One Nation, Under God

Articles from the September 25, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 28

  • Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk in Malta

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Sep 25, 2019

    The third annual Phillips County Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk was held in Malta last Sunday, and for the first time since it started, the weather was pleasant as over 100 people turned up at Malta High School for the beginning of the walk on a day where over $1,400 was raised. The foyer at Malta High School housed the registration table, Remembrance Wall, the Rocks of Hope display, and tables with colored beads for walkers — each color representing a type of personal connection of s...

  • Proud in Phillips County

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Sep 25, 2019

    The Ranchers Stewardship Alliance (RSA) and Phillips Conservation District joined forces last Saturday night to host the 4th Annual Phillips County Proud event in Malta on a night which featured a free dinner and salutes to members of the community for volunteerism and contributions to the community. “This is a really nice turnout to come out to celebrate our community,” RSA President Leo Barthelmess said. “The (RSA’s) mission statement says ‘ranching, conservation, and community…a winning tea...

  • Rocks make their way back to Whitewater

    Sep 25, 2019

    Whitewater pre-school and elementary students along with their teachers were recently given painted rocks. Mrs. Wilcott's mother, Mrs. Linda Frisbie, brought the painted rocks from her home in White Sulphur Springs, Montana. Most of the rocks were painted by Beth Hunt, the director of the Meagher County Senior Center, where Mrs. Frisbie is a volunteer. Even though the rocks were painted in White Sulphur Springs, most originated in Whitewater as Mrs. Frisbie often gathers rocks on her visits to...

  • Rhythm and Ramble kicks-off concerts at MHS

    Sep 25, 2019

    Get ready Malta, Rhythm and Ramble will bring their acoustic swing sound to the Malta High School Auditorium on Monday, September 30 starting at 7 p.m. Rhythm and Ramble is a small jazz group based in Bozeman, Mont., led by Colby Tinsley and Tyler de Caussin. This acoustic swing band is founded upon the shared passion for pre-war American Jazz and builds on its unique legacy, refashioning the spirit and heart of classic songbook melodies into a fresh and modern setting. Rhythm and Ramble...

  • Triangle Communications Annual Meeting on October 5th

    Sep 25, 2019

    Triangle Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc., doing business as Triangle Communications (Triangle), will hold its 66th Annual Meeting of Members on Saturday, October 5, 2019. The meeting will take place in the Student Union Building on the campus of Montana State University-Northern in Havre, MT. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., the business meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. with lunch served following the meeting. Trustees for three districts will be elected by members attending. Doug Lowry has been nominated to represent District 1, which...

  • Not going quietly

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors columnist|Sep 25, 2019

    I thought Jem would be ready to retire, hang it up, head to the couch, rest on his laurels. After all, he recently turned 13, the life expectancy of a springer spaniel. He has aches and pains, walks like John Wayne, and falls a lot. But after I left him home on the second day of the season, my wife told me if I wanted to stay married I should never do that again. She said Jem moaned and groaned and howled until I returned home with the other dogs. He hasn’t stayed home since. Jem accompanies u...

  • Yesterday's Phillips County News Memories for September 25, 2019

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Sep 25, 2019

    1 years ago September 26, 1919 The North District of the Montana Federation of Woman's Clubs was scheduled to meet in Malta. On the program, Mayor E. Sklower was slated to make the address of welcome. Mrs. F. W. Hall was to sing and Mrs. J. F. Kilduff, president of the state federation, was to make the principal address. ◘◘◘ Jack Mabee, Havre aviator, cracked up his plane in an attempted landing south of town. Neither he nor his passenger was injured. Small boys collected most of the plane...

  • Construction updates with David Veseth

    David Veseth, PCN Correspondent|Sep 25, 2019

    County Court House, a resident is putting Styrofoam forms to build a foundation for a home. Last Wednesday, they also started pouring the concrete for the new basement for that house. Another thing I saw was watching the work crew putting new metal shingles on the roof at MOI as well as new fiberglass insulation. I also got to go inside the Villa Theatre again and got to watch them work on fixing-up the bathrooms. It seems that when they re-open the theatre, rumor has it that a new pop machine...

  • Phillips County Sheriff's Report for September 23, 2019

    Phillips County Sheriffs Office|Sep 25, 2019

    Please be advised: If you are planning on using Trafton Park shelters for an event in the future, please contact the Malta City Office, 654-1251, to reserve the shelters, get the key and pay for the electricity. The Phillips Co Sheriff’s Office will no longer be handling this. Thank you. NOTICE TO NEW CONCEALED WEAPON PERMIT APPLICANTS: The Phillips County Sheriff’s Office will no longer be providing Concealed Weapon Permit classes. When you pick up the application, you will see the legal requirements necessary to obtain a Concealed Weapon Per...

  • Loring News for September 23, 2019

    Dixie Stordahl, PCN Correspondent|Sep 25, 2019

    Happy last day of summer and welcome to autumn! We have had an awesome week with the weather bouncing around a little. Hopefully, the crop can be harvested before the freezing temps of next week! Heather Simonson was the hostess for Loring Woman's Club on Wednesday. We had a luscious salad dinner with only one member absent. The working committee for the Loring Dance was set, and ticket sales for the raffle. Dixie Stordahl volunteered to be the treasurer and was accepted. A special guest Char Wa...

  • 'What Makes America Great' essay contest

    Sharon Kindle, PCN Correspondent|Sep 25, 2019

    “What Makes America Great” is the theme for the 2019-2020 year for two programs offered by the VFW Post 4067, which could result in prize money and recognition for a student entering the contests. The Voice of Democracy “was started by the National Association of Broadcasters in 1947. The Veterans of Foreign Wars became a national sponsor in the late 1950s and assumed sole responsibility for the program in 1961.” Each state winner is brought to Washington, D.C. in February 2020 to compete for $155,500 in national college scholarships with fi...

  • Vaping: The New Threat of Nicotine Addiction Among Youth

    Sonia Young, Malta Boys and Girls Club|Sep 25, 2019

    E-Cigarettes, vapes, mods, e-hookahs, vape pens, tank systems and JUULS have been a popular topic on the national news lately. Although deemed to be less harmful and supposed help people stop smoking regular cigarettes these devices are becoming a major health issue, and are threatening to addict the next generation of youth to nicotine. A new study published in Tobacco Control showed that of the 15% of adult tobacco users who have tried the e-cigarette “JUUL”, only one-third used the product as a way to quit. 32% reported that they used the...

  • Phillips County Museum News for September 25, 2019

    Sep 25, 2019

    The PC Museum had an invasion last week! The Sun Prairie Ladies from 1981 blew through the doors with a beautiful quilt. Thirty-eight years ago the community ladies gathered to say goodbye to Barb (Math) Kluck as her family was leaving the area. Each lady had made a quilt square to commemorate the area. Most of the squares are brands. Some of the ranch brands belonged to the Troy and LaRae Blunt, Ervin and Donna Crowder, Bill French and Corky French, Adam and Virginia Koss, Charles and Berniece...

  • Penguin XC

    Robin Warren, PCN Correspondent|Sep 25, 2019

    The Penguins recently saw action at Lewistown on Tuesday, September 10, and in Poplar on Saturday, September 21, both new meets for Sophomore Hannah Hanley. At Lewistown, she finished in 29.31 with mile splits of 9.30. Hannah placed as the 15th Class C runner. Lewistown is an excellent course that provides runners a look at their state competition this fall. In the Poplar meet, Hannah rocked a 24.50 with mile splits of 8.01. This is a season-best for her. Thanks to the Poplar Coaching staff for re-working the course to accommodate for the...

  • M-ettes run in Shelby, Poplar

    Sep 25, 2019

    The Malta M-ettes Cross Country team participated in the Shelby Invitational on Monday, September 16 and the Poplar Invitational on Saturday, September 21. The overall winner of the girls' varsity race in Shelby was L’Tia Lawrence of Harlem who cruised the course with a time of 20:25. Teammate Taya Trottier, also of Harlem, posted the second-place finish of 21:54. Third place honors went to Brook Holland of Sunburst who ran in with a time of 22:16. As for the Malta Mettes, Leslie Young took seventh with a time of 24:15. Jillian O’Brien was eig...

  • M-ettes learning to adjust

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Sep 25, 2019

    It was a rough week for the Malta M-ettes (1-5) as the team dropped three games last week, falling to Chinook, Harlem, and Wolf Point. "It has been a tough week for us," Malta M-ette Co-Head Coach Kalli Rummel said. "We have been on two weeks of having three games. There has been a lot of pregame practice, a lot of bus rides, and sickness is going around." The team has also been dealing with the injury bug as two of their starters have been sat. Starting hitter Kelbee Denham, a senior, will...

  • Phillips County News Athlete of the Week : Connor Tuss

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Sep 25, 2019

    Fave Hobby: Hunting. Fave Pro Team: San Antonio Spurs. Dream Vehicle: One-Ton Chevy Pickup. Fave Meal: Chicken Alfredo. Fave Spot in PC: Nelson or the Buffalo. Fave Powerade flavor: Cool Blue. If you could have one superpower: Invincibility. You as an Animal: Giraffe....

  • Dodson at Poplar Invitational

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Sep 25, 2019

    The Dodson Coyotes High School and Middle School Cross Country teams ran at the Poplar Indian Invitational on Saturday, September 21. The Meet featured schools from Montana and North Dakota. Despite the tough competition from North Dakota, Dodson’s fourth and final runner Emma Cole qualified for the State meet in Great Falls, late this October. “Emma Cole ran a state qualifying race!,” Coach Tianna Bloomer said. “So all four of my varsity runners will be going to state: the track was relativ...

  • Dodson News for September 25 2019

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Sep 25, 2019

    Get well wishes to Dolores Shettel and Willard Mortenson who were not feeling well. Dean and Carol Kienenberger were back after visiting many relatives and friends. Edward and Polly Solberg were in Havre to start the process to have Edward's cataracts removed. We have still been getting a lot of rain showers and after a couple of hot days, the temperatures are getting much lower. Harvest is still at a standstill. Polly Solberg was in Malta on Sunday to help Eva Bruckner celebrate her 87th...

  • Whitewater News and Opinion for September 23, 2019

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Sep 25, 2019

    Sympathy to all hurricane victims everywhere. It’s terrible. Sympathy to the family of Marie Wasson. They farmed near Loring, Mont., for many years. The children now operate farms. Congratulations to the Whitewater Penguins and North County Mavericks on their volleyball victories. Reminder, Whitewater’s North 40 serves Senior Meals on Wednesday’s for a small fee. Others are welcome to attend but will need to pay the full price. There have been up to 12 people at the meals recently. The Counc...

  • 'Ag in Color' Drawing Contest for schools

    Sep 25, 2019

    The Montana Farm Bureau Federation announces its ‘Ag in Color’ Drawing Contest, part of their Montana Youth (MY) Agriculture Literacy program. This well-established drawing contest is now open for 2020. Ag in Color’ drawing contest consists of seven entry categories and is designated for students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Entry categories include areas specific to Montana Agriculture: Kindergarten – Farm Animals in Montana Grade 1 – Grown in Montana Grade 2 – Grains of Montana Grade 3 – Cattle of Montana Grade 4 – Noxious Weeds i...

  • Former Dodson resident named to Cowboy HOF

    Sep 25, 2019

    Earlier this month, the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & western Heritage Center (MCHF&WHC) announced the 2019 Class of inductions into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame and the late Benjamin F. Stevens of Dodson was named one of this year’s Legacy Award honorees. “The inductees were chosen from a field of candidates nominated by the general public,” states an organization press release. “Inductees are honored for their notable contributions to the history and culture of Montana.” “The Hall of Fame exists to honor those who have made an impact in t...

  • Card News for September 23, 2019

    Sep 25, 2019

    Bingo Bingo is Back at 1 p.m. on Fridays at the Malta Senior Citizen Center. Please mark your calendar. All are welcome! Whist Leonard Leader ruled the roost at whist last week, earning 58 points and a first place nod. Pinochle Nina Jones tallied 6,450 to take first place last week, Leonard Leader took second with a total of 6,110 and the traveling prize was awarded to both Nina and Harvey Smith....

  • Briefly for September 25, 2019

    Sep 25, 2019

    Malta Senior Meals Thurs September 26th Ham Dinner Fri September 27th Hot Turkey Tues October 1st Meatloaf Grief support group in Malta A Grief support group will be starting in Malta on September 25 at the Senior Center and will continue on Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Please call Tammy Hubany (920-572-0161) or Dianne Salsbery (406-654-4675) with any questions. Hours change at GPDM Great Plains Dinosaur Museum has a change of hours to Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and closing for the season at the end of...

  • Legal Ads for September 25, 2019

    Sep 25, 2019

    Notice of Close of Regular Registration for the Town of Dodson Notice is hereby given that regular* registration for the Town of Dodson Municipal General Election to be held on November 5, 2019, will close at 5:00 p.m., on Monday, October 7, 2019. If you miss this regular registration deadline, you may still register for the election in person at the Phillips County Election Office up to and including on Election Day. Between noon and the close of business on the day before Election Day, you can complete and submit a voter registration card,...

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