One Nation, Under God
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What a week! After working at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum on the Fourth of July, Cindy Clark invited me for dinner. It was nice and relaxing. I think the only other people in Loring were the Boschees later on. The town was very quiet. The Lumsdens and Blunts spent several days at Nelson. I spent a lot of time planning for the Kids’ Day activities on Saturday. And when the day came, I feel that it went well! About 70 kids plus parents were enjoying the activities and the movie Jurassic P...
Whitney Blunt has decided to not be the postmaster in Loring anymore. We all wish her the best for the future! Sarah Skubina will be the new mail handler. We welcome her. The gophers are taking over my yard! I have holes everywhere in the lawn and flower bed! They are on the deck even! Buster chases them, but never catches them! Gotta get my .22 out I guess. The milkweed is blooming along the highway. The blossoms are so big this year! I appreciate that the person who is doing the swathing left...
I saw a phenomenon that I haven’t seen before,,,a cloud of pollen from some crested wheatgrass that looked like some dust broiling up. It was amazing. Also, it might be the reason I have my itchy eyes and throat right now. My flycatcher babies have left the nest and are on their own. The momma flycatcher is busy fixing up the nest and laying eggs for the next batch. At senior meals on Wednesday three of the Olsen girls were there. Kerry Kingsley of Glasgow, Kristie, from Crosby, ND, and Carol f...
I noticed that some of the alfalfa fields and grassy prairie have been swathed. The swaths look pretty big. It’ll be so nice to get a bunch of bales for the winter! The wildflowers are prolific and add lots of colors to the prairie! I’ve heard a couple of orioles this past week. It’ll be the summer solstice this week so enjoy the long daylight! Rod Stordahl drove me to Billings on Thursday for a Dermatology appointment. We stayed until Sunday so we could attend Brentton Stordahl’s marriag...
This week has been wonderful with all the special birds I’ve heard and seen! A red-headed Flicker, which is similar to a woodpecker, flew into my trees one day. An oriole was singing away in my Cottonwood tree early one morning along with house wrens, kingbirds, robins, and meadowlarks! Plus, one day in the museum I got to visit with several birders from around the country! My friend Fran left on Friday on her way to visit Gene Compton and then on to Seattle to get on the ferry for the trip t...
Rain! Rain! Rain! What a gorgeous color green! Some reports of 3 inches altogether this last week! The sweet peas and lilacs are blooming, the grass is growing, and the birds are singing! David Stordahl made the trek up to visit. We drove over to Turner Cemetery and stopped at the Turner Bar and Grill. Then we went into Malta to visit relatives there. On Wednesday the Whitewater school held their awards ceremony. Cindy Clark, Carol Lumsden, Patty Pollack, Cassandra Harms, Kelly Wasson and I...
The days are getting longer! Just a part of the cycle around the sun! The goldfinches flew in during the week! I was thankful that I had picked up some sunflower seeds to fill the feeders! They are so brightly colored and their little voices are so cheerful! Also, the flycatchers are busy incubating their eggs! I haven’t checked the number of eggs, but I’m thinking five. The sweet peas are back in abundance also! Big patches of bright yellow all over the hillsides! The smoky skies have been both...
We’ve had a few days of gentle rains this week so the prairie is really greening up! Cindy and I took a drive to a secret spot that grows certain wildflowers and we were not disappointed! The hillsides had plenty of crocus and yellow bells. I’ve seen them as early as April 9, but this year the land was still under snow cover. I then drove a little further and saw some American avocets along with some ducks in a slough! It’s nice to see the water and shorebirds! Our community has been rocke...
Springtime means the return of the songbirds, branding, sorting cows, mowing the yard, and activities like music festival, track meets, recitals, etc. Everett Blunt was in his first recital on Sunday. He was able to play in Nancy Murdock’s group of students even though he takes lessons from Carol Lumsden. I’m sure he performed well! Paige Wasson and Kennedy Simonson were the kids from Loring to compete in the State Music Festival with the Whitewater group. They earned superior ratings and jus...
On Saturday, April 29, excitement was rampant in the tiny town of Loring! The day had arrived to eradicate as many pesky gophers as possible in one day! Kenny Clark heads up the fundraiser for the Loring Volunteer Fire Hall! He has help from many other volunteers! This year was perfect weather wise, Just a little breeze, sunny and springtime warm about 60 degrees. Thirty-seven two-person teams signed up to hunt at $10 per team. At noon the crew fired up the grills for the burgers and onions and...
What a delight to listen to the Whitewater students at the spring concert on Tuesday! The elementary classes sang songs from Broadway and the older students performed their pieces from the district festival! Very fun to listen to! Cindy Clark and I went over to the carnival in Whitewater on Thursday. I played Bingo and visited and had a good time! I won two times! Mylee Clark, Samuel Simonson, and Gracie Wasson were the Loring kids in the track meet in Malta on Saturday. They all did great!...
The potholes in the pastures are full! Still have some snow in the coulees and tree shelter belts. And yet it even continues to snow in small amounts! When I was in Havre last week, I stopped to visit my Aunt Theresa Cowan. She is doing well, misses Tim but working through the broken heart! I’ve seen many motorhomes on their way north! Must mean that the snowbirds are coming back. Cindy Clark and Whitney Blunt were models for the Family Matters/Malta Kids Club Spring fundraiser. They both l...
Nothing quite compares to waking up to the spring birds singing! Lots of robins, meadowlarks, red wing blackbirds just to name a few! The melting snow water has slowed down running through my yard. But still plenty of snow to melt. All the low spots are full, and it makes us all smile! I saw six swans flying north on Friday! Rodney and I spent the weekend in Billings. Rod’s daughter, Saige, was baptized on Sunday. I visited my sister, Debbie, and her son’s family and had supper with Bre...
Last year I whined about missing the song of the Meadowlarks, but I didn’t whine this year, because I knew that they would be later! Well, just in time for Easter, I heard the song of the Meadowlark! I have spotted the Slate-sided Junco, chipping sparrows, a gull, a crow, and many hawks! The snow started melting and there is a little water running through my yard! Cindy Clark was host to her family for Easter dinner. I was honored to be included. As I was visiting with Mylee I commented that B...
Happy April! We had a mini blizzard today. I guess Mother Nature doesn’t want to let go of her power yet! I’m so thankful for the moisture! But the amount of snow up here could cause problems if it melts too fast. Last week I said I saw a snowy owl. This week I saw two snowy owls hunting gophers! It is so easy to capture them with the snow. I usually hear the meadowlark song in March but haven’t seen one or heard one yet. I’ve seen many hawks, a bald eagle, and many little birds that fly in...
I’m not sure how we’ll handle all the moisture when the snow starts to melt! I know I have no say, but melting slowly for a while and then running off into the pits and dams! Whatever happens, it’s ok because we are so thankful to have a white winter this year! I saw a snowy owl last week! The first time this year! I enjoyed the Firefighter’s hamburger/fish fundraiser on Friday! Then I went up to the Event Center to visit and check out the agriculture displays! I haven’t been in a few years so I...
Happy Spring equinox! I spent the weekend in Billings, and I really felt like spring was on the way! There was very little snow to be found. But up here it’s a total white landscape! If we get a slow melt, the water should soak in and provide enough soil moisture to grow the crops! If it melts quickly the ponds would get filled which we need also! Monday morning, I woke up to a very thick fog so according to some people we’ll have a nice rain in 60 days! Or 90 days! A shout-out to Pete Lum...
March 8: I am home! Eleven days in Florida were packed with activities and adventures. My host, Fran Compton, spoiled me rotten! I loved it! First of all, I flew into Fort Myers, stayed overnight, and met Sophia Stiles for breakfast. What a wonderful visit! From there Fran drove to Lake Placid where she lives but first, we stopped at a fresh fruit stand! I couldn’t believe all the delicious fruit and vegetables were displayed! So many kinds! We picked some oranges, bananas, star fruit, b...
Oh, the temps are spring-like! We’ve had a few days with 40 degrees plus, so the snow is melting a little. The banks have a crust of ice and when the sun hits them, the glare is shocking! My driveway is pretty icy so if you come to visit, please be careful! Cindy Clark and I attended the ball game in Whitewater on Friday! It was a full afternoon! Two junior varsity games, boys and girls, senior night, and two varsity games. The Mavericks won the two varsity games over Scobey but lost the JV game...
Mercury is visible in the morning just before sunup! It is so close to the sun that it isn’t visible very much! We had nice weather with thawing for most of the week. Then the arctic cold hit again, with wind! But no new snow. The snow has packed down and is quite slippery. So be careful everyone. Blessings and prayers for Matt Norville as he goes on tour with the National Guard. He deployed on Sunday. Carmen and the girls were in attendance. Cindy Clark was on hand to cheer her granddaughter M...
Day after day of thick fog made some beautiful frost on the trees, but it also made the electric lines heavy and low. The power went out many times in Loring, but just a flash. One day it stayed off for about three hours. We were the lucky people! Lu Besel and I went to Malta on Thursday and did a few things at the museum. It's surprising how long it takes to get the computer up when it hasn't been used in a few months. Cindy and I went in on Tuesday and had lunch with the senior meals at the...
We have had a week of fog and therefore frost! It makes some pretty designs! But it also plays havoc with the power lines. The longest the power was off at my house was 1⁄2 hour. I know that some people were off a lot longer than that. But kudos to the Big Flat crew for finding the problem quickly! I took a chance that the roads were clear on the way to Turner on Monday for Nellie Cedarburg’s funeral. The roads were fine, and the few places that drifted in had a good track that I could fol...
I saw a bald eagle having some venison lunch this week (roadkill). It surprises me how the carrion can be found in very little time. My golden retriever had a date with the groomer this week. He looks so nice with his new do. I’ve had him for almost 3 1⁄2 years now. He loves snow! He just burrows his head into the banks and rolls or just lays in the snowbank. These furry friends sure do keep a person entertained! The weather has been nice for January! Not much wind, no new snow, and tem...
Happy new year, everyone! I hope all of you have the best new year! Lumsdens and Blunts had a snow party on New Year’s Eve day! The Lumsden girls and their families were all here. Pete had the horses hitched up to a sled and everyone enjoyed the rides! It was down at Alberts and if you’ve ever been there, you know how steep the hills are! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw all these little people at the top and sledding down! A big bonfire was going and other than myself and the famil...
Happy new year to all my readers! An Irish blessing says: May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. At least the temperature has gotten warmer! We had some record-breaking cold for the first day of winter! The windchill was -72 for a short time! We have a nice amount of snow, not too much and not too little! Many of the...