One Nation, Under God
Sorted by date Results 76 - 100 of 230
Dear Editor, The Wednesday, January 3, edition of the PC News surely brought back some family history and memories for me. It was wonderful to read that Scott and Gina Simanton have opened their new business on Front Street, in a totally refurbished building, and I wish them much success. Equally interesting to me was the mention of the Edwards and McLellan building, which was built in 1910 by my grandfather, Lee Dark Edwards, and his partner William McLellan. These two energetic pioneers also built stores and shops on the entire block in the...
In January 3rd edition “letter to the Editor” Mr. Plouffe asks a question that needs to be answered. Does Sleeping Buffalo have insurance on the hot water well, and stand to gain anything by its destruction? The answer is clearly NO. Sleeping Buffalo Hot Springs Resort is not the owner of the Hot water well, and therefore cannot carry an insurance policy on something it doesn’t own. In 1971 Sleeping Buffalo Recreation Association conveyed the hot water right and well to the United States government (US Dept. of Interior, fish wildlife servi...
Editor, Your 100 years ago research may bring out the story about Will and Laura Claypool. Will and Laura were neighbors and married in 1916, homesteading in Black Coulee. Your recent 100 years ago column found that Laura Claypool died in childbirth in 1917. Please note that both Will and the baby died in the 1918 flu epidemic. They were both buried in the same casket. My home is Will’s homestead. My father bought the land from Will’s brother in 1942. Respectfully, Clair Waters...
Dear editor, Trump got friendly with Putin again thru his chummy talks during the Asian trip. Trump states he believes Putin when he stated to him that the Russians did not get involved with the election. Yet the fact that OUR intelligence agencies have proven different. Guess some relationships are hard to break off! Get reminded to shop locally and not Havre, Glasgow or Amazon. Yet the downtown business people fail to clean parking spots so when you get out of a vehicle the area is dangerously icy. Thank you to Albertson's they keep their...
Dear Editor, After the recent Phillips County power outages it became apparent how important the local KMMR radio station was for providing immediate information: storm reports, school closures, bus routes, road reports, etc. Because of this the American Legion Post #57 has decided to promote a fundraiser to purchase and install an automatic generator for the KMMR radio tower south of Malta. We have already received generous donations for this project. If you would like to contribute to this public safety project please contact Legion members:...
Dear Editor, This episode was told to my husband and me by a young Montana instructor: A high school boy had stated that he intended to kill himself. The next day he was found dead! It bothered me for sometime as to why the teacher didn’t ask the student into his office to converse or, better yet, invite him to share a delicious home-cooked meal at the teacher’s home that evening. After a period of time, I considered the family the teacher was raised in — there was the answer, loud and clear! It was never known that family members “hopp...
Dear Editor, And now you know — the rest of the story It happened in N.E. Montana. A rancher announced to his family that the three-wheeler needed repairs and therefore should not be ridden until a mechanic diagnostic would trace the problem. Unknown to this man, his son watched where he hid the key for the three-wheeler. At a convenient time, the son invited his good friends to ride with him. Tragically, the son was killed immediately with the friends being flown to the Billings hospital. Another Montana story happened in Great Falls. A physic...
Dear Editor, First I would like to send my best wishes to Mark Hebert and hope he gets his health issues resolved successfully and quickly, we're lucky to have him in this town. Get better soon Mark! Second I'd like to ask, are we adults or children? I remember growing up one of the things both my mother and father would tell me is that, "An adult can admit a mistake and apologize, a child tries to shift the blame and deny it ever occurred." After watching the argument this week about our President's phone call to a bereaved widow of a fallen...
Dear Editor, As a member of the silent majority, a person who Obama said clings to my guns and my religion, the time has come for all of us in the silent majority to make public our views. This article focuses on the NFL situation kneeling during the presentation of our flag and our National Anthem. These millionaire football players are living the American Dream with an average salary of 2.2 million a year. Before a game over in England, they had the Gaul to kneel during our National Anthem and stand during the playing of God Save the Queen....
Dear Editor, Suicide has to be one of the saddest words in the English language. It’s a word you are never ready to hear. Dr. Scott Hahn, a professor at Stevensville University, spoke on an episode in his life. He was en route to a speaking engagement when he decided to stop at a nearby house, at the home of friends, Dave, who he hadn’t visited with for some time. Dave’s mother invited him in while gesturing up the stairs. She mentioned that Dave was in his room and would be delighted to see him. Dave’s parents were divorced. Indeed, Dave wa...
The Trump Administration’s FY2018 budget proposal calls for eliminating Amtrak’s long distance passenger rail service while preserving service for the Northeast Corridor (NEC) and state supported routes. Included in this proposal to eliminate are Amtrak's route 7 and 8 serving Malta. Too bad some in our county believes this is "fake news." To review this tragedy please search "dismantling a national transportation network" on Google or visit If you are against this budget cut - please contact your favored Congressional membe... Full story
Thanks to the PCN for welcoming different opinions and perspectives on matters that affect all of us. This will be my first of several and I will offer my opinion based on presented facts. I watched today as senate democrats were giving questions to a public figure about her strong Catholic faith and how it would affect her decision making. The democrats have has a history of hostility towards religion in the public square as if that hampers one’s ability to make proper decisions. Historically speaking our entire founding was based on individua...
Dear Editor, I read in your newspaper this week (9-13-17), that someone is upset by your publishing of letters to the editor that are slightly critical of President Trump, and believe that you are committing 'slander" and "libel" by doing so. Perhaps these "patriots" should actually sit down and read the Constitution including the FIRST AMENDMENT. I applaud your stance that both sides can and should be heard from, I can ascertain that your columnist Parker Heinlein is "pro-Trump,” yet I do not claim that he should be silenced just because I d...
Dear Editor, The Phillips County News Letters to the Editor states in fine print that it will not print libelous and scandalous editorials. However, in our opinion, it continually prints scandalous, libelous and non-fact based editorials against our current President on a regular bases without any other editorials from a different viewpoint. When we called the PCN to question this we were hastily told this was due to "freedom of speech." Wikipedia states that, "interpretations of both harm and offense to freedom of speech are culturally and pol...
Dear Editor, I'd like to thank the Phillips County Public Library and all the businesses who contributed to the Summer Reading Program for children that recently ended. Our girls had lots of fun collecting their rewards for reading (or being read to) over the summer. Thank you to Westside Food Court, Horizon Resources gas station, 3 Sisters, Dairy Queen, Crossroad Coffee, and Stretch's Pizza for your contributions. Sincerely, Shari Solberg Malta...
Dear Editor, Again, asking you to open your wallet to the sufferers of Hurricane Harvey. Realizing we in Montana and are currently in an ongoing three year draught, subsequent depressed Ag prices, and continuing massive fires. To be presumptive to ask for more help BUT if you could give a $5 donation - it would so help: Montana American Red Cross Phone: 1-800-272-6668 Mail: 1300 28t h St. Great Falls, 59405 e-mail: Please designate funds to go to Hurricane Harvey Relief Thank you for your consideration. Barbara...
Dear Editor, Hopefully we can open our wallets to help the victims of the hurricane - American Red Cross will gladly accept what ever you can spare. Too bad Trump had to do a Friday night news dump of continued poor judgment decisions, instead of focusing on the immediate tragedies developing. But that is the theme of a narcissist. Still waiting for the tweet telling he is quitting! Barbara Schlocker, Malta...
Dear Editor, Too bad there is so much hate in our country - whether on social network, on the TV, from our leaders, or face to face. Why can't we respect others view point, choice of religion or color of one’s skin instead of insulting or berating? You don't have to embrace the idea but you may become educated to new information that will help you know the person better and make you a better person. It is sad we are so quick to judge. Barbara Schlocker Malta...
Dear Editor, Wow! I was an interesting week the White House (written August 3) - also known as "chaos villa." Firings, hiring's and tweeter feed. Kind of makes you feel the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Hiring Scaramouch to be in charge of press activities, please don't let your children listen to his press conferences, his language would shame a pirate's parrot. Healthcare repeal failed for the fourth time - but Trump wants to take an 18-day vacation in August, but told the congress they need to stay in session and get s...
Dear Editor, Another useless week in Washington - can we deduct from the United States congress a week’s pay for not getting anything done? Oh, but 13 elderly men on a committee with no women, brought forth a new nation's health system. Of course, they had to do it in secret - now one can see why. My insurance premiums will amount to 675% increase over what I pay now. However, included in the measure are lower tax rate deduction for the super-rich. Birds of a feather flock together and all you Trump lovers thought this TV pitchman was going to...
Was nice to see Comey and his testimony - classic and professional. Of course Trump had to tweet and call him a lair. Typical elementary school ramblings as usual. Will be interesting when and if Trump keeps his promise to go before commission - if Trump claims more watched his interview than Comey. Will be hard to beat number that watched. Wonder what the cost of the helicopter ride and of those that were mandated to go along so Trump could go play golf this past weekend. Somebody need to remove the gas card from his tiny hands. Can hardly...
Dear Editor, Since chickens are very much on the minds of Malta City Councilmen recently, I will pass on information shared with me recently by relatives: Chickens are raised in Santa Rosa, Calif., Portland, Ore., besides the city of Centennial in Colorado. While my pen is warm, I'll apologize to the second and third generation of the Brosseau family. Their grandma did indeed raise a generous flock of chickens within Malta City limits. This elegant lady doted on them, and as I recall, she provided fryers to St. Mary’s; Fall Chicken Dinner, brin...
Dear Editor, I find it curious indeed that a small rural town like Malta, which prides itself on its agricultural heritage, rugged individualism, self-reliance, and disdain of governmental regulation would reject such a fundamental idea of the Jeffersonian agrarian as being allowed to keep one’s own chickens! BJ Rhodes Malta, MT...
Dear Editor, By now I am sure you know I am not a fan of Trump. I own a t-shirt that states "This shirt doesn't have enough room to list all that is wrong with the Trump administration." Being frustrated with a president that continuously whines about the what the press and uses a Twitter account like a spoiled seven year old. BUT this past week think he "blew it" and a Special Prosecutor has been put in place and to investigate the Trump/Russia connection among other things of question regarding the Trump campaign. Can hardly wait to read...
Dear editor, Seeing chickens on the front page of the PCN truly made me sit up and take notice! Chickens have played a big part in my life, both in the little city of Malta and also on our farm/ranch north of Saco. Let’s go back in time, to the Depression year, 1937. My widowed mother ordered baby chicks enabling our family of four children to shortly have fresh eggs and often fried chicken. This was in city limits of Malta. My brothers put up a high fence for a practical enclosure. Naturally, there was a coop, with needed nests. Next door t...