One Nation, Under God

Articles written by marko manoukian

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  • How Nelson Reservoir got it's name

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Apr 14, 2021

    A man named H.H. Nelson who in 1904 had property by Vandalia, between Glasgow and Hinsdale, along the Milk River, and with some other landowners from the Glasgow area formed the Lower Milk River Users Association. Their vision was getting water (liquid gold) from the proposed reservoir west of Saco to Valley County. They spent two years convincing Congress and Teddy Roosevelt for funds to develop the project. "Mr. Heindrick Hans (H.H.) Nelson was born in Denmark, moved with his mother to...

  • Drought impacts on crops and livestock discussed

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Apr 7, 2021

    While the wind has been atrocious in March the moisture was scarce. You can say that from about July of 2020 to today, total moisture is significantly low. The drought conditions and the potential continuation of lower than normal moisture in the future was the discussion at the Great Northern Wednesday March 31, 2020. Extension Agent Marko Manoukian recently took 20 soil moisture samples with the Paul Brown (developed by Dr. Paul Brown Soil Spiciest with Montana State University in 1981) probe...

  • Livestock drought mitigation meeting

    Marko Manoukian, P. C. Extension Agent|Mar 24, 2021

    The Phillips County Extension office will be hosting a drought mitigation meeting March 31 at 1 pm at the Great Northern Lodge room. Dr. Megan Van Emon, Montana State University Beef Specialist, will be discussing management strategies and trigger dates as well as the impact drought can have on reproductive success for beef cattle. Resources will be provided to help create a drought management plan for your operation. While we can’t make it rain maybe with some planning, we can mitigate the l...

  • Small grain variety update and variety selection tools

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Mar 3, 2021

    On March 11 at 2 pm Dr. Kent McVey, Montana State University Cropping Specialist will be discussing new varieties that are becoming available and variety selection tool pages on the internet. Dr. McVey has included a section on sawfly and winter kill (for winter wheat). Dr. McVey will be presenting by zoom. Dr. Jason Cook, Montana Stata University Spring Wheat Breeder will discuss the spring wheat breeding program. The meeting will be held in the basement meeting room. For further information...

  • Schumacher Livestock Day

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Feb 24, 2021

    Twenty livestock producers were able to avoid frozen livestock waterers and got their chores done in time to hear from agriculture industry specialist. "With the cold weather I knew it was going to be tough for people to get a way, but those in attendance had a great meal and great information," Phillips County Extension Agent Marko Manoukian said. Starting off was Dr. Megan Van Emond discussing nutrient requirement of cows and heifers in the last 1/3 of pregnancy and post calving. Cow nutrient...

  • Schumacher Memorial Livestock Day Scheduled for February 10

    Marko Manoukian|Jan 27, 2021

    The annual Jim Schumacher Memorial Livestock will be held February 10, 2021 at the Pavilion. The list of programs are as follows: 10:00 am Dr. Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension Beef Specialist will discuss feed the cow and heifer during the last trimester and post calving. With a more normal dry July and August and an influx of millions of grasshoppers may have left pastures and cows in tougher condition than normal. Calf growth in the last trimester represent 70% of the fetus growth. Dr. Van Emon w...

  • Crop Seminar offered at the Phillips County Extension Office Jan. 21

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Jan 13, 2021

    On Thursday, January 21, at 2pm the following program will be offered. Pre-registration is required. You can participate in person at the Extension Office or remotely by Zoom. Space is limited so call 406-654-2543 to participate. Deadline for participation is January 19, 2021. 2021 Crop Seminar Phillips County Private pesticide applicators can receive 2 recertification credits for attending. Presentation Title: “Healthy Crops from Foot to Head: Management strategies to prevent root and crown r...

  • State Nursery has trees and Shrubs

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Jan 6, 2021

    Many farmsteads may have lost trees or shrubs in their shelterbelt in 2020. The State Nursery has an online catalog and order form. The Extension office can assist with species selection for our area and help complete the order form. It does look like some selections are limited so ordering early is recommended. If you order through the Extension Office, the order will come in mid-April of 2021. The state...

  • MSU Extension to offer two new online programs starting in January 2021

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Jan 6, 2021

    MontGuide Mondays discussions beginning January 4, 2021 MontGuide Mondays will run 10 to 11 a.m. Mondays in January and February via WebEx. Sessions will be hosted by Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist and several Extension agents. The sessions will run like a book club, where participants will read a MontGuide and take part in a virtual discussion. Participants can ask Goetting and the co-host county agents questions about the MontGuide or just listen and learn....

  • Grasshopper outlook for 2021 is ominous

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Dec 9, 2020

    The Extension Office will be having a Grasshopper meeting in the library basement on December 8 at 12:30 pm. There is a limit of 25 people and mask will be required at the meeting. Please contact the Extension Office if you plan to attend in person. The program will also be available by zoom. Contac the office if you want the link to the meeting by zoom. The grasshopper outlook for 2021 for Montana looks to be very tough for agriculture. Currently, USDA APHIS is predicting 16.5 million acres in...

  • Tester provides support but no clear path for funding St. Mary/Milk River project

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Sep 23, 2020

    On September 4 the St Mary Working Rehabilitation Working Group (SMRWG) had a conference call with Senator Tester regarding funding for the irrigation project. Tester repeatedly commented that he is willing to push whatever the irrigators need legislatively. Tester noted that the Joint Board of Control (JBC) in coordination with the state of Montana and the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) have provided funding of repairs to Drops 2 and 5. The focus is now on larger cost items such as diversion dams...

  • Phillips County Crop Tour starts at the Mortenson Farm next Monday

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Jul 15, 2020

    The Phillips County Crop Tours will be held beginning on Monday, July 20 at the Mortenson Farm north of Wagner starting at 5 p.m., with First State Bank hosting. Tuesday, July 21, the tour will be at the Mavencamp farm east on Highway 2, with CHS/Independence Bank hosting. The final tour will be Wednesday, July 22, at the Sunford Farm at the farmhouse. From Highway 2 turn north on White Road, east of Saco, with Saco Dehy hosting. Pesticide points for the crop tour have been requested. Dr. Tim...

  • Phillips County Livestock Association to hold predator meeting

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Jun 3, 2020

    The Phillips County Livestock Association will be holding a predator control district meeting June 10 at 2 pm in the library basement. There have been many credible sightings of wolves, as many as five in south Phillips County. The Association will dedicate the spring meeting to discussions of wolf control and establishing a predator control district. The list of speakers will be presenting information via Zoom. George Edwards – Montana Livestock Loss Board, How livestock loss compensation w...

  • Collapse of drop 5 structure of the St. Mary Diversion causes water transfers to cease

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|May 27, 2020

    On Sunday May 17, the Drop 5 structure collapsed due to its significant age of 104 years old. Since being organized in 2003 by then Lt. Governor Karl Ohs, the 16-citizen member of the St. Mary Rehabilitation Working Group have been regularly meeting to engage congressional and state leaders to start repairing the system before it suffered catastrophic failure. The US irrigation project irrigates 140,000 acres, serves as a water source for 18,000 people and produces enough food for 1 million...

  • Flax Production

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Mar 25, 2020

    Producers looking to grow flax as part of the 2020 crop year may be lured by the price per bushel, $8.25 per BU, 2020 crop brown type Harlem. However, producers should assure seed availability and a contract preferably before growing it or other arrangements for market delivery. Here are some other agronomic considerations producers should be aware of. Flax is an annual plant that is self-pollinating. The seed is produced in a boll or capsule. A complete boll can have 10 seeds, but most bolls...

  • Producers hear concerns for future of livestock industry at Jim Schumacher Memorial Livestock Day

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Mar 4, 2020

    A total of 40 producers listened to four presenters at the annual Jim Schumacher Memorial Livestock Day. Corbitt Wall discussed how the cattle market has evolved from driving herd to market and selling them as only finish cattle pen-side in the stockyards in the 1930s. Currently, we have a feedlot industry in warmer parts of the country. He highlighted that 80% of the cattle are controlled by four major packers and they have control over the price from feedlot to packing plant. This leaves very...

  • Jim Schumacher Memorial Livestock Day Feb. 20

    Marko Manoukian, PC Extension Agent|Jan 29, 2020

    The Jim Schumacher Memorial Livestock Day will be held on Thursday, February 20, 2020 in the Great Northern Lodgeroom. Program will start with the lunch sponsored by the Malta Chamber Commerce and Agriculture. Thank you to the local veterinarians: Dr. Anne Johnson, Dr. Rick Levesque, and Dr. Patty and Dallas Maxwell for the support of this educational program. 11 a.m. - Condition of the cattle industry – Corbitt Wall is a native of eastern New Mexico and west Texas. He is a fourth-generation c...

  • AWR sues to stop flow of St. Mary water for Bull Trout

    Marko Manoukian, P.C. Extension Agent|Nov 6, 2019

    At the last St. Mary Rehabilitation Working Group meeting it was discussed that the Alliance for the Wild Rockies on October 1, 2019 announced a 60-day notice of intent to sue federal agencies over declining bull trout numbers in Glacier National Park. This would essentially stop the flow of water from the St. Mary River into the Milk River, eliminating drinking water for 18,000 people, dry up 120,000 irrigated acres and leaving more than a million people hungry from its production. Since the...

  • Extension Beef Specialist meeting August 7

    Marko Manoukian, P.C. Extension Agent|Jul 31, 2019

    Dr. Carla Sanford, Montana State University Extension Beef Specialist will be in Malta at 4 p.m. in the library basement to discuss Artificial Insemination (AI). Dr. Sanford is the new Extension Beef Specialist with a background in reproductive physiology. She will discuss AI protocols and answer questions producers may have about using AI or having troubles with conception rates....

  • Crop Tour set for July 15 in Phillips

    Marko Manoukian, P.C. Extension Agent|Jul 10, 2019

    This year’s crop tour will be stating July 15, at the Lumsden farm south of Loring. This plot is managed by MSU Northern Research Center and Agronomist Peggy Lamb. In addition, Dr. Alan Dyer, MSU Pathologist will be on hand to discuss disease in small grains. Dr. Dyer will also be at the Tuesday plot at Wagner. Wednesday, the Crop plot will be at the Mavencamp Farm off highway 2 about 5.2 miles east of Malta south of the highway. Dr. Tim Seipel, MSU Crop Herbicide specialist will be at the S...

  • Trees responding to tough winter

    Marko Manoukian, Phillips County Extension Office|Jun 12, 2019

    As residents may be seeing, some trees are just now leafing out. However, others may have died over the winter. It appears the cold temperatures in February has killed some trees or tree limbs. The cold temperatures in March are responsible for the late leafing of trees. Buds were frozen in March causing late leaf out. People may want to take their time in deciding to trim or remove a tree. Give them a little extra time to recover. Also, if you break a branch off and it snaps, it is dead....

  • Winter takes its toll on livestock and dairy production

    Marko Manoukian, Phillips County Extension Office.|Apr 3, 2019

    While many producers in our region battled record cold and snow, for the most part livestock survived the record-breaking weather of February 2019. The same can not be said for dairy and livestock production along the coast and in the mid-west. Only now are estimated beginning to take shape of the impact. For dairy production in Washington, wet cold in February killed 1,600 head of dairy cattle and many more had frozen udders. In South Dakota, Nebraska and Iowa winter snow turned into historic...

  • Annual Jim Schumacher Memorial Livestock Day on February 1

    Marko Manoukian, P.C. Extension Agent|Jan 23, 2019

    The annual Jim Schumacher Memorial Livestock Day will be held Friday, February 1 starting at 11:00 a.m. at the Great Northern Lodge room. The Malta Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture will be hosting the lunch. The following is a list of speakers and times. ○ 11 a.m. Dr. Chris Thomsen will discuss Johne's Disease-history, prevalence, disease progression, and finally diagnostic testing and control measures. He will speak primarily about Johne's Disease as it affects the beef industry. Dr. T...

  • Agriculture Remains Montana's Number One Industry in 2017

    Marko Manoukian, P.C. Extension Agent|Dec 12, 2018

    A comparison of selected Montana industries shows Agriculture continues to outpace all other industry sectors, although most all sectors saw an increase in activity, agriculture decreased in 2017. The 2017 value of crop production decreased to $1.48 billion, a decrease of $501.6 million or 25 percent below 2016. The value of livestock decreased in 2017 to $1.5 billion, down $34.4 million from 2016. When comparing major industrial sectors in Montana, receipts were down compared to a year ago. Agr...

  • Candidates discuss funding crumbling St. Mary/Milk River infrastructure

    Marko Manoukian, P.C. Extension Agent|Oct 24, 2018

    St. Mary Rehabilitation Working Group (SMRWG) held a federal candidate forum by telephone for their October 10, 2018 meeting at Havre City Hall. All four candidates, Kathleen Williams, Matt Rosendale, Greg Gianforte and Jon Tester visited with the group. The candidates had received written information regarding the 100-year old Federal Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) irrigation and water project. Specifically, the Project provides food for more than one million people on an annual basis and water...

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