One Nation, Under God

Articles from the July 5, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 28

  • Drought in Northeastern Montana draws 1988 comparisons

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Jul 5, 2017

    The NOAA National Weather Service gave their monthly Weather-Ready Briefing last Tuesday and the news for most in Phillips County is bleak. "There is really no good news coming out of Northeast Montana at this point," said Patrick Gilchrist of NOAA National Weather Service in Glasgow. "We have been so dry and since May the precipitation has just shut off." On Monday, June 19, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock issued an executive order declaring 19 counties in Montana, including Phillips County, are in...

  • July Fire 45-percent contained, estimated containment date set for Friday

    Jul 5, 2017

    Crews working the 'July Fire' near Zortman and Landusky are calling yesterday's efforts to extinguish the blaze "very successful" according to the Sunday morning incident report ( Cloud cover helped to dampen fire behavior and allowed crews to begin constructing contingency fire line north of the fire, the report states. Contingency lines are being put in place as an extra protection measure between the fire and the town of Hays. Aerial resources dropped... Full story

  • Tova Anderson claims KMMR Talent Show title

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Jul 5, 2017

    The eastern portion of the Hi-Line was well represented at the annual KMMR Talent show on Friday as Malta's Tova Anderson took home the first place prize while second place went to a Hinsdale singer and third to a Glasgow duo. The two songs Anderson sang on the night were House of the Rising Sun by the Animals and Eric Burdon and Sir Elton John's Bennie and the Jets. "That's stuff from when I was young," Talent Show host Greg Kielb quipped. Last year at the Talent Show, Anderson tied for first p...

  • Macbeth visits Phillips County Courthouse

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Jul 5, 2017

    Automobiles lines the entire block around the Phillips County Courthouse and nearly 200 people set up lawn chairs and laid down blankets last Thursday night to enjoy Montana Shakespeare in the Park's performance of Macbeth. Thanks to local show coordinators Anna LaBrie and The Shrew Crew, the traveling performance troupe made their yearly trip to Malta in the midst of their 45th season of bringing outdoor theater to Montana. The show in Phillips County was number 12 of the nearly 80 the group...

  • Malta City Council Meeting Recap

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Jul 5, 2017

    There were a few reports of construction miscues at last Tuesday’s Malta City Council meeting including new work that would need to be torn up and replaced and an incident which left one Malta resident admittedly a little hot under the collar. “I got up to walk my dog yesterday morning at a quarter after seven and my blood pressure went to 300 over 995, I believe,” Linda Mingneau said. “They were pulling my Mugo Pine out into the street and I probably didn’t use very lady-like language.” The “they” Mingneau was referring to was Helena Sand and...

  • Memories for July 5, 2017

    Mark Hebert, Publisher|Jul 5, 2017

    1 years ago July 5, 1917 The past week has been a record breaker as far as car accidents were concerned with a total of five accidents taking place. One group of Canadians in a Ford car went into the ditch when traveling "at least 35 miles an hour." It may be that those good old days have returned with the new state speed limit of 40 miles an hour. ▼▼▼ "The Sunset Princess," a movie produced in Malta and the Little Rockies by the Great Western Film Company, featuring Wallace Coburn, was schedu...

  • Be prepared for fire danger

    Marc Kloker, Montana FWP|Jul 5, 2017

    With hot, dry weather bearing down on Montana, campers, hikers and anglers need to be prepared to prevent wildfires statewide. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks reminds everyone who plans to be outdoors to be cautious of fire danger on public and private lands. "If you're planning to hike, camp, or fish use caution this summer," said Laurie Wolf, FWP's spokeswoman in Helena. "Above all be careful with fire and be prepared to prevent wildfires." FWP offers these tips to help prevent wildfire: Carry in vehicles a shovel, bucket, axe, and, if...

  • FSA News and Announcements

    Russell Snedigar, FSA|Jul 5, 2017

    Upcoming FSA Crop Certification Deadline July 17, 2017 In order to comply with FSA program eligibility requirements, all producers, including livestock producers, are encouraged to visit their local FSA office to file an accurate crop certification report by the applicable deadline. July 17, 2017 Acreage Reporting Deadline for Spring Seeded Alfalfa Seed, Forage Seeding, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and all Spring-Seeded Crops. July 16, 2017 CRP - Summer/Fall Grazing and Haying Begins. Conservation Reserve Program Summer/Fall Managed...

  • These exciting times

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoor Columnist|Jul 5, 2017

    These are exciting times in which we live. Instead of simply wishing for the good old days, we’re bringing them back -- doing away with onerous environmental safeguards and returning national monuments to just plain old land. Heck, soon we’ll be able to hunt grizzly bears again. Those folks clamoring for more logging and mineral extraction may even get their wish. And really, why look ahead when the past was so promising? Let’s disregard that foolish talk about climate change, accept the fact th...

  • A lot has changed since 22

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Jul 5, 2017

    Before the 2017 Gospel Jamboree, I did not think I could have anything in common with anyone in the Bluegrass community. Boy, was I wrong. From a musical aspect, I had never played Bluegrass music but I could relate to a few aspects of being a Christian traveling musician. My wife and I had a conversation with a young 22-year-old from one of the groups. This young lady had a desire to be in a marital relation one day. Even from a young age both Susan and I could relate to wanted to be with a...

  • Public asked to attend Drug Problem Community Awareness Presentation

    Jul 5, 2017

    Phillips County Coalition for Healthy Choices and Phillips County Law Enforcement has invited the Tri-Agency Task Force to Malta to show a Community Awareness Presentation on Monday, July 10th, at 6 p.m in the Phillips County Library Basement Meeting Room. Residents will learn about current drug trends and the precursors to look for and discuss possible solutions for problems in the community. For more information, please contact the Phillips County Coalition for Healthy Choices at 654-2378 or Phillips County Sheriff’s Office at 6...

  • Whitewater News for July 5, 2017

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Jul 5, 2017

    Again, Sympathy to Hills on their loss after a recent car accident. Our prayers are with them. The Wisher family have had much activity. Congratulations to Jana W., who graduated from high school from Baptist School in Florida! She took online classes on the internet! Congratulations! Connie Wisher went to Lithuania! She is on a “mission” with the Baptist Church Missions! Lithuania is close to Russia? Sammie is at home yet. She will be an “only child” when Jana goes to camp soon. The Scheffelmea...

  • PC Museum News for 7.5.17

    Lori Taylor, PC Museum Curator|Jul 5, 2017

    Happy Fourth of July. Again, Cole, Mont., is the topic for this week. In 1935, the town of Cole celebrated our nation’s birth with a rodeo. Frank Martin reported news on the rodeo and he remembers it being clear and hot. (Some things never change!) Events were similar to today, saddle bronc, bareback, bull riding, and calf roping. Although Frank reported that the cattle never showed up for the calf roping so his entry money was returned. Other noteworthy events were a bad bronc that went over backwards, a bronc that bucked along a fence and r...

  • Briefly for July 5, 2017

    Jul 5, 2017

    Malta Senior Meals Thursday, July 6th - Pulled pork sandwich Friday, July 7th - Fish n chips Tuesday, July 11th - Chicken & biscuits Do you have a birthday in July? Be sure to sign up for a 10 meal certificate for July when you sign in for dinner. You could be the winner. Meals on Wheels The GN has gotten the Meals on Wheels contract for the 2017-18 fiscal year. Congregate meals served at the GN will remain at $4 per meal. Houlie's Memorial Golf Tournament 5-11. Houlie's Memorial Golf Tournament registration deadline is Tuesday, July 11 at 6... Full story

  • Phillips County Sheriff's Report for July 5, 2017

    P.C. Sheriffs Office|Jul 5, 2017

    Please remember to file a new burn permit for the 2017 year. If you plan on doing any burning in 2017, please file one BEFORE you start to burn. These permits are good for all of 2017 and you only have to file one a year, not every time you burn. All 2016 permits will no longer be valid after December 31, 2016. Thank you! Please be advised the Phillips Co Sheriff’s Office is no longer doing GVW Term or Trip permits. These are the yearly and 3-day permits for the over-width/height/weight that most semi trucks and trailers need. You can access t...

  • Shyla Gairett recipient of local chapter grant

    Jul 5, 2017

    The Alpha Zeta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society announces its recruitment grant recipient for 2017 is Shyla Gairett. Shyla is a graduate of Saco High School, and is attending MSU Billings. She will graduate in December 2018 with a double major in elementary education and special education. Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is an organization that promotes positive and professional growth in women educators and excellence in education. The local Alpha Zeta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma...

  • 2017 Crop Tour Start July 17

    Jul 5, 2017

    The annual Phillips County Crop Tour will be starting Monday, July 17 in Loring at the Pete Lumsden Farm at 5 p.m. The Havre Experiment Station, under the direction of Peggy Lamb, Agronomist will discuss the economic and agronomic traits of spring wheats and durum varieties. The meal will be hosted by First Security Bank. The crop tour will continue Tuesday, July 18, at 5 p.m. with MSU Phillips County Extension Agent Marko Manoukian at the Mortensen Farm north of Wagner, First State Bank will host the meal. On Wednesday, July 19,at the...

  • Hi-Line retirement's 100 Club has successful beginning

    Jul 5, 2017

    Due to the generosity of Phillips County residents, the One Hundred Club now has over 100 members. The Hi-Line Retirement Center Fund Raising Committee is happy to report the membership of the One Hundred Club is: 82 members donating $100; 11 silver memberships donating $250; 9 gold memberships donating $500; and several other donations which total $1772. With a total of $17,222 donated so far this year, half will be invested to begin an endowment and half will be used for much needed equipment for the retirement center. This ongoing project is... Full story

  • Legal ads for July 5, 2017

    Jul 5, 2017

    The Malta Irrigation District has a tentative date for demossing of Monday, June 26th and expects to be completed by July 8th. Dates are subject to change. Please contact the Malta Irrigation office at 654-1440 for any questions. (Published by Phillips County News 06/21, 06/28, 07/05/2017) MNAXLP PUBLIC HEARING The Phillips Conservation District will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at the USDA Conference Room, 1120 Hwy 191 S., Malta, Montana. The purpose of the public hearing will be to review the conservation...

  • Little M-ette Volleyball Camp

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Jul 5, 2017

    The 2017 Little M-ette Volleyball Camp featured over thirty campers who focused on the fundamentals of the game last Monday, June 26 through Wednesday, June 27. "Camp was really great," M-ette Co-Coach Kalli Reintjes said. "We had a really good turnout and we had a large amount of high school students that helped out this week, so they got a lot of one on one with high schoolers." Current M-ettes at the event were Ella Schye, Kloie Marks, Sam Mitchell, Janessa Malmend, Macy Knudsen, Raina...

  • Mother vs. Daughter

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Jul 5, 2017

    A dozen moms found out the hard way that their little girls have grown into competitive athletes on the softball field. The Girls team bested the Moms in walk off fashion last Tuesday, June 27 at Trafton Park as Anna Harms smashed a triple down left field that batted in Danika Wilke who had previously reached first base on an error. “We did good,” Harms said. “We beat them by one off of my hit.” Harms believed that their defensive stops in the late innings were the key to their win. “A lot...

  • Malta Swim Meet

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Jul 5, 2017

    The Malta Swim team hosted its annual meet at the City Pool last Saturday, July 1 through Sunday, July 2 as scorching 90 degree heat kept many spectators in the shade. Malta had a few first place finishers including a pair of their senior women who are in their final season with the team. Shay Garfield graduated from Malta High School last May and she was able to win her favorite event the 100 meter breaststroke. Her victory comes despite missing time in the water. She shared how she did it....

  • Golf event for MAC on Saturday

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Jul 5, 2017

    Marian Hills will be host to the 1st Annual Malta Athletic Club Golf Tournament on Saturday, July 8. “All of the funds and proceeds minus the expenses we have for prizes and expenses to the Tin Cup will go right to the Malta Athletic Club,” Dean Yeadon of the Malta Athletic Club told the PCN. The event gives golfers a chance to help the local youth in their sporting endeavors. “It’s just a way to raise some money to put in the bank so we can donate and give back to the youth of Malta and hel...

  • MLB grand tour

    Pierre Bibbs, Sports Editor|Jul 5, 2017

    Jerry Benge of Malta completed a course that few have ever even tried to do. He has visited all 30 Major League Baseball Ball Parks as of last May after visiting Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Having gone to several different ballparks out west since experiencing his first Rangers game in July of 1985, Benge came up with the idea of seeing each active ballpark in 2012. Growing up a couple of hours from Arlington, he caught his first Rangers game when he was ten. He became a life-long fan of the...

  • 'July Fire" near Zortman at 400 acres

    Jul 5, 2017

    At approximately 4:30 p.m. yesterday (July 3), Wildland Firefighters were called to what is being dubbed the "July Fire" located 1 mile southwest of Zortman in Phillips County. According to Montana Bureau of Land Management, crews from BLM, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Montana Department of Natural Resources, and Phillips County are responding with 11 engines, 1 water tender, 1 Jump Plane (with 8 Smoke Jumpers), 1 Lead Plane, 4 Single Engine Air... Full story

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