One Nation, Under God
Sorted by date Results 126 - 150 of 230
Dear Editor, As a member of the Saco Lutheran Church, I would like to invite folks to come back to the church. We have an amazing preacher in Doris Tollefson. She is taking the required classes to become a pastor. She breaks down the readings and that makes her sermons easy to understand and how do I put it, simply good. We all seem to have time to do work, school functions, 4-H, and the like, but it is so hard to give God one hour of your day? One day a week? He is always there for us, I think giving Him praises one hour a week surely can't...
Dear Editor, Congratulations to the HiLine Retirement Center Board for replacing resigning current board members and choosing dynamic new members. Hopefully, the "new look committee" as referred to by Rick Mikkelson - resigning board president - will also be transparent. So important - the public has the right to know the HLRC's month to month financial activity - not to again to be called upon when a financial crisis appears for a bail out. Also the board meetings will be open to he public - as the center excepts Federal funds for operation....
Dear Editor, 22 people, residents of Phillips County, gathered at the Malta Senior Citizens Center on September 14, 2016 at 7 p.m. out of concern for the recent actions and deliberations by the board of the Hi Line Retirement Center and Health Management Services (HMS), the management company hired to help uplift the retirement center to a stronger financial status. The consensus at the meeting is the HMS has failed to provide the support and aid necessary to the growth and stability of the retirement center. The major concerns cited were: 1....
Dear Editor, Please get involved with the Hi-Line Retirement Center. The movement to assisted-living only is 4 weeks away. If you have questions or solutions for and about the Hi-Line Retirement Center speak to Karl Rude, Health Management Systems, the management company - contact him at HLRC and/or the board of directors. Rick Mickleson, president of the board of the Hi-Line can answer your questions also can tell you when the meetings are - was told public was invited to the meetings. Rick is in the phone book This past week I interviewed...
Dear Editor, I recently attended a meeting of the Charles M. Russell NWR - Community Working Group (CMR-CWG) in Fort Peck. As I was driving home and thinking about all of the brilliant comments I should have made, it struck me that something was very wrong. The more I thought about it, I realized what the problem was. In my opinion, this working group is a non-governmental entity formed to allow stakeholders to brainstorm ways the surrounding communities could benefit ecologically and economically by working with the CMR---and vise versa. Most...
Dear Editor, We need a complete audit of the Hi-Line Retirement to clear up a lot of questions going around the county. Here is my question: Expenses: 160 hours per month per employee at $18.75 per hours equals $3,000 per month multiplied by 12 months equals $36,000 per year times 50 employees equals $1,800,000. Income: 50 patients at $7,000 per months equals $4,200,000 per year. I’ve heard rumors that the rent-a-nurse cost $2,000 per shift. Two shifts would be $4,000 per day multiplied by 365 days comes to $1,460,000 per year. That is a...
Dear Editor, The past several days have been filled with mixed emotions, a roller coaster of a ride. Separations, anticipation, adjustments, new faces, new surroundings, all jumbled together. Since Karl Rude met with the residents of The Hi-Line Retirement Center of Malta on August 24, and informed us of future plans for closing the nursing home and become recertified as only an assisted living facility, it has been a whirlwind of activity for my family. I chose to move as soon as possible. The result is that I am now in a very nice room at...
Dear Editor, I didn’t want to believe it was true when I first heard that Hi-Line Retirement Center would no longer be a nursing home, but rather just an Assisted Living facility. I want to know what happened to our nursing home? After reading some of the news articles recently published about the Nursing Home, I understand it to be more financial issues, but I ask how is this possible? Don’t you think at the very first sign of any negative financial problems, that it should have raised some red flags immediately. Now here I see you are closing...
Dear Editor, Here we go again - Hi-Line Retirement Center is in financial trouble AGAIN! In May, 2015 the HLRC Board of Directors presented to the community the need of a $500,000 bailout. To pay back bills and to purchase a few senior care residents from Country Home - whom the board touted they would come to Hi-Line and the $300,000 would be recouped. That was an interesting theory - how could the said board know the longevity of those "purchased" residents - maybe they are psychic. Also the presumption that all of the few Country Home reside...
Dear Editor, With the rumors going around about Hi-Line Retirement Center (HLRC) changing to just assisted living this not only saddens but worries us. We both had our moms in HLRC but they were full assist. They are gone now but what would we have done if there was no nursing home that would of accommodated our moms and their needs right here in Malta? Luckily we do not have to make that decision, but for some other families this might become a reality. This means taking your loved one to another town where they may not have any family living...
Dear Editor, My son-in-law was recently placed in a very precarious situation, one in which a person hopes to never be, but he was only doing the job he signed up for. Keeping you and yours safe. This resulted in serious injury and he was airlifted to Benefis Hospital. A “very scary” time for his family. Thanks to quick thinking and competent people and MANY prayers the outcome was favorable. The staff on the Cardiac floor were amazing both to him and his family. But the outpouring of Love and Compassion from the Brothers in Blue (GFPD, Cas...
Dear Editor, Driving around the west side of town have noticed several water "spots" where new water pipes have been placed and are leaking? Some of these "spots" have been there for some time. Why have they NOT been repaired? Also why is a new street torn up before leaks are repaired? Currently why is the water being placed in the street on the East street of Malta High School starting now when school is about to start? Hopefully someone from the company doing the job will contact me and let me know why this project has so many pipes leaking....
Dear Editor, Helena Sand and Gravel are doing the water line replacement in Malta, I have a residential house on 1st Street West, and am very pleased with the professionalism of this crew. Watching the temporary water lines placed above ground, the gravel ramps placed in driveways for home owner access, and providing vehicle access through the construction. Sure, construction work is an inconvenience. But when the project gets done and the pavement replaced, we are going to have great satisfaction of a renewed water system within a large area...
Dear Editor, Once again while working out in my yard, a visitor to Malta stopped to ask me where the library was located. This has happened several times during past years. I happily replied that the tan building across the street from my house was indeed the public library. It was pointed out to me that no where on the building is there any type of sign announcing that it was indeed our library. The visitor found the large blue Mustang sign very confusing as at the top of the sign it says Malta High School and shows the mustang. My suggestion...
Dear Editor, Dear Faithful Paying Newspaper Pickup Customer: I apologize for the inconvenience but I will no longer be wrapping the Wednesday Phillips County Newspaper for the faithfully paid pickup customer who retrieve their paper during the lunch hour. One bad apple has ruined the bunch for everyone. No thank you to the bad apple who decided to spit their chew into our payment can. You succeeded in making that one experience rotten for the whole county. Sincerely, Sarah Osmundson, Ad Rep and Office Sales, Phillips County News EDITOR'S NOTE:...
At the most recent Malta public hearing things became so unclear I finally just asked, “So your basically saying the landfill will close if we don’t accept these increases?” “Yes,” said Mayor Jones after a long pause. “So we just need to accept these increases and there’s pretty much nothing we can do about it?” No answer. I cannot help but remember the last time I attended a public hearing in 2007 as city pool manager. The public hearing that year was about residents’ properties causing blind spots at intersections. People who had to remove...
Dear Editor, On behalf of the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance I would like to invite all residents and friends of Phillips County to our community celebration. Please join us for what we hope will be the first annual Phillips County Proud on Saturday, Sept. 17th at the Milk River Pavilion in Malta. The doors open at 5:30 and we will begin serving barbecue, burgers, and hot dogs at 6:00 p.m. There is no charge for the meal but a good will offering would be appreciated. There will be kids games conducted by Phillips County 4-H. There will also be l...
Dear Editor, As a concerned citizen who has to drive the road east of Malta 5 days a week, I stopped at the courthouse on June 13th. I'm sure they were very busy as they had to install new members, but I was disappointed that resident comment and question time (1:00 - 1:15) was held up for a late lunch. I also took a late lunch that day, so I could work a visit with the commissioners in. So I'm taking to the public forum in hopes of an answer. 1) We residents of east Phillips County had a meeting with the commissioners 5 years ago. You remember...
Dear Editor, I have been taught that a man or woman’s handshake was just as good as gold! Well that value is dead and gone in Malta, MT. When we first started renting our home here in Malta we were told, and I quote, “We won't sell this house. You can rent it as long as you need it.” Well, now my family and I are about to be homeless! We paid on time. We took care of the requests in the Rental Agreement. We failed at times, but who is perfect? We have tried to buy this home to no avail. Our credit is horrible. Now we are looking for a renta...
Dear Editor, Foremost, we are not opposed to the skate park; it’s a wonderful gift and opportunity. We are concerned that it changes the traditional use and nature the park in our neighborhood. Since we moved to the Hillcrest Subdivision, the west grass area has been utilized as a play area for neighborhood kids for pickup ball games (kickball, baseball, football) and path to the walk bridge. We’ve researched skate parks online and they can be a tremendous asset but most have had opportunity of long range planning and community inv...
Just returned to Iowa from helping someone move to your neat little town. Shopped at the supermarket, ate in the restaurants, peddled the bike path and even took in a movie with well-behaved high-schoolers. We also took an excursion to the Little Rocky Mountains and visited a pristine church high on a hill. I retired last year from 38 years of “working on the railroad “ and thought you might like an article explaining where all these trains honkin’ in the night with their boxes on top of boxes are going and what they are carrying. If this...
We got trouble right here in Phillips County! The NRA – National Rifle Association – is trying to start a chapter in our peaceful county! Why in the world do they want so many guns and rifles? Who do they want to shoot? Maybe they want to start their own militia? Anyway, it’s just a matter of time until cattle, or worse yet, people are accidently shot. How many people have have to die before we get gun control? We do not need the NRA! Why don’t they join the army if they want to shoot? Helen Austin, Whitewater...
Hi Mark, Apparently the insurance companies run the county too. For the last two days the Phillips County bridge crew and the Saco employees have been out lowering the dirt ramp leading up to the dump site. As I understand it, at some other sites some people have fallen in the dumpster and have sued, probably for money, so the insurance company said that things had to be lowered down. It's not as bad as I thought it could be, you can still stand in the back of a pickup and throw garbage over the wall. I imagine is happening in all the other...
To the editor: It’s Red Cross Month, a month during which we like to recognize everyday heroes who reach out to help their neighbors when they are in need. March has been recognized as Red Cross Month for more than 70 years. All of our presidents, including President Barack Obama, have designated March as Red Cross Month to recognize how the American Red Cross helps people across the country and around the world. Our Montana communities are full of everyday heroes. They are our dedicated volunteers, blood donors and financial contributors w...
Remember the spotted owl? As I recall this bird was going extinct if we didn't shut down the logging industry in the Pacific Northwest. It was shut down causing untold economic, social and, with the recent forest fires, ecologic damage. Did it save the owl? Has anyone heard anything lately? The last I heard its relative, the barred owl, was moving in and replacing the spotted owl. Remember the chant of the bureaucrats and Non Government Organizations (NGOs) that we had to save the spotted owl's habitat. At that time their habitat was defined...