One Nation, Under God
Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 230
Dear Editor, Have you had any medical expenses so far this year that weren’t covered by your health insur-ance policy, a flexible spending account (FSA) or your Federal Health Care Savings Account (HSA)? If so, you can still open a Montana Medical Care Savings Account (MSA) by Dec. 31 and cover those expenses. If you deposit up to $3,500, (the maximum in 2018) you can reduce your Montana adjusted gross income by that amount. Doing so will result in a tax savings of about $242 that is if you have taxable income above $17,900. This is really a g...
Dear Editor, In last week’s PCN Troy Blunt explained recent actions taken against his family by the American Prairie Reserve. According to Troy’s letter APR, in order to protect their private property rights, has denied access to approximately ¼ mile of their property used only to trail cattle. APR, as a private property owner, has every right to deny access (although for such an insignificant use this is not neighborly) but I find their rational distasteful. According to Troy’s letter the denial came because the Blunt family chose to exercise...
Dear Editor, Whatever happened to the feeling of sincere appreciation that was deeply felt within us? It seems that for some time people, the feelings of appreciation is short-lived and gone in seconds. I will give you an example of the appreciation feeling and how long it lasts. It’s like a very hot skillet on the stove and you flick some water on it and you can see how fast the water is vaporized. Well, that’s how long some people’s feelings of appreciation last. Harry A. Carpenter, Jr. Malta...
Dear Editor, Malta Post 57 of the American Legion will, be participating in the 100th Birthday of the organization by holding a display next spring on Memorial Day. Malta was the site of the HUGE 1st Convention on June 30th and July 1st 1919, and the Post (and Sons of American Legion Squadron 57) members are compiling photos and scrapbook displays of that time period thru the present day of the Legions membership. We are also trying to get on the internet sites all the veterans burial sites in Phillips County; so any info on veterans (even...
Dear Editor, Reflecting back, her life was indeed amazing. Upon her husband’s retirement, Hazel telephoned me and informed me that they were en route to Oregon. Their only son resided close to Portland, Ore., and he had located a suitable home for his parents. Hazel requested that I pray for her as she had symptoms of colon cancer. Her oncologist confirmed her suspicion. Radiation was recommended and as she related to me, “I received one treatment, walking away U tuned to the nurse and said, ‘I’m leaving and never coming back!’ The nurse rep...
Dear Editor, On Sunday, September 30, my wife, daughter, and I took part in the Suicide Prevention Walk in Malta. We were greatly encouraged to see the large number of people and young people who were there. At the gathering at the VFW after the walk, the people who wrote essays were recognized. Dale Brukner spoke. He said there was one word we could all do help prevent suicide and the word is ‘listen.’ Dale shred the importance of being involved in one another’s lives in a caring way. There is another word we could all do. Suicide is one o...
Dear Editor, I have often wondered whether the supporters of the American Prairie Reserve who live outside of Montana and outside of the U.S. would know the difference between a Brahman bull and a bison if they saw them on the grasslands. Apparently, I am on to something!!! While APR’s self-promoting video on CBS Sunday Morning was showing a herd of bull elk running, in the background you could hear “where the antelope play” from the song Home on the Range. I would like Alison Fox to explain her comment about “some of the money comes from ou...
Dear Editor, I recently read an American Prairie Reserve (APR) article titled, 'Freese Scale for Grassland Biodiversity, Background Summary'. This strange document was designed to justify the program proposed by APR. They rate 10 'ecological conditions' for each of their management units and come up with a biodiversity score. For example, the Timber Creek Unit (the old Etchart Ranch) had a total score or 17 out of 70. The reasons for the low 'Herbivory Pattern' included, "unnatural hydrology; Interior fences; Rest-rotation grazing systems"....
Dear Editor, I was a range management specialist for the Malta Bureau of Land Management (BLM) field office for over 30 years. After retiring in 2007, I was hired by the American Prairie Reserve (APR). As such, I’ve had considerable professional experience managing range land health and closely observing the impacts of bison on range health in Montana. APR has been and will continue to be held to the same required BLM standards and guidelines as other permittees regardless of their type of livestock, season of use, or grazing system. All of t...
Dear Editor, I was very disturbed by the interview Glasgow Courier publisher AJ Etherington had with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) District Manager Mark Albers as reported in the Glasgow Courier and Phillips County News. Mr. Albers, "clarified that nothing in the scoping period would determine if the agency would conduct an environmental impact statement (EIS)..." He then went on to clarify, "that the EA would have one of two outcomes: Either the agency would certify a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) and move ahead with allowing...
Dear Editor, This is my approval of Jack D. Jones letter to the editor on May 2, 2018, on his objection to the change of livestock to domestic hybrid bison on public lands. I don't have knowledge of the laws, but I do concur with his disapproval of the change to year-round grazing of pastures. Do people in New Jersey know what is best for Montana? Do they want free-roaming bison in their backyard? Why not start an APR in New Jersey? Why not them instead of ruining Montana? Shall we put a law in to have only 10 head of bison per ranch that APR...
Dear Editor, The extreme environmentalists came with many different names but they all have one plan in sight and that is to make an International Park, extending from the Canadian Grass Land Park, which is just across the boarder at Frenchmen Creek, to Mexico! We already have 38 million acres in National Parks in the United States, do we need more? People do not live in a park! We all have to fight this land grab. Write to BLM Field Office, 47285, Malta Filed Office. These conglomerates have lots of money and are very patient. Believe me,...
Dear Editor, The sweet photos besides the write-ups of newborns are such a joy and delight to view! A baby brings so many blessings, so many stories and so many joys; my parenting experience proves it. There are so many things to be thankful for, and a baby surely is one of the best. In my lifetime I’ve had five women all unsmiling say “I wish I had more children!” If only they had seriously considered God’s plan for chastity, love, marriage, and family. Luke 18:16-17 tells us Jesus said to let the little children come to Me. Do not shut th...
Dear Editor, This letter is to file my total objection to “change class of livestock from cattle to domestic hybrid bison on public lands”. BLM by moving forward is in clear violation of: 1. Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 43, USC Ch.35 “domestic livestock grazing on public lands. (BLM organic act for multiple-use of public lands the public land law of the land). 2. Federal Data Quality Act (DQA) “quality, utility, objectivity and integrity of information”.44 USC 3506 Dec.2001. 3. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. BLM mu...
Dear Editor, I am encouraging everyone to thoroughly read the American Prairie Reserve (APR) website as well as its “sister” organization, the Friends of the American Serengeti (FoAS) website, an independent, tax-privileged organization in Germany that was formed to help provide funding for the APR. These two organizations have raised millions of dollars to buy land in Fergus, Petroleum, Phillips and Valley counties in Montana. Their next goal is to take down all of the fences on the BLM land they have leases on and have bison graze on the land...
Dear Editor, The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is asking for the public’s help in determining what it should analyze as it considers proposed changes to several grazing leases. American Prairie Reserve (APR) controls private properties tied to 18 BLM grazing allotments in Fergus, Petroleum, Phillips, and Valley Counties. They have submitted a proposal asking the BLM to modify their grazing permits. Note that Page 2 of their proposal lists “other terms and conditions of APR proposed action”. Item 2 of this says, “Split BLM East Dry Fork al...
Dear Editor, Well, well, well, here we go again! The APR bullies are going for another greedy land grab. Their goal is to now take over thousands of BLM acres so their huge bison herd can’t roam freely within a fenced boundary that will keep the bison in by using a top string of electrical fence. Give me a break! Bison can charge through a fence of razor wire if they are intent on moving on. Bison are some of the most dangerous wrist animals there are. Bison can run up to 35 mph and nothing can stop a charging herd of bison. I certainly hope t...
Dear Editor, In reading the Phillips County News, you can read all about the American Prairie Reserve (APR) wanting to have the Bison (Buffalo) graze on BLM lands for 12 months of the year. Cattle can only graze on BLM from April 1 to November 30. Ranchers have to supply feed on deeded ground at least four months. If you do not go by their rules, BLM will take away your grazing privileges. The rancher pays taxes on their livestock. If they (APR) can get it changed to Bison (Buffalo) then they will claim them as wildlife and refuse to pay taxes...
Dear Editor, We are all aware of the horror and grief that we are seeing because of the mass shootings across the nation. We cannot listen to the news without being subjected to a barrage of “what happened, “what was not done, “what should be done? “etc. Somehow, the media and the vast majority of our leaders are not focusing on the real problem.The real problem is that as a nation we have turned our back on God. We have a legislated God out of our schools, our military, our states and even the church! We are no longer under God’s Protectio...
Dear Editor, A Tip of the hat and a high five to the Phillips County Fair Board for their choice to headline the night Show. I can't think of three other entertainers I would rather see. They are all very good musicians in their own right. Again, thank you fair board for your selection. Howard Pippin Saco...
Dear Editor, Watching the protests regarding the slaughter at the Florida school. Saw a kindergartener with a sign asking "PROTECT ME." Pretty tough having 5-year-olds to have to ask our country to protect him. Hopefully, the campaign started by the high school students asking the elected to "DO SOMETHING" won't fall on deaf ears. The elected spend so much of their time working to get reelected and accepting money from special interest groups. After every tragedy of multiple persons being killed and injured you hear blah, blah about what we...
Dear Editor, February 15th, 2018 I cried today. I cried for all the victims of the Florida school shooting and for their families and loved ones. I cried for the staff at that school and for the whole community. I cried for Nikolas Cruz. I prayed today. I prayed for all the victims and for their families and loved ones. I prayed for the school staff and for the whole community. I prayed for Nikolas Cruz. James 5:16 says, "...The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." We can crack down on gun sales...
Dear editor, February 18-24 is “Through with Chew Week.” “Through with Chew Week” is a public awareness campaign designed to reduce the use of smokeless tobacco among young people by calling attention to the use of smokeless tobacco and educating youth on the health effects of smokeless tobacco use. Smokeless tobacco includes chewing tobacco products like Skoal, Snus, RedMan, and are often flavored to appeal to young users. According to the 2017 Montana Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 13.8 % of high school males and 3.9% of high school females...
To the residents of Saco: I just found out that one of our citizens has a new website out. I’m glad somebody wants to let people know what’s going on in town, and what’s happening at our council meetings. When I read his newsletter that he posted. He misunderstood us, about our hook up fees. We are now working on a fee, for people who wish to hook up to our main water line. The expenses will be for meters, curb stops, meter pits, labor and etc. We have a separate fee, (not $300) for people who want their water turned on, after the water was s...
Dear Editor, Memories, memories. Allow me to share a few with you. In the tiny town of Saco, I was walking down the sidewalk when I noticed a young, beautiful, well dressed, slender lady. I inquired at the grocery store and was told “oh, she’s Ms. Morehouse, the new first grade teacher.” The next Monday, we said our goodbyes to Gregory as he bounced up the steps of the school bus in our yard. This, our first born, would be traveling 19 miles from our ranch home to school for the first grade. Brian, our second child, was mightily excited when...