One Nation, Under God

Articles from the June 15, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 36

  • Skatepark grand opening slated for June 26

    Mark Hebert, Editor|Jun 15, 2016

    Last April a group of dedicated Phillips County organizations and individuals frantically took the necessary steps to ensure a skatepark would be built in Malta. On Sunday, June 26, just three months later, the skatepark at Hill Crest will be officially dedicated with a special guest on hand for the ribbon cutting. "That Saturday, Jeff Ament is going to be in Big Sandy (Montana) for their Annual Skate Jam," said Ashley Stuart, Executive Director of PhillCo Economic Growth Council. "So he is...

  • Carnahan, Lang and Knudsen win Republican Primaries

    Mark Hebert, Editor|Jun 15, 2016

    While voter turnout for the 2016 Primary election last Tuesday across the State of Montana was somewhat underwhelming at just under 45-percent, Phillips County voters showed at the polls at nearly 63-percent, no surprise to the County Clerk and Recorder. "That was wonderful," said Phillips County Clerk and Recorder Marian Ereaux. "Phillips County seems to be a more attentive group of voters. Maybe it is more important to us, I don't know." In the primary for United States President, Republican...

  • Freedom Mural gets new look in Malta

    Mark Hebert, Editor|Jun 15, 2016

    A group of art students from Malta High School, under the tutelage of art teacher Anna LaBrie, are currently in the midst of painting a new "Freedom Mural" near the underpass on Highway 191/South Central Ave in Malta. Last Thursday afternoon, LaBrie and Malta High School student Daphne Johnson braved the rainy weather as they painted the mural's new design. "The rain hasn't been too bad, but you can see where it sort of made some of the black paint run," said LaBrie. The black paint in question...

  • Phillips County Celebrates Memorial Day

    Sarah Osmundson, PCN Reporter|Jun 15, 2016

    The May 30, 2016 Memorial Day was a success in Malta. Three events were held and enjoyed by many with thanks to the American Legion Auxiliary who sponsored the parade and BBQ, the American Legion who cooked for the BBQ, and the American Legion and VFW who sponsored the Veteran's Park Ceremony. Charlie Stevens (Sons of the American Legion), was the parade Marshall. The parade consisted of several merchant and individual floats, flag carrying horse riders, kids on bikes, and community service...

  • Catch mo' fish than you

    Parker Heinlein, Outdoor Columnist|Jun 15, 2016

    There’s a line from Taj Mahal’s song Fishing’ Blues that courses through my head every time Barb and I go fishing. Bet yo’ life, yo’ sweet wife’s gonna catch mo’ fish than you. She usually does. And I’m fine with it. It’s only when she tilts the scale in her favor that we have an issue. And that only happens, it seems, with exceptional fish. When Barb and I first got together she told me a story about fishing with her brother on Hebgen Lake when they were kids. Barb hooked a large trout and h...

  • Second chance from Velma Jane

    Jimmy Reed, Columnist|Jun 15, 2016

    That woman despised me for returning my date to the girls’ dormitory after curfew. She even went so far as to write me a sarcastic note stating I was no longer allowed to enter the dormitory, and if a co-ed living in Quigley Hall would stoop so low as to go out with me, I would have to send another man to fetch her, someone whose conduct was “more becoming of a gentleman of the University of Mississippi.” Her name was Velma Jane Battenbaum. We called her V.J. Battle-axe. She never moved from her station at the reception desk, and whene...

  • I thought it was just a myth

    Jun 15, 2016

    I sold my soul to the local dish company the other day. That should come as no surprise after my great disdain for the local cable TV provider. Going from only having five channels to close to 200 has given me something new to do with my self-diagnosed attention deficit disorder. Having a four year hiatus from satellite television has allowed the network to come up with some great television. I have been recording nearly every show that sounds interesting to me, my wife or even PJ. The only sad thing is that PJ has gone from wanting to go...

  • Phillips County Museum News for June 15, 2016

    Lori Taylor, PC Museum Curator|Jun 15, 2016

    The world is indeed small at times. A family recently visited the PC Museum and were astounded to find their grandfather’s picture in a display case! Gabriel Dumont was a military Commander of the Metis during the North West Rebellion of 1885. As an integral part of the story/display we have in the Museum his picture was featured. His grandson and great grandson were thrilled the Metis story was being told but had no expectations their grandfather's picture would be in the display case of the museum in Malta. What a great experience not only f...

  • Dodson News for June 15, 2016

    Jun 15, 2016

    Edward and Polly Solberg met the train on Monday as Nathan, Libby, Devon, and Elisa, (exchange student from Finland) came from Ismay to catch the train going to Glacier Park. They returned on Thursday. Polly Solberg went to Hogeland on Saturday to attend a baby shower for Ellie Grace Guzman, infant daughter of Mike and Sherri Guzman. Her grandparents are Bruce and Sharon Goodrich of Hogeland. Well, the primary election is over—now just five more months of listening to politicians -- some good--some bad. We have been having some wild and quite s...

  • Whitewater Rural News for June 15, 2016

    Pat Murdock, PCN Correspondent|Jun 15, 2016

    Ree Simonson’s recent visitors were relatives of Sy Simonson (brother of S.A.) from Washington State. Bruce Hill, local artist, took part in the Art in the Park art show last weekend. He specializes in Indian portraits and Western scenes. The Haynes, Ozark and Beil families from Saco came to wish Grandpa Jim a happy birthday on June 2 and also Jim and Pat’s 62nd Anniversary! Carly Carlson, daughter of Kathleen and Charlie Carlson, and a four-year-old Alayna, Carly’s girl from Kadoka, S.D., and Grandma Margie Olson, Kate and Gordon Webb were...

  • Whitewater News for June 15, 2016

    Helen Austin, PCN Correspondent|Jun 15, 2016

    News flash – Hillary Clinton is the first woman to secure the Presidential nomination! A real historic event, especially to democrats! Congratulations Hillary! Good luck! Congratulations to Jett and Brie Anderson on the birth of their new baby boy. He has a big brother. Steve Schumacher preached at Whitewater Lutheran Church on Sunday. There were people from Wisconsin eating at the North 40 and staying in Whitewater. The Andersons and Hellies have baby calves to raise on bottles. They are c...

  • Birth Announcements for the week of June 15, 2016: KaiLynne Rilley Knoll & Dannylinn Kae Haynes

    Jun 15, 2016

    KaiLynne Rilley Knoll Rachel Drabbs and George Knoll of Malta, Mont., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, KaiLynne Rilley Knoll, on June 4, 2016 at 11:38 a.m. at Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital. KaiLynne weighs eight pounds and one ounce and is 19 ¾ inches long. KaiLynne’s maternal grandparents are Frank and Khristi Drabbs of Malta. Maternal great grandparents are Mavis Grabofsky of Malta and Rick and Boonie Tuttle of Columbia Falls. KaiLynne’s paternal grandparents are Deborah Ingle of Tulsa, Okla., and George B. Knoll II of R...

  • Death Notice: Vernon C. Parker

    Jun 15, 2016

    Vernon C. Parker, 92, passed away on Saturday, June 4, 2016, of natural causes at Northern Montana Care Center. Cremation has taken place, and he will be buried in Minnesota. Holland & Bonine Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Please visit Vernon's online memorial page and leave a message of condolence for his family

  • Briefly for the week of JUne 15, 2016

    Jun 15, 2016

    Malta Senior Meals Thursday, June 16th - Sloppy joes Friday, June 17th - Hot turkey sandwich Tuesday, June 21st - Roast beef Got a June birthday - sign up for the 10 meal certificate for June - you could be the winner. Reading time at the HLRC Hi-Line Retirement Center is starting up a new summer time reading activity. Starting in June every Tuesday at 10 a.m. we would like to invite all preschool aged children to come up for Kids Korner. Our residents will be reading to the children of this wonderful community. Grace Fellowship Summer Hours... Full story

  • Shakespeare in the Park hits Malta June 30

    Jun 15, 2016

    Montana Shakespeare in the Parks will perform William Shakespeare’s “Richard III” and “The Comedy of Errors” during its upcoming summer tour of 61 communities throughout Montana, northern Wyoming, eastern Idaho, western North Dakota and eastern Washington including a Malta performance on Thursday, June 30 at 6:30 at the Phillips County Courthouse lawn. The company features 10 professional actors selected from national auditions who tour without technical assistance to bring live theatre to mostly rural communities. This summer, 66 percent o...

  • CMR NWR Working Group Meeting June 23

    Jun 15, 2016

    The Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (CMR NWR) Community Working Group will meet on June 23rd in Circle at the McCone County Fairgrounds from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Join us as we finalize our work plan for the group in 2016 followed by updates on the Montana Sage Grouse Conservation Plan, the CMR CWG’s Conservation Menu, and potential research projects in the area. Lunch is available for a small fee. The public is encouraged to attend and provide input as the group seeks to influence the vitality and sustainability of the six-county r...

  • #PCLifestyle campaign showcases hometown pride

    Dina Meneely, Malta Chamber|Jun 15, 2016

    Phillips County and the Malta area is a place with big skies, big spaces, big ideas and big fun! The Chamber of Commerce and the Malta Merchants committee want to showcase why we are proud to be a part of this area and how we Live Life Large! We are calling this initiative PCLifestyle. Over the next months, you will see articles and videos that showcase your neighbors, talking about why they love Phillips County (PC) and why this place is so special. We want to show you and others the great style of living we have here in Phillips County, our...

  • How does 50x12=1million? Do the math

    Dina Meneely, Malta Merchants|Jun 15, 2016

    This may be making our math teachers cringe, but let me explain how 50x12 can equal one million. We each have the choice to spend our money locally or out of town. You’ve heard us at the Chamber and Malta Merchants beat the drum of Shop Local for years, but what does it really mean? What does it matter if you get your haircut out of town, or buy those groceries online? Let’s say each one of us who is of working age would make a conscious effort to take $50 of their cur-rent monthly budget and spend it locally. This is not spending an add...

  • Card News for June 15, 2016

    Jun 15, 2016

    Whist On Tuesday, June 7, Harvey Smith took first place with a score of 48, followed closely by Malcolm Clouse who took second place with a total of 42. The traveling prize was awarded to Shirley Jones. Pinochle On Thursday, June 9, first place was earned by Kevin Stevens who netted a score of 5,720. Second place went to Dustin Perry who scored 5,370 and the traveling prize was awarded to both Von Holzhey and Shirley Jones. Hi-Line Whist On Tuesday, June 7, the teams of Pearl and Curt and Carla and LeRoy split the two games they played, 15-7...

  • Malta News for June 15, 2016

    Sarah Osmundson, PCN Reporter|Jun 15, 2016

    Heather Mavencamp graduated from Montana Tech on May 14, 2016 with a Bachelor of Science Nursing degree with highest honors. She is employed by Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital in Glasgow. Heather is the daughter of Karl and Angelia Mavencamp and the granddaughter of Bud and Wilma Mavencamp and Noel and Sharon Emond all of Malta....

  • Memories for the Week of June 15, 2016

    Mark Hebert, Editor|Jun 15, 2016

    Week 3 Memos 100 years ago June 15, 1916 Church to be dedicated The new Calvary United Brethren of Malta, will be dedicated Sunday, June 25, by Bishop H. H. Fout of Indianapolis. The all day program includes dinner and a special Children's Day program in the afternoon. Freewater News John Schempp had a pair of young eagles as pets. They have good appetites and it keeps him busy foraging for them. George Morgan, who was the blacksmith at Phillips last year, passed here on Monday pulling a hand ca...

  • County Commissioner Robinson receives the Dale Sowards Award

    Harold Blattie, MACo Executive Director|Jun 15, 2016

    Lesley Robinson, Phillips County Commissioner was awarded the Dale Sowards Award at the National Association of Counties Western Interstate Region meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyo. The Dale Sowards Award is to recognize individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service to public lands counties and to draw attention to the individual's accomplishments and the public policies they represent. The award was named after former Conejos County, CO, Commissioner Dale Sowards, who was instrumental in...

  • Saco News for the week of June 15, 2016

    Jun 15, 2016

    Channing Mavencamp of Saco was the recipient of the Glasgow Elks Lodge #1922 Scholarship for $500. The Glasgow Elks Lodge #1922 presented nine graduating seniors from local areas with scholarships this year. Zak Peterson, representing the Glasgow Elks Lodge #1922, presented Mavencamp with the scholarship. Selection is based on academic achievement, leadership ability, school and community participation and personal attributes. Channing Mavencamp is the son of Charles and Nicol Mavencamp of Saco. Mavencamp will be attending MSU Northern in...

  • Classified Ads for June 15, 2016

    Jun 15, 2016

    FOR SALE FOR SALE: 50 pound bags Coarse Softener Salt. CHS Big Sky, 246 Industrial Road, Malta, 654-2022. FOR SALE: Jacuzzi pumps, water softeners & water softener salt. Call Farmers & Ranchers 654-1412. HELP WANTED Position: Malta Elementary Playground Aide Hours: One hour per day. Wage: DOE. Deadline: Available until filled. Start Date: August 17, 2016. To Apply: Application may be picked up at the District Office or at Contact: Tad Schye, Principal, Malta Elementary School, 406-654-2320.   Malta Opportunities, Inc. MOI h...

  • Legal Ads for June 15, 2016

    Jun 15, 2016

    NOTICE OF GARBAGE RATE INCREASE AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on May 24, 2016, the City Council (the “Council”) of the City of Malta, Montana (the “City”), adopted a Resolution of Intention of the City of Malta, Montana to increase the garbage rates. The City of Malta is proposing to increase garbage rates by $84.00 a year per unit or approximately $7.00 a month per unit. The City currently charges $220.00 per year per unit or $18.34 per month per unit. The proposed increased rate will be $304.00 per year per unit or $25.34...

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