One Nation, Under God
Sorted by date Results 101 - 125 of 2137
Sympathy to the family and friends of Wilma (McMullen) Mavencamp. She was a sister to Ray McMullen of Whitewater. Wilma and I went to school at Whitewater. Sympathy to all who have lost someone in 2024. There was a fundraiser benefit for Steven Johannesen at North 40 Cafe. He was injured in a farm accident. Folks, especially 4-Hers are preparing animals and entries for the fair. August 1 is entry day. The concert will be on Sat. August 3rd. It is always great. Note to teens and others who are...
Dear Editor, District Court Judge Katherine Bidegaray is the right choice to be the next justice on the Montana Supreme Court. Having worked as her law clerk for four years and appeared in front of her this past year, I have seen her be impartial, fair, and respectful to each party in every case she has. She was born and raised on a Richland County farm and ranch, and she knows the importance of preparation, hard work, and self-discipline. Judge Bidegaray cares deeply about the state of Montana, the rule of law and fundamental fairness, and the...
Dear Editor, I’ve seen some political ads lately that have raised some questions on my mind. The ads are for Jon Tester. The one I’m thinking of, in particular, shows several individuals who claim to be veterans saying how Tester has worked for veterans, and they will vote for him for that reason. Question 1: Who are these people? What are their last names? Where do they live? When and where did they serve? If they did, thanks to them. But if I were asked to endorse someone for senator, I’d make sure everyone could find out who I was and why my...
Cleaning out the house has been a chore. It takes time to go through twenty years of accumulation of stuff, some of it worth saving, most of it not. A lot of it came with us when we moved from Bozeman, including a box labeled rocks and another labeled iron. Opening them for the first time in decades I was disappointed to find they were just that — a box of relatively unremarkable rocks and old horseshoes. What had I been thinking? At least it was easy to dispose of them. Another rock is more dif...
The weather has been the main topic around Affinity and I’m sure the residents in Loring were talking about the heat, also! I was shocked yesterday when former president Trump had an attempt on his life. Just too many shootings in our country! Pete and Carol Lumsden celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary with their family at the lake this last weekend. Congratulations! I taught a group of residents watercolor painting on Saturday. This time everyone painted a barn, and they turned out very n...
There was an earthquake in Seeley Lake, Montana. Pray no one was hurt. Sympathy to the family of Cora Maxie. Mike and Debbie Hammond and the LaBrie’s of Whitewater were all part of her family. Whitewater Baptist Church had a very busy week They had vacation bible school and a church revival in the evenings. They had about 20 people from South Carolina here. Whitewater Lutheran Church combines with the Malta Lutheran Church for vacation bible camp at Glacier Park. Call Malta Lutheran Church or P...
Dear Editor, I recently was informed that the Phillips County Commissioners have made a decision that puts the fate of the Boy Scout Phillips County fair booth in jeopardy. They have made the decision that after the 2024 fair is completed, the food booth will be torn down. They want to erect the new grandstands in the same area where the Scout booth is standing and are unwilling to move to another site. Really guys, WHY??? You state that the county did not own the building and have been provided a copy of the bill of sale dated July 29, 1994,...
I stepped out my back door last week to be greeted by a flag bearing the f-word in foot-high letters. It was mounted on a decrepit vehicle parked next to my property, and only steps away from the gymnasium where children had attended a basketball camp earlier that day. I wondered if they had seen it. The flag was political in intent, but obscene on purpose. Some idiot, I’m sure, thought they were being funny. I didn’t. I was mad, and a bit disappointed to see such a public display of obs...
Normally, the northern plains of Montana are considered windy. But the wind has found Billings also. This past week was rainy and windy. This next week the forecast is for hot temps. I have harvested two tomatoes from my small garden already! Some gardens have produced spinach, lettuce, radishes and lots of table onions! The flower gardens are beautiful too! David and Brandie Stordahl hosted a barbecue on Saturday. I enjoyed the ribs and shrimp! Their son Rocco is leaving on a school trip to...
Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating birthdays in July including, my two daughters Teresa and Gale. Happy Anniversary to all those celebrating this month. Sunday, June 30, Whitewater Lutheran Church was honored by a group of singers from the Milk River Gospel Jamboree. They were fantastic! Beautiful music, it truly was. They were called “Keepers of the Faith”. The church was packed with people from South Carolina, Seattle, Washington, and more groups from the MRGJ. Chinooks Ken Ove...
Sue Olsen and her sidekick Grey Simanton, along with fair board member Becka Anderson put flowers out at the fairgrounds in Dodson one day last week. Brent and Debbie Anderson went to Glasgow to help granddaughter Sutton celebrate her 2nd birthday over the 4th of July. Those of you who didn’t get to the July 3rd rodeo in Hinsdale during Milk River Days missed a “really big show” as Ed Sullivan would say. It is probably one of the most well-attended local rodeos ever. Royce Strobbe won 1st in Breakaway, Rowdy Beil was 1st in Pee Wee barre...
Across America, I send wishes for a memorable and enjoyable 4th of July! I just spent the better part of four days at the State of Montana American Legion (and Auxiliary) Convention in Glasgow, Montana. Smack dab “in the middle of nowhere” as they are now claim to fame for. What a beautiful four days to spend in such a manner; and what better way to get inspired and fired up for this beautiful celebration of our independence! The colors of red, white and blue FAR outweigh my usual colors of black and blue and are such a welcome change. The...
It is an odd feeling when you lose a part of you. Thankfully, what I lost last week wasn’t that big of a thing, in fact it might’ve saved my life. It was most of my tooth. It started with a toothache and ended with a root canal. Well, I suppose now I am waiting for a crown. I did okay, but I would be lying if I were to say that I was completely brave throughout this process. One random weekend, my tooth was in so much pain that it became unbearable. So sore that I couldn’t chomp on anything. I w...
Happy Independence Day! I’m so grateful for our country and the freedoms that we have! Honors go to all the service people who helped our country stay free! Last week, Carol Lumsden attended a memorial service for a classmate, Kip Young. Many of his classmates attended from all over the country. A friend from Affinity, Marcia Webber, brought me greetings from Carol. Keepers of the Faith, a gospel group from Washington, sang at the Whitewater Lutheran Church on Sunday! Cindy Clark and Carol Lumsd...
Sympathy to the family of Clarice Stahl. She lived in Whitewater for many years. Sue Olsen is her daughter. Clarice has been in Helena living for the past few years. She was a very nice lady. Whitewater Baptist Church has a revival service from July 7 to the 10th at 7 p.m. There will be guest speakers. Pastor Cindy Clark was the guest speaker at the Whitewater Lutheran Church this past Sunday. Cindy has a beautiful singing voice. Several children, including Lilliana, went to the 4-H camp at...
Dear Editor, As Postmaster of the Malta Post Office I am writing to express the unwavering commitment of our postal staff to serving our wonderful communities. With the 4th of July approaching, a time when we celebrate our nation’s independence and the freedoms we cherish, it is also a fitting moment to reflect on the values that bind us together. The Postal Service has been an integral part of American life for centuries, connecting people across vast distances, facilitating communication and commerce. My team and I take immense pride in c...
I’ve had some pretty prestigious Montana addresses. General Delivery, Cooke City was my first, and it’s still hard to beat. Tucked into the valley of Soda Butte Creek, surrounded by snow-capped peaks, Cooke is only a couple of miles up the road from Yellowstone Park. I’ve also called Livingston home, and probably will again. Like Cooke, it has spectacular mountain views, and while Yellowstone is a few more miles up the road, it’s still close. For a few years, Barb and I lived in Bozeman on Will...
After the last few years of drought that we have experienced in Montana, the green grass, trees, and foliage has been wonderful to see. We have driven in every direction and it has been extremely encouraging to see. While my eyes love what I am seeing, my allergies have never been worse here. This weekend, it feels like I sneezed more than I have ever sneezed over the course of two days. Energy is zapped. My nose runs, my eyes and ears itch. I have never cracked the code on keeping my allergies...
Again, the community mourns the passing of a friend, Clarice Stahl. Mother of Sue Olsen and Wade and Kenny Stahl. She was a strong, caring woman of many talents. Words can’t begin to describe her good deeds. On a happier note, there was a nice get-together at the North 40 in Whitewater. A visit with out-of-town guests who grew up here. Jan Donavan from Texas and her sister Kay Cavanaugh. They, along with their parents Arlene and Lyle and brothers Dale and Dennis Donavan lived at the Olsen Farm. Thank you, Joyce (Austin) Donavan for hosting. O...
Wow! The temp on Sunday was 99 degrees. I’m not the ruler of the world, but I say that’s too hot for June! The rest of the week was in the 70’s! Cindy Clark was a guest lay minister at the Malta Lutheran and Whitewater Lutheran Churches on Sunday. Her message was also carried on KMMR-Mustang radio. Lulu Besel invited her for lunch afterward. It’s been raining several times a week and the grass looks beautiful. Crops are growing right along with the weeds! Congratulations to Rennay Watkins...
Sympathy to Whitewater’s Heidi Cummings family on the recent loss of her mother. Congratulations to Charlene Wasson who was “Teacher of the Week” for Whitewater School. She has been in the school for 20 years. Good job, Charlene! Glad you are better, Bonnie McMullen. She has been in Billings recently. Happy Birthday to all June birthdays, especially to my sister, Janet Brown, now of Billings, Montana. I attended her birthday party on June 7. Her four children, all came. Janet was raised in Wh...
It was about noon when Evangelist Ken Gaub and his family pulled into Des Moines, IA. They were traveling evangelists singing Gospel music as he preached in citywide crusades across America. The family of five lived in a converted Silver Eagle Trailways bus. Ken pulled into Pizza Hut, the children's favorite place to eat. One by one they exited the bus and headed toward the restaurant. His wife, Barbara, paused at the door and said, "Are you going to join us", as he sat in the driver's seat? Ken...
For the last 20 years my life has been ruled by dogs. From the moment I woke in the morning until I went to bed at night there was always something canine that needed doing. Whether it was letting them out or letting them in, filling food bowls or picking up poop, the dogs demanded my attention. From September until January we hunted more days than not, and I loved watching them work. Hunting also tired them out. Consequently they were best behaved in the fall. Wearing them out during the other...
I have a problem. Ok, maybe not the biggest problem. But it is massive! It’s my head. I do not know why the good Lord chose to give me such a massive noggin, but he did and it is a problem! Don’t tell me that it is to hold a massive brain, because if I had a massive brain, I believe that I could use it to become a billionaire. I also think I would be able to remember a lot more things than I forget. For years, I was convinced that I could not find a hat big enough for this dome. For those that h...
Kathy Bell, of Glasgow, surprised me on Sunday! She was at Affinity visiting her brother, Bob McInerney, who has lived here for a few years. Two other siblings were visiting him, also. I hosted a Stordahl BBQ here at Affinity on Saturday evening. Tom’s sister Bev Haagenson, and nieces Julie, JoAnn, and nephew Rick and their significant others attended along with great-niece Jenny Haskin and Chris McMullen. Chris was the master flipper of burgers, thank you, Chris! My son Rodney, Jeannie and Z...