One Nation, Under God


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  • Loring News for Wednesday, August 2, 2023

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Aug 2, 2023

    For two nights the thunderstorms have been amazing! The lightning was really bright, but the thunder wasn’t very loud. We even got a little rain both nights! It didn’t get measured in my new rain gauge though! I had a bout of stomach flu off and on for a week. I actually went to the ER for an IV to replenish the fluid I’d lost. I thought I was getting well, and it came back and hit me low again. I’m definitely getting better this time! Lu and I traveled to Malta on Monday evening for a GPDM mo...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, August 2, 2023

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Aug 2, 2023

    We experienced a short-lived weather disturbance on Sunday with lots of thunder, lightning, and wind but not much rain. We were hoping it would go ahead and rain, the ground top dries out so fast and cracks. As much rain as we were having it is surprising the grass is so dry. Be nice to have all the rain out of its system so as not to disturb the fair. They have really been busy at the Fairgrounds---at the end of the week it will be a beehive of activity. It is supposed to stay terribly hot all...

  • The Unspoken Word

    Kari Hould, Karis Quiet Corner|Jul 26, 2023

    You might have driven by it. Perhaps you noticed it. Two sets of eyes don't always see things the same way, either. This vision caught my eye Tuesday at the post office. It immediately spoke to me. The US Flag was draped around the POW/MIA flag. It was speaking to me, whether it be silently or in volumes, it spoke. The image that I saw was that of the US always looking out for and protecting our military even when we aren't aware of it. Though we may never see the return of the POW/MIA, it is...

  • There Is No Shortage of Hoppers

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Jul 26, 2023

    I saw a picture online last week of a friend posing with a handsome brown trout he’d caught. “It’s hopper season!” read the caption. I hadn’t thought about “that” hopper season in years. Instead, the hopper season I’ve become familiar with has biblical plague connotations. The grasshoppers were so thick in north central Montana last summer that swarms of them in flight were picked up on radar. While that’s yet to happen this summer, there’s certainly no shortage. Hoppers at our cabin on Fort P...

  • Experiencing The Food and Birds of Sweden

    Pierre Bibbs, Play Ball|Jul 26, 2023

    After landing and renting a car in our vacation to Sweden, the first thing we did was eat at a Swedish Fast Food place named Max. Seems fitting given the stereotypes that we as Americans have earned over the years. It doesn’t matter if we are in a recession, or hammered with inflation, we like to eat! Max was pretty good. It was similar to a McDonald’s or Burger King but with way more options. We ate quite a few things in Sweden and I was very impressed with not only their restaurant food but...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Jul 26, 2023

    Enclosed is a letter from Denmark. These people were visiting their son who lives in Whitewater and his family. We were all glad to meet and visit with them. Visitors at Marjorie Olson’s home were her daughter Carolyn, her husband, and three children. Carolyn grew up in Whitewater. They now live in Wyoming. Congratulations to JoAnna and Jana Wisher (formerly of Whitewater). They both were married. They live in South Carolina. Good luck to Samantha Wisher as she starts a new career in South C...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Jul 26, 2023

    The heat is almost as bad as the cold was back in January! I think 100 degrees is drying it up here. My son’s family visited for a couple of days this past week. They came to help me go through box after box of papers and pictures from my mother and dad’s place. Rod is cleaning out the house room by room to get ready for the new owners. We all went to the Sleeping Buffalo on Tuesday and had a great time! We took a trip around the Bowdoin Wildlife Refuge and stopped at the brewery! On Friday the...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

    Dodson Public Schools, PCN Correspondent|Jul 26, 2023

    We have had a few days of very hot weather making us aware of why we were not looking forward to it. Supposed to cool down a few degrees but will still be warm. Polly Solberg visited in Malta after church on Sunday. There was not much movement around Dodson in the extreme heat, making it a little over 100 for three days in a row by some thermometers. They are at work at the Fairgrounds, putting up bleachers and all the other work of getting ready like every year. Hot work! Hope they have a nice turnout and everyone enjoys themselves. Steve and...

  • North Country News for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

    Pat Murdock, PCN Correspondent|Jul 26, 2023

    Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were slain on a Friday and in the presence of their wives. Both were shot in the head on a Friday. John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839, and Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939. They both were shot before their trial. Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, and John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960. Their successors both were named Johnson and were Democrats in the Senate. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808, and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908. Both presidents (Kennedy and Lincoln) lost children while serving in...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, July 19, 2023

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Jul 19, 2023

    Greetings from The Home of the Whitewater Penguins/Mavericks. We have beautiful singers and musicians and the hardest workers and best cooks in the county! Yes, I still live here in Whitewater and plan to stay here until they take me away in a box! Also, Whitewater does not have shootings and violence like so many cities. Today our weather is perfect! It is about 70 degrees, no wind, and a perfect day! Enjoy the nice weather! We had a busy week here in Whitewater. The Baptist Church had...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, July 19, 2023

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Jul 19, 2023

    At senior meals, Carolyn Brainard and her daughter, Maggie, son-in-law, and grandsons visited with us. She is Margie Olsen’s daughter. It was great to see them and renew friendships. The Simonson’s were on a family trip to Idaho last week. It was a fantastic trip with almost all of Gale and Leroy’s offspring! The Lumsdens and Blunts along with the Slades and Norvilles spent a couple of days at the Gates of the Mountains. Sarah Scubina is working at the post office in Loring. Welcome to our a...

  • Those Stories Do Have Endings!

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Jul 19, 2023

    I recently read a story about two young men who paddled their canoe from Butte to the Pacific Ocean, completing the 1,300-mile journey in 52 days. I read the initial story when they began the trip on Silver Bow Creek. I never expected to read a story about the conclusion. During my time working for both the Livingston Enterprise and the Bozeman Chronicle I wrote and edited a number of stories about such trips. Plenty of would-be adventurers have grand visions of starting a float trip near the...

  • I Won Against the First Round of Jet Lag...

    Pierre Bibbs, Play Ball|Jul 19, 2023

    When we landed in Sweden during our family vacation, I felt like a champion! I couldn’t really fall asleep on the plane because of a screaming kid somewhere near us. I can only imagine traveling with a toddler and I definitely have sympathy, but it was hard to catch Zs despite our flight being an overnight event. Susan and the boys handled the flight over the Atlantic Ocean very well, thanks in part to the huge catalog of movies available to us. They had over 150 movie options and 150 tv s...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, July 19, 2023

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Jul 19, 2023

    Lots of smoke in the valley all this week from the Canadian fires. They seem like to be burning forever. We had a couple of good thunderstorms this week and one put down a good lot of water. Heard the Harb community east of Malta really got soaked. All in all, things have been pretty quiet. Vivian Bruckner and her sister-in-law were up to visit Polly Solberg and helped her for the day. Nathan came up and helped trim and take care of the yard. Not too much activity at the fairgrounds yet but...

  • PCN Article is Fridge Worthy, Thank You

    Jul 12, 2023

    Dear Editor, In reference to the message, “Reflecting on a Grateful Nation” by Kari Hould in last week’s PCN, thank you, Kari. I am going to clip your column and put it on our fridge door. You are right on this date, July 4, 2023. My parents came from Norway at a young age to find that future and hope in this “Grateful Nation.” We can do that by what we do and say. You mentioned, Kari, that kindness does not hurt; you are right on. As we think about our business's downtown, churches, schools, doctors and nurses care, banks and so many serv...

  • Asphalt and Sulfur Can Change Things

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Jul 12, 2023

    The railroad bridge collapse last month that spilled tanker cars full of liquid asphalt and molten sulfur into the Yellowstone River was hardly the first indignity the river has suffered. A broken oil pipeline under the river near Billings a few years ago comes to mind. So does a broken sewer line over the river at Gardiner, to name a few. The longest free-flowing river in the lower 48 has taken some abuse. Before the rail line between Livingston and Gardiner was discontinued, trains used to del...

  • Back Home After A Vacation in Sweden!

    Pierre Bibbs, Play Ball|Jul 12, 2023

    This is the first thing that I have written since my arrival back from Sweden, and it is safe to say that I am still battling jet lag. A few weeks ago, before my departure, I wrote a column noting some of my own personal struggles with battling through depression and I have received a few letters from readers. I want to say that I appreciate you all reaching out! I hope that it was in some way useful to someone. To those struggling, we need you here and love you. My family’s trip to Europe w...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, July 12, 2023

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Jul 12, 2023

    What a week! After working at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum on the Fourth of July, Cindy Clark invited me for dinner. It was nice and relaxing. I think the only other people in Loring were the Boschees later on. The town was very quiet. The Lumsdens and Blunts spent several days at Nelson. I spent a lot of time planning for the Kids’ Day activities on Saturday. And when the day came, I feel that it went well! About 70 kids plus parents were enjoying the activities and the movie Jurassic P...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, July 12, 2023

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Jul 12, 2023

    We haven't had any rain showers for a while, but it has been getting hot in the afternoons. More typical July weather than we have been having. Polly Solberg said her temp read just over 100 today. Summer school is over and so is basketball camp, so things have quieted down again. Now everyone is preparing for the fair. I hope they have a good one we need to start getting back to some more of our normal activities. Jerry and Bonnie keep mowing and working at cleaning up some of the town for the...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, July 12, 2023

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Jul 12, 2023

    JULY 5, 2023 It is sad about the train derailment in the Yellowstone River. Let’s hope it doesn’t pollute the river. This could kill cattle, sheep, and wild animals or people. Sympathy to all involved. It is July 2023, Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating, this includes my daughters Teresa and Gale, (my son Mitchell’s birthday is in August). Also, to those who are celebrating anniversaries this month. Happy 4th of July to all. Drive carefully. Well, I had a great weekend. We went to the M...

  • North Country News for Wednesday, July 12, 2023

    Pat Murdock, PCN Correspondent|Jul 12, 2023

    Sally Austin and Pat Murdock were in Saco on July 1st to pay respects to Darlene Soennichsen Arnold who passed away this spring. She was the sister to Carol Pippin. Pat also got to visit with her grandnephew Casey Alex Valez, grandson of Darlene. He resides in Kalispell. Visitors at the Brent and Debbie Anderson Ranch on the 3rd and 4th were Debbie's Mother Judy and Bill Bennett of Texas. They also visited with her son Bob Math and his sons Kevin and Cody families. Then they were off to Helena to visit Jenna, Troy, Sienna, and Stryker...

  • Reflecting On A Grateful Nation

    Kari Hould, Karis Quiet Corner|Jul 5, 2023

    As this issue of the PCN finds its’ way across the state lines and to your mailbox, I hope you took time to reflect on what a GREAT nation we live in. It is my hope as well, that this past week you have experienced a grateful nation, as well. When one looks back at the trial and troubles our forefathers withstood to arrive at the 4th of July ~ Independence Day…is there any stronger message our country could put forth for all generations? The countless lives that fought for such freedom are insurmountable. Families were torn apart, some fam...

  • Dodson News for Wednesday, July 5, 2023

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Jul 5, 2023

    Jerry and Bonnie have been very busy mowing with their new mower and the lots around town look so much better for it. Thanks for being so neighborly!!! The community sends condolences to the families of Lanny Wilke and Patty Dolphay in their passing. We are getting just enough rain that everything is staying so nice and green. This makes things grow fast too, especially weeds. Velyma Broadhead and Kay Taylor returned from the wedding and visiting relatives and had an enjoyable time. Virginia Sol...

  • Loring News for Wednesday, July 5, 2023

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Jul 5, 2023

    Whitney Blunt has decided to not be the postmaster in Loring anymore. We all wish her the best for the future! Sarah Skubina will be the new mail handler. We welcome her. The gophers are taking over my yard! I have holes everywhere in the lawn and flower bed! They are on the deck even! Buster chases them, but never catches them! Gotta get my .22 out I guess. The milkweed is blooming along the highway. The blossoms are so big this year! I appreciate that the person who is doing the swathing left...

  • Phillips County Museum News for Wednesday, July 5, 2023

    Lori Taylor, P. C. Museum Curator|Jul 5, 2023

    What/where was the first schoolhouse in Dodson? If you answered the Dan Nicolson house, you would be correct. The year was 1904-1905. Miss Short (who was not) and Miss Moore were two of the first teachers. In 1906 the school patrons donated materials and labor for a small building which was the new school. In 1912-13 a grand amount of $10.000.00 was gathered to erect a two-story frame building. This remained the school for Dodson until 1939. In 1921-22 there were 133 students enrolled. The PC Museum has a replica of an old school donated by...

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