here goes nothing. For those of you who don’t know, that was a quote from Adam Sandler’s 1995 cult-classic movie Billy Madison, in which was movie about an adult, who had to go back to grade school in order to inherit his father’s hotel business and prove to his father he wasn’t completely l... Full story
Football has officially started. Well sort of. I’m proud to say I shelled out twenty clams, to watch any preseason NFL football game I want. Though I only care about one team. DA BEARS! It was invigorating being able to watch a game of my choosing live as the Bears took on the Philadelphia Eagles... Yes that team that last year exposed the Bears’ porous run defense that was dilapidated with injuries to nearly every starter late last season. That Eagles team, coached by former Oregon head coa... Full story
This year’s fair was pretty legit. I enjoyed it even more so than I did last year, due to the fact that I had the opportunity to attend more events. This was the first time I have ever seen a tractor pull. I have to admit I’d never put a vehicle under that much punishment. I will never hop on a bull to face two tons of fun after I’m thrown off like a rag doll. You couldn’t pay me to attempt to break a horse. All those things were cool to watch though. From a distance. Thank the Lord for that st... Full story
Since I was young, I’ve always been a fan of major American sports like basketball, football and baseball. I have to admit I was a little bummed when the scholastic year ended, because I got caught up in the school fight songs and our kids giving it their all on the field and court. I have missed everything from football to volleyball to basketball to track and field. I’m excited to see the school year is near due to my love of those sports, but I’ve gotta admit I’ve enjoyed the horsema... Full story
As I sit in my home on a Monday night, I can only help but notice Mondays are a little darker. A little gloomier. Over the last 12 weeks or so no matter how much work had I had to do for the PCN, I would not miss a single episode of 24. That show was my escape from an otherwise eventful week. Now that the season came to an end, I’m left wondering is there going to be more or is this the end for Jack Bauer? Like 24, there are many things I wish would come back. Like Surge. I remember when g... Full story
It always has fascinated me how people can control horses to do exactly what they want to do. I don’t come from a ranching town and the only horses I grew up seeing was when I went to the City and saw horse drawn carriages. But to think of a time where horses were your vehicle and work-machines makes me feel less-than, because I to this day will not ride one. I may never be able to break a horse. However I know of a few things I can. A brand new pair of pants. I will wear the life out of a p... Full story
We’re more than halfway through 2014 and the halfway point of the year often gives me a chance to think about promises or resolutions that I have made of the year. It seems like a common thing that we as Americans make verbal agreements to try to give up something or do more of something every year… I say that’s dumb.. If I were to say, I’m going to run a mile every single day of 2014, yet when you aim to start running a blizzard hits town, what then? By the time the snow has melted I bet you... Full story
It’s sunflower seed season, which means I will probably try every variety of sunflower seeds I can get my hand on. I like them so much, that I’m attempting to grow sunflowers in my front yard, to harvest the seeds. My sunflowers won’t be on the same scale as David Veseth’s, whose plants typically grow past ten feet tall in August, but I’m hoping for anything, due to the fact I don’t have a green thumb... Technically speaking, it’s brown. I have been trying to turn my lack of growing skills into something good, because I’ve come to the realizat... Full story
Alright everyone… I’m proud to announce… If you didn’t know, that my wife Susan and I heard the first cries of our baby boy Pierre James (PJ) Bibbs, last Wednesday at 4:02 a.m. at Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital in Glasgow. It occurred to me that my son is a miracle in a sense. I don’t use the term lightly. I’ll take you on a little journey of what my wife, myself and our mothers (Doris Bibbs and Nancy Fauth) went through. Monday at about 10 p.m. (basically deadline day for writing) Su... Full story