One Nation, Under God


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  • North Country News for Wednesday, November 1, 2023

    Pat Murdock, PCN Correspondent|Nov 1, 2023

    A big congrats to our country girl on her 1st place win in the Cross Country (3-mile) race at the state meet in Kalispell last weekend!! Everyone woke up on Wednesday the 25th to a few inches of snow and cold. Lots of calves got shipped out that day with no trouble. It's been down to single digits at night! Boy, the 70-degree days sure were nice. Lynn Hill was in Havre recently to attend a conference for school clerks. She is the Whitewater school clerk and has held that job for many years. Her husband Bruce is a man of many talents, a...

  • I Have Filled My Share of Tags

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Oct 25, 2023

    Montana’s general big game hunting season opened last weekend and I didn’t go. I rarely hunt deer and elk anymore, preferring to chase the dogs all fall in pursuit of grouse, pheasants and ducks. They’re easier to pack out. I certainly filled my share of tags. While I can’t recall how many deer or antelope I killed over the years, I kept track of the elk – 10 bulls and 10 cows. Where and when I killed each cow is a bit foggy, but the bulls, because of their headgear, are easier to remember....

  • This is Definitely the Wrong Side of 30

    Pierre Bibbs, Play Ball|Oct 25, 2023

    It is super weird since the morning that I turned 35, that I have had new pains in my back. The day that I woke up 35, I turned the wrong way and felt a small pop in my back. It didn’t hurt. I moved on. A few days later, I threw the right side of my back and shoulder out. I had never experienced that before. I was in, dare I say, pain. I had no idea what was happening. Was it my kidney? My lung? What have I done? Did drinking too much seltzer do it? Was it my odd combo beverage of Powerade Z...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, October 25, 2023

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Oct 25, 2023

    The weather has taken a downgrade to show us winter is coming, and it sure brings out the jackets and coats. The Gospel Jamboree was held this weekend in Malta. Polly Solberg was among those helping with it. Roger Henry of Indiana was home for a few days helping his mom and Teri Leys of Choteau and Asher and Harley were here enjoying our beautiful colors changing on the trees so fast. Velyma Broadhead enjoyed her trip to Washington and then her daughter Donna drove her home and stayed for a few...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, October25, 2023

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Oct 25, 2023

    Greetings my Loringites from Dixie in Billings. I miss you all, but I’m attempting to fit in here and be pleasant. My address is 4215 Montana Sapphire Drive #107, Billings, MT 59106. It’s the first turn-off after the Shiloh Rd. roundabout on King Ave. going west. The building is called Affinity in Billings. I’m on the ground floor. Congrats on the marvelous showing at state cross country in Kalispell this week! Shelbi LaBrie achieved her goal and is the champion in Class C. Ava had a personal be...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, October 25, 2023

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Oct 25, 2023

    Again, Happy Birthday to all October birthdays including Leona Siewing. Also, to those celebrating anniversaries. Bonnie McMullen went to Billings for appointments. LuLubell Bessel went to Landusky to visit. Many in the Whitewater area are busy shipping cattle, this includes the Austin Ranch. Von Holzey was helping the ranch work the cattle. The cattle have been in summer pasture. Speaking of cattle, congratulations to Dennis Donovan of Kremlin on his roping award. He and Joyce Austin Donovan...

  • Phillips County Museum News for Wednesday, October 25, 2023

    Rose Teske, P. C. Museum Curator|Oct 25, 2023

    While researching last week’s story about the Great Northern branch line, I ran across some interesting railroad statistics from J. C. Banks, Saco Depot agent. In 1927, 228 cars of grain and flax were shipped out of Saco. That was the most grain ever shipped from the three Saco elevators. There were also 152 cars of livestock and five cars of miscellaneous merchandise shipped out. The railroad also delivered 160 carloads of merchandise to Saco. Those shipments included 38 cars of oil/petroleum, 19 of lumber, 14 of agricultural equipment, e...

  • Almost Lost My Dog

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Oct 18, 2023

    Almost lost my dog. Happened just the other day. As I was crawling under a fence she took the opportunity to run away. I don’t know why. She didn‘t say. Worried me something awful, enough to make me pray. Was she hurt? Was she dead? Was it something I said? I hit the button on her electronic leash, hoping she would hear the beep, but if she did there was no response, all was quiet, still no Dot. I headed uphill for a better look where the trees played out and the grass was short. I called her...

  • It Is Getting Harder To Say Goodbye

    Pierre Bibbs, Play Ball|Oct 18, 2023

    It gets harder to say goodbye to my mom when she leaves. It gets harder to say goodbye to any of my family members when I get to see them. A year away from my mother, father, and brothers feels like an eternity. I wasn’t always this way. I left the nest before anyone else in my family did. I lived in St. Louis for three years, Florida for three years, California for six months and then eventually Montana. I was never homesick, at least not until a few years ago. My first couple of years here, w...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, October 18, 2023

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Oct 18, 2023

    The weather is definitely turning to its winter mode and temperatures are getting colder. Wind is expected for a couple of days and then a few warmer days should come in. All are welcome/. Roger Henry of Indiana and Teri Leys, Harley Davidson and Stevie of Choteau were at Dora Henry’s for a few days helping out. Moved a lot of stuff. Even to the dumps. Bill Henry stopped at his mom’s, Dora Henry, on his way home on Thursday. He was pouring cement in Scobey. Polly Solberg went down to watch her...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, October 18, 2023

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Oct 18, 2023

    The northeast corner of Montana didn’t get in on much of the eclipse this time. But the photos that have been on the news look marvelous. It’s always exciting to me to see the way the universe works. Friday the 13th was a happening day at the Clark household! Cindy celebrated her 66th birthday by holding a superstitions-be-damned party! Tana Oyler, her mini me, Brenda Kornfield, Joann Hammond, Gale Simonson, Lu Besel, Sarah Skubina, Becca and Robert Engum, and Kenny Clark family, plus mys...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, October 18, 2023

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Oct 18, 2023

    Sympathy to the people of Israel and the war going on there. We all will pray for peace. The Ryan Olson Dart Tournament was this past weekend in Whitewater. They had a dinner and an auction. It was held at the North 40 and everyone seemed to have a good time. Proceeds will go towards scholarships for students. Jeff Murdock (Pat Murdock’s son) was here in Whitewater visiting his mom and family. Jeff and his family live in South America. Both joined the Peace Corp. Jeff grew up in Whitewater. R...

  • Street Talk...for Wednesday, October 18, 2023

    Compiled by Kari Hould|Oct 18, 2023

    Derek Oshio: "It is kind of the beginning of the end of everything we know; we are about to find out what everybody is made of. It's pretty well divided the whole world." Lauren Tuss: "At college they stopped and prayed; I feel bad for the people going through a war." Tia Siewing: "I think it is sad and horrible for innocent children to be brought into and included in the attacks." Cameron Urbin: "I think it's pretty messed up and I think justice should be served against the...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, October 11, 2023

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Oct 11, 2023

    Our first frost of the fall last week saw a low of 21 degrees on Thursday evening. Several of the days have been quite cool. Polly Solberg attended some of Malta’s sports activities at the golf course on Saturday and attended church at Elim on Sunday. She said she noticed the lower temps. Dora Henry had the company of people looking at her house. Good to see lots of activity at the school at the end of the week as the kids had a meet. The days have been nice for them anyway. Glen Dolphay has b...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, October 11, 2023

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Oct 11, 2023

    Carol Lumsden and Nancy Murdock are touring France and visiting with Alice, an exchange student of the Lumsdens. The report is they are having a great time! Debbie Richau and I had plans to travel to Cut Bank on Amtrak, but the train was so late we decided to drive. I’m so happy that we were able to get there for a memorial for our uncle and aunt. Dee Arndt met us along with Berit Burton from Kalispell. It was a time of visiting cousin’s kids and getting to know them! My aunt and uncle were well...

  • North Country News for Wednesday, October 11, 2023

    Pat Murdock, PCN Correspondent|Oct 11, 2023

    Farewell to Dixie Stordahl, as she is moving to Billings where her sister and son reside. Everyone will really miss her! Happy days Dixie. A farewell to Madison Taylor as well. She was here for a month at Grandma Pat Murdocks to help out and visit her mother Therese and her Grandfather Ronnie Haynes who had been on the mend. She also visited with her Aunt Lacey and Uncle Jason Beil and cousins Royce, Ridge Rowdy, and Whit plus Nanny Lexie. Her smile and help will be missed. It rained in the area for several days and nights. 1\2 to 1 inch in...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Oct 11, 2023

    Long time rancher and congressional candidate, Ric Holden, recently spoke to the Prairie County Grazing Association, in Terry Montana at their annual meeting. Holden took part in discussions concerning the Bureau of Land Management decision to allow for the removal of cross fencing on government pasture allotments requested by the American Prairie Reserve. Bison tend to naturally congregate around water sources, which stresses and denudes these fragile areas. Holden stated that, "our family has...

  • What's A Local to Do?

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Oct 11, 2023

    Folks up here in Phillips County are complaining about a lack of places to hunt. Rich people are buying up all the land. Locals have no place to go. I heard the same refrain when I first moved here nearly 20 years ago. All the good places had sold to out-of-staters or at least out-of-county folk. There were few places left to hunt. I could only shake my head at my new neighbors’ plight, and offer my sympathy. Then I went hunting. I’ve been hunting ever since. Poor-mouthing Phillips County as...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, October 11, 2023

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Oct 11, 2023

    Sympathy to the family of Ron Soennichsen on his passing this past week. Thoughts and prayers to the family. It is October. “Happy Birthday to all! “Get Well Wishes to all who are sick.” Pastor Wisher took a bus to Lewis and Clark Wildlife Refuge to view the elk and hear them bugle. It’s awesome, the elk are majestic beasts. Once, a long time ago, we ran into an elk. It was close to the Missouri River Bridge. The elk was bigger than a cow. Here in Whitewater, we had a storm with lightning and th...

  • Phillips County Museum News for Wednesday, October 11, 2023

    Rose Teske, P. C. Museum Curator|Oct 11, 2023

    In the spring of 1927, it was estimated that between five and ten thousand horses were running loose in Phillips County. In an effort to improve the grazing for the cattle and sheep industry, the county commissioners created a horse round-up district of about 1600 square miles running from the eastern edge of the county to Bowdoin, down to the Missouri River, and west to the Blaine County line. Jake Myers was in charge of the round-up in western Phillips County while Hugh Simanton was in charge of the eastern section. The roundups started on Ap...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, October 4, 2023

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Oct 4, 2023

    Again, Happy Birthday to all who celebrated birthdays in September. This includes Irene Wendlen (my friend from Chinook). Mrs. Stenvick, Anita Wisher, and others attended a Baptist Women’s Conference in Great Falls. “Get Well Wishes” to Pastor Bob Nagy, who had surgery and is home now. Pastor Steve Schumacher is preaching at Whitewater for now. As a change of pace here’s a chapter out of Dad’s book titled “Prairie Fire”. Prairie Fire My brother, Howard, and I met Dane on horseback the day he we...

  • Profanity has Prospered

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Oct 4, 2023

    My mother, a former high school English teacher, said cussing indicated a limited vocabulary. I never heard her swear. Dad, on the other hand, did swear on occasion, although not in mixed company, and there were certain words and phrases he never used or tolerated from me. I remember being knocked on my butt once after using the Lord’s name in vain. Profanity, however, has prospered since their passing. To a lot of folks, there’s rarely any polite company these days around which it’s impro...

  • I Am Not the Hornet King

    Pierre Bibbs, Play Ball|Oct 4, 2023

    Though I have a lot of respect for the honeybee, I loathe a yellowjacket, hornet, or whatever they are. As you all know, this summer has been crazy for the yellowjacket. My kids, like many on the hi-line, have been stung by these knuckleheads. So I got vigilant, setting a trap approved by Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. This trap can be quite dangerous if used the wrong way. For example, do not put it in an area where your children play, do not remove it until it is dark and cold outside,...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, October 4, 2023

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Oct 4, 2023

    The days are certainly getting much shorter and colder. Friday was a nice day followed by cold and windy on Saturday. Sunday was cold and windy, then we had cold rain. The temps are really going down. Polly Solberg and Dora Henry were in Havre on Thursday for medical and other appointments. Not much activity around with the colder weather. Congratulations to Wendy Hopkins and all having birthdays this week. Best wishes and congratulations to Mark and Sarese Pankratz, Jim and Delores Shettel,...

  • The First Month of the Season

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Sep 27, 2023

    The first month of the season has nearly run its course. What little green was left on the prairie vanished weeks ago, hiding out of sight over the creek banks. The rest of the country is the color of straw. The recent rains won’t make much difference except to turn dust to mud. Stock ponds that were brim-full in mid-summer shrunk to half their size by the first of September as hot winds blew and the ground cracked. Where there was good soil the grass grew waist high, but on the hard pan, o...

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