One Nation, Under God


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  • The First "Real" Montana Winter in a While

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Dec 28, 2022

    I experienced a disturbing moment during the recent cold spell. While outside shoveling the sidewalk a few days ago in -27 degree weather, I realized that I was quite comfortable. I wasn’t too cold or too hot. My hands weren’t aching. My face wasn’t even covered. Perhaps I’ve lived here too long. Of course I was shoveling out of the wind, which a couple of days earlier had cooled things to a relatively chilly -72, but it was straight up -27 nonetheless. Winter seldom loses focus up here, a...

  • New Year - New Beginnings

    Kari Hould, Karis Quiet Corner|Dec 28, 2022

    Here it is. 2022 is about to tie up any loose ends and call it a wrap. There are those among us who are wondering what happened to 2022, oh where did it go? Yet there are as many contemplating…can this year just move on and start a new year fresh? As you snuggle next to your fireplace or crawl under those electric blankets attempting to ignore the blasted cold out, it is still a good time to think about the new year and new beginnings. WELCOME 2023! Well, perhaps in a few days, with the exception of some distant readers who will get this g...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, December 28, 2022

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Dec 28, 2022

    Sympathy to all the people and animals everywhere who are out in the freezing weather. Here in Whitewater, there were basketball games with Dodson. (I’ll let the sports writers report scores and logistics). The National Anthem was sung by Samantha Wisher with her beautiful voice! She is so talented. Lunch (tater tot casserole) was served. There was a very large crowd in attendance. Our Whitewater folks always support the schools. On December 20, 2022, there was a Christmas program. It was v...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, December 28, 2022

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Dec 28, 2022

    Happy new year to all my readers! An Irish blessing says: May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. At least the temperature has gotten warmer! We had some record-breaking cold for the first day of winter! The windchill was -72 for a short time! We have a nice amount of snow, not too much and not too little! Many of the...

  • Response: Predators

    Dec 21, 2022

    Dear Editor and Readers, Apparently, Mr. Heinlein isn't too impressed by the role Predators play on the elk and deer population. The only knowledge I have over him, with what they can do to the deer population, is what I can remember as a boy in the 1940s. There were no deer. My granddad shot the last deer he saw in South Valley in 1907, and the next deer that was seen on the old home place was 1948, the next year, either 1949 0r 1950 the FW&P opened a 3 day season, bucks only. By 1951-52 I got a chance to hunt myself. By 1955, a hunting...

  • I always wished of a White Christmas

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Dec 21, 2022

    Growing up in southern Indiana I always wished for a white Christmas but seldom saw one. Snow, when it did fall, never lasted long. Then I moved to Cooke City where it can snow every month of the year. By Christmastime there the snow is typically measured in feet. A white Christmas is a given. Not all of Montana, however, is so lucky come the holiday season. I remember a December in Bozeman that started out white, but was brown and bare by Christmas. That won’t be the case this year. More t...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, December 21, 2022

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Dec 21, 2022

    It is sad about the pipeline gas leak in Kansas. Here in Whitewater, it is cold with lots of snow. It will be a “White Christmas”. (I prefer it brown). The children/students are practicing for programs at school and at churches. Note: Whitewater Lutheran church has Christmas Eve Church at 4 p.m. There will not be church Christmas Day. Whitewater Baptist Church has church on Christmas Day at 11 a.m. Dallas and Ashely Green went to Minnesota. They also visited Dale Green and family. Con...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, December 21, 2022

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Dec 21, 2022

    Just when we thought that it could not get any worse and colder----it fooled us and it did both. All week the temps were down, but Saturday night it got much colder and dumped approximately another six or more inches of snow on us. Hard to tell as the wind blew and we had crazy drifts everywhere. Thank Heaven we have some special people around to thank as they take one more step toward heaven. Some of the kind people that were so good to me this week and earned my grateful thanks include Polly...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, December 21, 2022

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Dec 21, 2022

    Winter! Snow! Wind! Cold! Winter! What else can we expect? Some people have decided to embrace the changes in the weather for each season. I must be one of them since I’m not going south to get out of it. But I’m not looking forward to this next week of sub-zero highs. Kenny Clark and North Country repair held their customer appreciation day on Friday. Many people stopped in for chili and sticky buns for lunch. Cindy Clark and I went to a WaterColor Paint party in Malta on Friday night. The...

  • Moe & Gertie: Continued Correspondence

    Betty Munson, For the PCN|Dec 14, 2022

    Gertie replies to Moe's letter in the 12/7/22 PCN Dear Moe, Horace flew the coop. I didn't think he'd ever get shet of his mother's apron strings. Mamie, next door was working in her garden and heard the whole shouting match. Horace told his mother he was going to buy a new car and she blew a gasket. You know what a penny-pincher she is, She figured he could just keep on driving his dad's old rattletrap. You know it's older than the hills. And anyway it wasn't her money he's spending; he's old enough, being past forty and of sound mind and...

  • Response to Letter About Wolves

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Dec 14, 2022

    The writer of a letter to the editor in last week’s paper claimed the reintroduction of wolves to Montana is an effort to exterminate the deer and elk in the western part of the state. As a result, hunters have flocked to eastern Montana where there are no wolves, and consequently, more deer and elk. I beg to differ. Wolves were actually reintroduced to Montana by way of Yellowstone Park. And while they did wreak havoc on the elk herds there, that’s not western Montana. Western Montana is a str...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, December 14, 2022

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Dec 14, 2022

    Reminder: Whitewater School Christmas Program will be December 20, 2022 at 7 p.m. All are welcome. Instead of news, here is a true story from my book titled, “Hills Beyond Whitewater: Creek Bridge” HORSE, SLEIGH, AND SURVIVAL There was another MIRACLE, saving Dad and Harry on the night of the blizzard when Janet almost perished going to the outhouse and I spent the night in the grade school. There was another close escape, perhaps a miracle, in our family as Dad and Harry survived an acc...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, December 14, 2022

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Dec 14, 2022

    This week of Sunday, December 11, is cold and I was told today that the next two weeks were to be even colder. They talk of the global warming, but it seems to be getting global colding to me. Sunday (today) had heavy snowing in Havre and west of us today. We could use less for a while and then some in a couple months to fill reservoirs and water holes. By then we might start getting a little warmth. There were only a few people out at the center for lunch on Friday, but they had a very nice...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, December 14, 2022

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Dec 14, 2022

    I hope most of you noticed the full moon this last week. It was huge and bright! I was a guest of Lumsdens on Tuesday evening for dinner. Alice Bartz of France made a quiche Lorraine. It was great! Then for dessert we had French brownie Sundaes! Alice stopped by on Friday for a final goodbye. She is flying back to France on Sunday. Cindy Clark treated her family to the Polar Express Train trip in Lewistown this weekend! Becca and Robert met her and Kenny’s family on Friday evening. The train r...

  • They Would Rather See Wolves than Wild Game

    Dec 7, 2022

    Dear Editor and Readers, I've noticed on all of the news outlets and in the papers, that the man in charge of the wolf population in Montana is retiring and said it has been a roaring success. I wholeheartedly agree. They have brought back enough wolves to exterminate the deer and elk in western Montana for whatever reasons that they have hidden. The one thing it did do, is push all the hunters over to Eastern Montana where we still have game, at least until the wolves show up. Of course we blame all the hunters, and yet they are victims of an...

  • Moe & Gertie: Continued Correspondence

    Betty Munson, For the PCN|Dec 7, 2022

    Moe replies to Gertie's letter in the 11/30/22 PCN Dear Gertie, I went up the mountain yesterday to visit Granpa Mac. I parked my jalopy at the bottom of the trail and went to hoofin' up those switchback trails. His cabin is still neat as a pin. We sat there jawin' awhile and then he started one of his recollections. I shore do like it when he gets to yarnin'. This one, he told about his moonshinin' days. This is the way he tells it: "Jed gave me our birdcall signal when he seed them two revenuers skulking up the trail so I was ready for them....

  • Trying Something Different Than Dad

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Dec 7, 2022

    Why didn’t anybody tell me this was going to happen? I never understood why my father took to the couch when he turned 70. But he did, and for much of the rest of his life that’s where he remained. Mom used to say it was because his legs hurt. I left it there. I was young and healthy and full of myself. No way was I going to follow in his footsteps or lack of them. That was his choice. Not mine. I’d stay active until I tipped over. Or so I thought. Then I turned 70. I’d accumulated a few ach...

  • No One Ever Taught Me How to Sleep

    Pierre Bibbs, Play Ball|Dec 7, 2022

    I suppose there is a reason for everything. I used to think that I was strong, maybe not stronger than most, but stronger than average. I could squeeze out a few reps of 250 pounds on the bench. My deadlift weight was decent but not anything near strongman level. I could squat even more, but lifting lost its luster over time. I had my firstborn son PJ and between the late nights with my handsome boy and work hours, I had no desire to wake up at 4:30 a.m. in the morning. I wish I had stuck with i...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, December 7, 2022

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Dec 7, 2022

    Sympathy to all people and animals who are outside in the snow and cold. Greetings from the North Pole! It is cold and we have snow! It is December, Jesus’ birthday! Other birthdays are Janice and Curt Reichelt, and Paul Siewing. Christmas is 25 days away! As you shop, bake, decorate, and put up your tree, don’t forget various charities. My favorite is the Food Bank, Salvation Army, and others, including the homeless people. Back in Whitewater, get well wishes to Jeanie Green and all who are...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, December 7, 2022

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Dec 7, 2022

    WE FOUND THIS WEEK VERY COLD ALL WEEK. On Thursday there was a very small skiff of snow. Friday started out again below zero, but at noon when the sun was high in the south it actually felt quite warm. It's awful to talk about the weather all the time but it is certainly on everyone's mind, it sort of determines what we do, go, or wear. It's sad that even in this cold weather one house was reported broken into and things were stolen. I guess we always have thieves. Thanks go out again to Velyma...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, December 7, 2022

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Dec 7, 2022

    So far, we have a white December out here at Loring! Not a huge amount but a nice blanket. My sister Debbie drove up from Billings for a few days! We went to the Phillips County Museums Festival of Trees and really enjoyed seeing some friends whom I haven’t seen in a while! The table decorations were so beautiful! And the auction items were superb! Congrats to the artists! We also saw Carol Lumsden and Alice Bartz, who is visiting from France. Saturday Cindy Clark came over for lunch. We had a...

  • North Country News for Wednesday, December 7, 2022

    Pat Murdock, PCN Correspondent|Dec 7, 2022

    Cody and Michele Math hosted Thanksgiving for their family this year. The group consisted of Brent and Debbie Anderson, Kevin, Kylee, Dax, Demi, Zaden, and of course Harrison, Hudson, Audree, and Aalynn. Allie Olsen drove his mother Margie Olsen and Trax and Gray Simanton to Missoula for Thanksgiving with Nancy Olsen and her daughter Tessa and Chris Lyn and their 2 daughters Emerson and Sawyer. Trax Simanton celebrated his 10th birthday bowling in Glasgow with friends. Therese, Gma Pat, and Lexie Haynes had a wonderful meal over the holiday at...

  • Moe & Gertie: Continued Correspondence

    Betty Munson, For the PCN|Nov 30, 2022

    Gertie replies to Moe's letter in the 11/23/22 PCN Dear Moe, My loquacious friend boiled over today. She was running off at the head as she usually does when George took offense. "You've got a big mouth,” he said. "I do not,” she snapped, “I may talk a lot but I don't have a big mouth.” Then George said, “If you'd kept your trap shut we wouldn't be having this conversation.” "Well, I wasn't the one who called your girlfriend a floozy. That was Percy, and when you cast aspersions on his mother, he delivered the roundhouse to your jaw that sa...

  • Visions of Antlers Running Through My Head

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Nov 30, 2022

    The bull was bedded in the timber at the top of a spur ridge running off the mountain. There were no tracks on the side from which I approached so his appearance caught me by surprise. My rifle was slung, and he was gone before I could bring it to my shoulder. In one leap he vanished, only to reappear in my dreams. I can still see him if I want, whenever I close my eyes. He’s bigger now. Those that got away seldom shrink in size. I’ve shot other bulls – some large, some small -- and their antler...

  • Finally, My Turkey Was a Success!

    Pierre Bibbs, Play Ball|Nov 30, 2022

    I must say, I actually cooked up a decent turkey last week. I almost couldn’t believe it, but it wasn’t dry, it wasn’t severely underseasoned, and I didn’t burn glaze to the bottom of a pot. I have only attempted to make turkey a few times and my family has been supportive of my battles. They have assured me that each time I have tried, they have enjoyed it, but I simply was not proud of my turkey. This year was way different. For one, I didn’t put a lot of pressure on getting it done for Thank...

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