One Nation, Under God


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  • Phillips County Health Nurse asks to cut down on direct contact

    Jenny Tollefson, Phillips County Health Nurse|Mar 25, 2020

    Regarding social visiting...I know some of you parents and caregivers are struggling. Kids are wanting to get together. Adults want to get together. I have also wanted to get together with our friends, keeping it at 10 or less, but I haven't. I wasn't totally in favor of schools shutting down when they did because of these particular challenges but when they did, I cannot stress enough how important it is for everyone to just stay away from each other as much as possible. I did feel we needed to shut as much down at the same time in order for...

  • American agriculture is doing it, and doing it better

    Joy DePuydt, Phillips County Farm Bureau|Mar 25, 2020

    Happy AG Week! This is the 47th anniversary of National Ag Day. That's over 40 years of recognizing agriculture's role in American life, and that's certainly an achievement worth celebrating! We know food and fiber doesn't just arrive at the grocery or clothing store or magically appear on our dinner table or in our closet. There's an entire industry dedicated to providing plentiful and safe food for consumption as well as a wide range of comfortable, fashionable clothing choices. We rely on agriculture for the very necessities of life. From...

  • Important to be counted as Census Day nears

    Paul Tuss, Executive Director Bear Paw Development Corporation|Mar 25, 2020

    Montanans, along with all Americans, will soon be asked to do something we haven’t done in a decade – fill out our Census form. Every ten years since 1790, citizens throughout the United States help determine how federal funds are distributed, and how we are represented in the halls of Congress. Beginning this month, all Montanans will be asked to respond to the 2020 Census by answering nine simple survey questions. For the first time ever, households can respond online at It’s an easy way to make your voice heard and your...

  • 3M known of far and wide

    Mar 25, 2020

    Dear Editor, We were in Napa Valley California in the fall of 1978 at a stop light when a car from Florida went by us with their window down and yelled, “Mighty Malta Mustangs and something about Goodhearts” after seeing the decal on the back window of our car. When we returned home, talked to Swede and Lois. They were in that car with her brother from Florida and brother who lived in California. Goodheart’s son, Dennis, graduated in 1965, Diane in 1966, Doug in 1975 and Dawn 1976. All were students and/or players for legendary coach, Bill...

  • Doing fine except for one feeling

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Mar 25, 2020

    We left Montana the last day of February driving south in search of sun and surf. We returned two weeks later to a world much different than the one we’d left. I hadn’t seen a palm tree in a couple of years, and had never been to the San Diego Zoo. Barb told me I was due. On the way down we stayed in Las Vegas, at a hotel now closed, walked the strip, and ate at a breakfast buffet. We avoided the crowds at Hoover Dam, however, after a security officer saw our Montana license plates, took one...

  • Our first time

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Mar 25, 2020

    I know it’s obvious, but the last couple of weeks have been strange. Praise God, that at this moment (Monday morning) there are no positive cases within Phillips County, but that does not mean that we haven’t been affected. The COVID-19 virus’s first effect in our family’s lives was during the 2020 State G Girls’ tournament in Butte. I had the suspicion that maybe the MHSA would follow suit with the NBA, MLB, and NHL, which canceled sporting events across the coun-try, so that the virus wou...

  • Dealing with the news during this time

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Mar 25, 2020

    I wasn’t ready for last week. I’m Nnot going to lie here and say that I was. The news on the COVID19 virus effecting Montana really started to hit the fan Sunday, March 14, with the announcement of all of our schools closing and the news rolled downhill from there on. Now, a few days and lots of Netflix series later, the news has somewhat died down. But for how long? After we printed last week’s PCN we decided that it was in everyone’s interest that we close the doors of our shop for the time being and conduct all our business via phone o...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for March 25, 2020

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Mar 25, 2020

    Sympathy to all who are effected by the COVID-19 virus in any way. Montana now has a few, sick with the virus. Our Governor Bullock has issued orders to close including here in Whitewater. Our Whitewater was effected another way as Whitewater Lutheran Church was canceled due to the virus and also the weather. (We had a big snowstorm and almost all activities in the county seemed to have been canceled.) Many Whitewater folks had planned on attending them, especially Ag Day in Malta. We...

  • Paid Political Endorsement

    Mar 18, 2020

    Political bickering, name calling, and misinformation tactics are distasteful at best. One of the reasons I support Greg Gianforte is because he has risen above these distasteful tactics and continues to campaign on his conservative record, business experience and positive vision for Montana’s future. The negative campaigning will not help us elect a conservative Governor for Montana. Greg’s business experience and conservative leadership are desperately needed in Helena. Greg’s conservative leadership will help pass long overdue legis...

  • All's quiet on the Yellowstone

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Mar 18, 2020

    Times certainly have changed. More than three dozen bison were killed by hunters recently just outside Yellowstone National Park. And it was no big deal. The national media wasn’t in attendance. Neither were members of the Buffalo Field Campaign. Protestors didn’t poke hunters with ski poles, as they had in the past, nor did they chain themselves to gates in an attempt to disrupt the hunt. There were no arrests. There were no cries of outrage. Maybe it was because the hunters were all Nat...

  • Stand as one, Phillips County, during wacky time

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Mar 18, 2020

    These are crazy times we are living in, but let’s not lose our heads and above anything else, let’s come together, not further distance ourselves from one another. The COVID-19 virus really hit us at home last week, first with the announcement of the virus making its way to the Treasure state, and then again when Montana Governor Steve Bullock announced the closure of all Montana schools. Some people (not all, thankfully) took to social media last week to bash our current and former federal leaders, the media, and then one another as the new...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for March 11, 2020

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Mar 11, 2020

    3-4. A late happy birthday to Phillips County News publisher Mark Hebert who is a Leap Year baby! Get better soon to Allie Olson and all else who are sick. It is hard to believe it is already March. Happy birthday and anniversary to all celebrating this March. Could someone explain to me about "cash backs?” Since I don’t always get to banks, sometimes I write checks for over the amount (maybe while buying groceries and I didn’t realize this was “cash back".) The local grocery store has trouble...

  • Is this how Malta is going to be from now on?

    Mar 11, 2020

    Dear editor, Has anyone looked at Malta’s streets? They are so filled with leaves that if the ice melts and the water won't be able to run down the sewers because they are so plugged with dry leaves…there are even piles of leaves on the courthouse lawn. I can remember when Bud Hasler was doing the streets, as soon as it snowed it was plowed up, put in a truck, and hauled away so that this kind of ice was not left to deal with. I can’t walk very well and once when we had a nice day I was going to Hardware Hank and the sidewalk was clear and d...

  • Times certainly have changed

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Mar 4, 2020

    Times certainly have changed. More than three dozen bison were killed by hunters recently just outside Yellowstone National Park. And it was no big deal. The national media wasn’t in attendance. Neither were members of the Buffalo Field Campaign. Protestors didn’t poke hunters with ski poles, as they had in the past, nor did they chain themselves to gates in an attempt to disrupt the hunt. There were no arrests. There were no cries of outrage. Maybe it was because the hunters were all Nat...

  • Waiting for the pike to appear

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Feb 26, 2020

    When I was a kid my dad gave me an autographed copy of a book by Sasha Siemel. He was a professional hunter in Brazil, famous for killing more than 300 jaguars with a spear. As I sat shivering in a fish house on Fort Peck Lake last weekend, staring down a hole in the ice waiting for a pike to appear, I tried to channel Siemel. It didn’t work. Eventually a pike did appear and I hurled the spear with undisciplined haste, missing my target by a wide margin. Had that fish been a jaguar I would h...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for February 26, 2020

    Feb 26, 2020

    The news on TV and radio is depressing. There are so many drive-by shootings and murders, all terrible. Once more we see the need for gun control…mostly banning or controlling assault weapons used in wars. Recently, I went to Havre and shopped at the Dollar Store. Great buys at ½ price of most stores. However, Havre shopping is limited as so many stores are gone. I especially miss Kmart. Back in Whitewater, many ranchers are gearing up for calving. It seems early to me, as Dad and most ranchers didn’t start caving until May or April when the...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for February 19, 2020

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Feb 19, 2020

    Beware, everyone, of the terrible Corona Virus! Although it started in China, the germs spread all over the world! Now there is a patient in Bozeman, Mont., who they suspect has the virus! Since my granddaughter, Chalise, is living in Bozeman, this sickness is a real concern to me and many others who have family in Bozeman. Let’s pray they find a cure or treatment soon. Here in Whitewater, we heard that Mark Lageson went to Boston, Mass., to visit family. Carrie and Jesse Simonson took their c...

  • Montana's elk hunting traditions worth preserving

    Tim Mulligan, Former Member of the Fish and Wildlife Commission|Feb 19, 2020

    For decades Montana has been the envy of hunters who pursue elk. Our state has healthy elk herds because of our incredible habitat on public and private lands. We enjoy the longest season in the West – with a six week archery season and a five week rifle season. No other state comes even close. With our strong elk herds comes challenges in their management. Landowners at times struggle with the damage that large groups of elk can cause to crops, haystacks and fences. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is faced with a constant balancing act – hun...

  • Slim freezer pickings

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Feb 19, 2020

    Oh, how I long for summer. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t like winter. I just hate getting dressed for it. It’s so much work. While covering the offending parts is all that’s necessary from June through August, getting dressed in February requires much more thought. Is it cold enough today for long johns? Can I get by with gloves or do I need mittens? Is this a face-mask day? And the big question: do I really need to go outside? When I was younger and lived in Cooke City where win...

  • Well, that was different

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Feb 19, 2020

    Well, that was different. I have been at the All State wrestling tournament for six of the past season years and this one felt a little different. Most of this is pertaining to food. The first difference from this year to last is that I went rogue on my diet. I followed a strict ketogenic diet last year at state. This year, I lasted until noon before I decided that I would simplify things by eating whatever I wanted within reason. I may or may not have eaten a brisket sandwich, chili, a 2-inch...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for February 12, 2020

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Feb 12, 2020

    2-5. Since it is basketball season, I am going to make some comments to coaches, administrators, players, and fans. Here’s a big question: If there is a lopsided score, with one team losing badly, why don’t coaches put their second team in and let them play? When did the game of basketball become a business which is simply about ratings, scores, and high points? When did it stop being fun and an outlet for all players, not just a “serious business?” Maybe they should return to the “good o...

  • Fight socialism with better ideas, not bigger bullets

    Roger Koopman, Montana Public Service Commission from PSC District 3|Feb 12, 2020

    At the recent Montana Republican Kickoff, something very strange happened. A GOP legislator from Billings suggested that he ought to be shot. Representative Rodney Garcia dropped a stink bomb in the middle of the gathering by insisting that it is our Constitutional duty to execute the socialists in our midst – or at the very least, lock them up in a dank dungeon somewhere. He sees them as too much of a danger for our free society to deal with if left on the loose. A .45 auto to the back of the head ought to do the trick. Obviously, there is s...

  • Slim pickings mid-winter

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Feb 12, 2020

    Last week’s column on the impending invasion of feral swine from Canada attracted an unusual amount of attention. Apparently the squeal of the pig resonates with more hunters than I would have guessed. Pig hunters from across the nation and even the globe weighed in with expert advice on how to thwart the invaders. Almost all of them advocated a shoot-on-sight approach – exactly the opposite of what professional game managers in Montana recommend. In this age of denying sound science, that sho...

  • Plan for pigs not for everyone

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Feb 5, 2020

    Last week’s column on the impending invasion of feral swine from Canada attracted an unusual amount of attention. Apparently the squeal of the pig resonates with more hunters than I would have guessed. Pig hunters from across the nation and even the globe weighed in with expert advice on how to thwart the invaders. Almost all of them advocated a shoot-on-sight approach – exactly the opposite of what professional game managers in Montana recommend. In this age of denying sound science, that sho...

  • Whitewater News & Opinion for January 29, 2020

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Jan 29, 2020

    1-22. U.S. politics is in such chaos. Let’s hope 2020 will improve everything. Some one asked me, “what’s your political preference?” Answer: I am a Democrat! What are you folks? Again, Happy New Year to all including Patty Young of Whitewater. There was a birthday party for Patty at Senior Meals at the North 40. Also, happy birthday to Howard Berg. He is a Whitewater pioneer and the last of the Bergs in the Whitewater area. Gladys Berg (Howard’s mom who has passed away) was the cook at the Whit...

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