One Nation, Under God

Articles from the August 27, 2014 edition

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  • ALS Ice-Bucket Challenge pours into Malta

    Mark Hebert|Aug 27, 2014

    On Thursday night it was Malta Elementary School Principal Theodore Schye and high school Principal Scott King. Later that night, the M-ette Volleyball team. On Friday afternoon, in 50-degree weather, the entire staff of the First State Bank sat on the curb in front of the bank while a large crew of bucket holders dumped water over their heads. The Ice-bucket challenge – coupled with torrential rain over the weekend -- has left Malta a little soggier than usual at this time of year, but all f... Full story

  • Everall Holman to turn 100 in September

    Mark Hebert|Aug 27, 2014

    Malta's Everall Holman will turn 100 years old on September 23, and he has seen a lot in his life. Besides being a longtime farmer, rancher and pilot in the area, Everall also has the distinction of quite possibly being the only person who has been to all 99 Phillips County Fairs. "I was just a baby at the first one," Everall said. "I don't remember anything from that day, but I know my parents drove us kids there in a Model T." Though he doesn't remember that first Phillips County Fair in... Full story

  • Saco Schools shutdown on Monday after rain causes flooding

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Aug 27, 2014

    Phillips County and many parts of Northern Montana experienced anywhere from 5 to 9 inches of rain this past weekend. It was a weekend of washed out roads, damaged crops and flooding in homes and buildings. Saco was hit with 6.5 inches of rainfall in three days, an amount which ultimately was too much for the small town and it's school. According to the town's Facebook page, the flooding has caused residents to only use their water and sewers in a case of emergency. "A lot of the town has taken... Full story

  • Briefly for week of August 27, 2014

    Aug 27, 2014

    Senior Dinner Meals Thursday, August 28th - Swiss Steak Friday, August 29th - Hot Hamburger Tuesday, September 2nd - - Casserole Grace Fellowship Fall Hours Grace Fellowship Fall hours will begin on Sunday, September 7. Regular worships at 11 a.m. and Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Welcome back Book Discussion Group The Book Discussion Group has chosen “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee for the September book. Copies are available at the library for anyone who wants to participate. Scholastic Book Fair 8-26-27. The Annual Fall Scholastic Boo... Full story

  • Malta City Council approves levies, declines Rural Development loan

    Mark Hebert|Aug 27, 2014

    At a special meeting Friday afternoon in Malta, the Malta City Council discussed the mills to be levied for 2014/15 and for the 2014/15 Budget. Malta Clerk and Treasurer presented a copy of Resolution #1183 for council review with 232 mills being levied, generating $440,048 in taxes. The motion carried with all four council members voting in favor. Malta Mayor Shyla Jones then stated that there will be a retirement party for Carolyn Schmoeckel on Thursday, September 18 from 3 p.m. until 4 p.m. at the gym inside City Hall. Two weeks ago, at the... Full story

  • Dodson Summer School lots of work and play

    Aug 27, 2014

    Dodson Summer School program ran June 2 -26, 2014. During this time four teachers – Deserae KillEagle, Wendy Hopkins, Samaria Kirby and Kathleen Hughes created a program which included math, reading, science and computer support programs. The program was not all work and no play however, as weekly activities took place. In week one the students created constellations and stories to share with visiting elders who shared a little about life when they were kids. The second week included a trip t... Full story

  • Kiwanis present Hanson with member appreciation plaque

    Aug 27, 2014

    At a recent Kiwanis meeting, President Ann Motichka presented member Kristina Hanson with an appreciation plaque. Kristina, who taught music and English for 25 years at MHS, will soon be moving to Nebraska to be closer to family. Kristina served as Key Club faculty advisor for twenty years and has volunteered many, many hours to Kiwanis and Key Club. The award was given "In appreciation for your many years of service as a Kiwanis member, Kiwanis advisor, and Key Club faculty advisor... Full story

  • Malta High School welcomes LeAnn Hass family

    Rosemary Veseth, PCN Correspondent|Aug 27, 2014

    The Malta community welcomes one of MHS’s two new Special Education teachers, Mrs. LeAnn Haas. If LeAnn looks a trifle familiar to you, it could be because she is the former LeAnn Lee, MHS Mustang class of 2008. As a new special education teacher she is in a unique situation as several of her new fellow staff members were once her own high school teachers. LeAnn attended college in Havre obtaining a B.S. degree in Secondary Education, planning to teach high school English. Her minor is in Traffic Education which means she can be a driver’s edu... Full story

  • Phillips County 4-H Carnival not slowed by rain

    Ann Shettel, PCN Correspondent|Aug 27, 2014

    A little rain may stop some folks from having fun on a Saturday, but not these youngsters. May youth enjoyed the carnival put on by the Phillips County 4-H clubs, Big Sky Builders, Cross Country, Malta Steak, Milk River Beef Builders, Rocky Road and Rough Riders. With four hours of games from a fishing pond, cake walk, basketball throw, ball climb and many others youth carried away prizes of candy, stickers and toys. The carnival is hosted every other year by the 4-H program as a committee... Full story

  • Dirt Daubers gift flowers to teachers for 25th year

    Rosemary Veseth, PCN Correspondent|Aug 27, 2014

    The Malta Dirt Daubers spent a busy morning arranging flowers for Malta's teachers on Wednesday afternoon. For the past 25 years teachers at Malta have received a fresh vase of flowers on the first day of school. Members' donate the fresh flowers from their gardens. Nintey vases were distributed this year.... Full story

  • Phillips County Historic Walk slated for September 14

    Aug 27, 2014

    Plan to enjoy a Sunday afternoon reminiscing with four early pioneering Phillips County citizens. The Historic Walk setting will be at the H. G. Robinson House & Gardens, Malta, MT on September 14, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. In addition to the Historic Walk, everyone is invited to tour the extensively refurbished H. G. Robinson House & beautifully landscaped H. G. Robinson Gardens while partaking of light refreshments. Drawings and closure of the Silent Auction Historic Book Sale will also occur. Welcoming you to the 2014 Phillips... Full story

  • Memories for the Week of August 27, 2014

    Mark Hebert, Editor|Aug 27, 2014

    August 27, 1914 100 years ago Local news: parties hauling gravel from the pit south of town this week were somewhat suppressed to find parts of a skeleton. It was very evident from the condition that it has been there a long time as most of the bones were gone. In the roughly made box beside the remains was a scabbard such as soldiers use, and it is thought that it might be the resting place of some solider who either died here or was killed years ago, On sale: Men’s new fall blue Serge suits $18 per suit. When you want the right thing in t... Full story

  • Former Mustang Schye ready to take the field for Grizzlies

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Aug 27, 2014

    Former Mustang football and basketball standout Tucker Schye has put his red-shirt year at the University of Montana behind him and is excited about playing for the Griz this season. With his first game coming up on Friday at 2 p.m. against the University of Wyoming, Schye feels primed and ready to go. "I'm feeling pretty good and I'm ready to play. I'm excited to play for the Griz," Schye told the PCN. His 6'4" 220 pound frame makes him the perfect candidate to play Mike Linebacker in the... Full story

  • M-ette spikers look to defend their home turf at the Malta Invitational tourney

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Aug 27, 2014

    The Malta M-ettes volleyball team has a large squad, standing at 33 players between their varsity, junior varsity and c-squad. The team has been practicing hard and looks primed to defend their home turf at the 2014 Malta Volleyball Tournament on August 30 at 9:00 a.m. The varsity teams from all over the state will be playing at the high school, while the junior varsity and c-squads will be playing at the old gym. "This is the only tournament that I know of, where you can bring all three of... Full story

  • Albertsons host community appreciation barbecue in Malta

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Aug 27, 2014

    When the humble, small town of Malta attracts people from Missoula and Great Falls, something good has got to be happening. For the last fifteen years, that good thing has been Albertsons Community Appreciation Day Picnic. The annual food and fellowship dinner for the last few years has attracted nearly 800 people from all over Phillips and surrounding counties. Last Wednesday's (Aug. 20) picnic held at the stockman terrace, was no different, with even more in attendance. The picnic featured... Full story

  • Phillips County Sheriff's Report for week of August 27, 2014

    Phillips County Sheriff|Aug 27, 2014

    PHILLIPS COUNTY SHERIFF NEWS LOG Aug 9 thru Aug 17 Check out our website: and our Facebook page, Phillips County Sheriff’s Office. August 9, 14 1:43am Deputy cited two juveniles for curfew violation; one transported to residence and second to PCSO to be picked up by a family member; case file started. 2:20am 911 received reporting a huge party out at Nelson Reservoir; Deputies responded to the call; party located and advised to shut it down. 3:07am Lake Wind Advisory in effect from 10am to 8pm tonight. 7:07am R... Full story

  • Community Pointers for new teachers at Phillips County Schools, part II

    Rosemary Veseth, PCN Correspondent|Aug 27, 2014

    Following last week’s article, several other concerned citizens have offered helpful hints for the new border patrol officers, school teachers, and especially the new owners of Dairy Queen who have bravely trekked northward from warm, sunny Arizona to take up residence in Malta. We do hope that you will benefit from these hints. You now live in an area where folks love to wave to each other. Car drivers wave as they merrily pass each other. People will toot their horns and wave to others out working in their yards. Friendly Malta folk will e... Full story

  • A fishing spot that gives me pause

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoors Columnist|Aug 27, 2014

    I don’t do too many scary things anymore. Not that I ever did on purpose, but in pursuit of fish and game I’ve certainly scared myself. Last weekend three friends and I fished the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, a stretch of river I’m quite familiar with, yet a place that still gives me pause. With good reason. While we were in the canyon, a search and rescue crew recovered the body of a drowning victim just a few miles downstream. The 22-year-old from Georgia had been floating the Lamar River... Full story

  • Dodson News for August 27, 2014

    Eldora Henry, PCN Correspondent|Aug 27, 2014

    Polly Solberg rode to Great Falls with Tim and Vivian Bruckner for a few days’ vacation because of the rain. As it was clear across the county (and farther) it rained a shower on Wednesday and again Wednesday night. Then it started raining Thursday afternoon and rained steadily Thursday night, Friday, Friday night, Saturday and Saturday night, and Sunday on and off till Sunday evening. Water was standing everywhere, even just standing in the grass. Although Monday is not sunshine, the sky is l... Full story

  • Whitewater News for the Week of August 27, 2014

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Aug 27, 2014

    There was a meeting at the White water Post Office led by a Federal employee. The Post Office may be closed one hour earlier. Patty Young is Postmaster. Thank you to Pat Murdoch for writing the North Whitewater News, or, as it used to be known, Plainsview News. This is good as I don’t get much news from there. Linda Berg and Sister Laura went to Billings for appointments. They stayed with Janet Brown – my sister. Welcome to new residents who moved into Steve Young’s house! I have not met them ye... Full story

  • Plainsview News for August 27, 2014

    Pat Murdock, PCN Correspondent|Aug 27, 2014

    Debbie, Mike, Jo Ann, Howie Hammond and Patty Young recently were in Havre and attended a Dees Family Reunion. The Hammond children’s mother, Ella, was a Dees before she married Howard Hammond Sr. Jeanie Green made a visit to the Dunbar and Murdock ranches one day last week.... Full story

  • Golf a Sport?

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Aug 27, 2014

    What really makes a social gathering, a sport? The biggest thing up for debate seems to be cheer leading. But I’ve found that there are many topics up for debate. For instance, it came to my attention that many students don’t think of golf as a sport. Others don’t even see track and field as a sport. While many people have made valid points for both sides, I believe that both of the aforementioned are indeed sports. Take cheer leading for example. Many of the choreographed movements require skil... Full story

  • Classified Ads for August 27, 2014

    Aug 27, 2014

    Help Wanted Child Protection Specialist, #03475. DPHHS, Malta. Salary $16.68-$20.85/hrly. Open until filled. For details visit Job Service or EEO. HELP WANTED – Phillips County Museum is seeking a Curator. This is a 40 hour per week position for 9 months and 8-10 hours per week in the off season. Salary depends on experience. Duties will include coordinating and executing the activities of the Phillips County Museum and will assist with the H. G. Robinson House maintenance and upkeep. This position requires being p... Full story

  • Public Notices for week of August 27, 2014

    Aug 27, 2014

    EDWARD A. AMESTOY. Cole, Amestoy & O'Brien, PLLP P.O. Box 1280 113 South 2nd treet West Malta, Montana 59538 Phone: ( 406) 654-2541 Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF PHILLIPS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LARRY G. WESTON, DECEASED. Probate No. DP-14-21 NOTICE T0 CREDlTORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four... Full story

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